Blood packet? Kayfabe? I know you don't like Trump, but do you really believe he is so evil that he would allow an innocent man to be killed to score cheap political points? As for his "perfect salute", I believe President Trump rose from the ground and raised his fist because he is a LEADER who wanted to assure his people that he will continue to fight on.

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A leader would not promote a poison shot that killed a lot of people. He bragged about promoting it. A leader does not betray his supporters.....Jan 6. Where was he?

A leader would have drained the swamp in 10 minutes......

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THE SWAMP IS MILES DEEP AND THE ACTUAL SHADOW GOVT IS LOCATED IN LONDON, CITY OF LONDON AND SWITZERLAND AT THE INTERNATIONAL MAFIA LEVEL. THEY HIDE BEHIND THE DEMONIC U.N NAZI UNIPARTY. The Shadow Govt. is the same group we already fought in the US Revolution and War of 1812 as well as other times not so commonly documented and taught to the U.S population.

Many in our country are indoctrinated with poor education established by Rockefellers mandating HIDING REAL HISTORY. It's necessary for people to begin to expand their foundational knowledge and good place to begin is by reading 'Tragedy and Hope' by Joseph Plummer which is an abridged version of the same title by Carroll Quigley; a whistleblower Fabian/Establishment member. His books help to BEGIN to understand the depth of what we are actually fighting in this time....IT READS FAST.

It's possible to expand the knowledge base from the Bibliography to develop a more viable opinion. Short of a NAZI COUP as the current TREASONOUS INSTALLED INTO D.C. ARE TRYING TO PERPETRATE or a NUKE threatened to drop on any number of War Zones as well as us; there is no way to drain the swamp in 10 min.

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The vax promotion angle, by Trump, is baffling. I cannot square it. Unrestricted warfare and all, that is a lot of collateral damage.

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Without mentioning the Operation's name, it is still clear that globally renowned Belgian virologist and immunologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, UNAMBIGUOUSLY DEFENDED OPERATION WARP SPEED.

"...if you think you are dealing with a virus that has the potential to kill 2/3 of the world population within a very short period of time because it’s a pandemic...nobody...was saying anything because IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY and THE RISK/BENEFIT ANALYSIS WAS VERY CLEARLY IN FAVOR OF ANY MEASURES THAT COULD BE IMPLEMENTED VERY RAPIDLY and to the GLOBAL population (11:10) and...THAT IS WHAT VACCINES CAN DO.


NOW OF COURSE IT’S EASY TO MAKE BIG NOISE and say, ‘Oh, yeah, this has not been done and there were contaminations.’...but, again, THE OVERALL CLIMATE and the overall landscape was the one where EVERYBODY BELIEVED ... WHAT THE W.H.O. AND SOME OTHERS WERE PREDICTING that this could have a huge impact and destroy...lots and lots of...lives...People believed it and then


...And not very many questions asked about the safety and the purity of the vaccines and the limited amount of data, etc.”

Transcribed from

KunstlerCast 398

March 31, 2024


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It was a hoax. There was no virus. It was a scam to sell vaccines to poison the population and cull the herd.

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You clearly neither read the quotations I posted of Dr. Geert vanden Bossche's assessment of Operation Warp Speed nor did you listen to the podcast interview with Dr. vanden Bossche, from which I took timestamps.

You remind me of my late grandmother.

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IKR. The left and the right have TDS.

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I think it childish to use the "TDS" tag. We see he rushed out the Trump shot. Millions have died. We're logical.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

I didn't take the shot, and there are plenty of ways in which Trump was disappointing. But the the bioengineered virus was first patented by Ralph Baric in 2002, and has been further weaponized ever since. Baric and his team announced further patented enhancements so as to infect humans and announced that "the virus is poised for human emergence" in a 2016 published paper, giving thanks to the Wuhan Institute for their help. Baric's work was funded by the U.S. military and Fauci's NIAID, but clearly both the virus and the vaccines were developed long before Trump ever heard about them, and in fact the plandemic was launched in part in an effort to make sure Trump couldn't win in 2020 (though I think without the fraud he would have). Remember too that although he went along with the vaxxes, he kept trying to promote alternatives like hydroxychloroquine and monoclonal antibodies too, much to the ire of Fauci and the mainstream media. He could have done better, but unlike Biden he never forced the vax on anyone, and wasn't the vax villain you suggest.

For the full history of coronavirus research, see the many great videos by Dr. David Martin available online. His 2023 talk to members of the EU Parliament is a great summary in something like 18 minutes.

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Hi. I saw that by David Martin. I dont like Martin's freemason/satanic tat. I turned away. I go with Michael Yeadon that there was no virus or pandemic. The shot was the plan. I'm not sure where to link Yeadon. Glad you didn't take the shot! Be blessed.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Don't know anything about Martin's freemason/satanic tat, or even what that is, but I did see lots of Michael Yeadon's interviews early on during the plandemic and benefitted thereby. Agree that the shot was the plan.

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Without mentioning its name, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche nevertheless UNAMBIGUOUSLY DEFENDED OPERATION WARP SPEED during the following interview with James Howard Kunstler.

J. H. Kunstler (host):

(10:01) “Were you alarmed by the speed that this vaccine was produced? Or, did you suspect or know that something was going on behind the scenes in the development of this vaccine?”

Dr. Vanden Bossche:

(10:16) “Well, we were of course all surprised but,…(10:21) it all comes down to the misjudgment, because...if you think you are dealing with a virus that has the potential to kill 2/3 of the world population within a very short period of time because it’s a pandemic...nobody…was saying anything because IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY and THE RISK/BENEFIT ANALYSIS WAS VERY CLEARLY IN FAVOR OF ANY MEASURES THAT COULD BE IMPLEMENTED VERY RAPIDLY and to the GLOBAL population (11:10) and...THAT IS WHAT VACCINES CAN DO.


NOW OF COURSE IT’S EASY TO MAKE BIG NOISE and say, ‘Oh, yeah, this has not been done and there were contaminations.’...but, again, THE OVERALL CLIMATE and the overall landscape was the one where EVERYBODY BELIEVED ... WHAT THE W.H.O. AND SOME OTHERS WERE PREDICTING that this could have a huge impact and destroy...lots and lots of...lives...People believed it and then



...And not very many questions asked about the safety and the purity of the vaccines and the limited amount of data, etc.”

Transcribed from

KunstlerCast 398

March 31, 2024


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Geert VB cannot make the deaths of millions ok. No expert can.

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"Geert VB cannot make the deaths of millions ok. No expert can."

Interestingly, the way the story ends is that EVERYBODY dies. Even our Sun will die.

Have fun smelling your cat!

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That's what it means to be a world leader, to bear the responsibility of making a timely decision based on data provided by those tasked with being informed.

I would love to have seen what you wouldha' couldha' shouldha' done had you been the leader of the "free" world, in the hot seat, when some chicken-necked "tool" at Imperial College London created a bogus computer model of a deadly pandemic that predicted tens of millions of deaths.

You would have had to do SOMETHING.

Teddy Roosevelt had you in mind.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again,

because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;

but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that

his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt

Cheers! =D

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Extreme case of TDS here.

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Trump sycophants are not objective, in my opinion. When politicians have fans and followers...

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@The Lady Victory,

Seems you are nothing if not opinionated. You label those whose arguments disagree with yours as "Trump sycophants" regardless of how well they support their arguments.

Had you a valid point, you would have completed your sentence instead of terminating it in ellipses. But you have no valid arguments, only rigid opinions and the sort of inflexible mind characteristic of those suffering from incipient neurodegeneration.

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The left has TDS and the right is skeptical.

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James Howard Kunstler interviewed globally renowned Belgian virologist and immunologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who, without actually mentioning its name, UNAMBIGUOUSLY DEFENDED OPERATION WARP SPEED.

J. H. Kunstler (host):

(10:01) “Were you alarmed by the speed that this vaccine was produced? Or, did you suspect or know that something was going on behind the scenes in the development of this vaccine?”

Dr. Vanden Bossche:

(10:16) “Well, we were of course all surprised but,…(10:21) it all comes down to the misjudgment, because...if you think you are dealing with a virus that has the potential to kill 2/3 of the world population within a very short period of time because it’s a pandemic...nobody…was saying anything because IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY and THE RISK/BENEFIT ANALYSIS WAS VERY CLEARLY IN FAVOR OF ANY MEASURES THAT COULD BE IMPLEMENTED VERY RAPIDLY and to the GLOBAL population (11:10) and...THAT IS WHAT VACCINES CAN DO.


NOW OF COURSE IT’S EASY TO MAKE BIG NOISE and say, ‘Oh, yeah, this has not been done and there were contaminations.’...but, again, THE OVERALL CLIMATE and the overall landscape was the one where EVERYBODY BELIEVED ... WHAT THE W.H.O. AND SOME OTHERS WERE PREDICTING that this could have a huge impact and destroy...lots and lots of...lives...People believed it and then



...And not very many questions asked about the safety and the purity of the vaccines and the limited amount of data, etc.”

Transcribed from

KunstlerCast 398

March 31, 2024


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The scamdemic was planned.

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Yes, he is that evil. He allowed millions to be killed by the rushed out Trump shot. Children are dying. Babies are dying. A child killer wouldn't think twice about his supporters being killed.

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1. No Trump mandate 2. Trump mentioned his own covid tretment, Hydroxy/ Ivermectin and was Heavily Attacked, but he put out the info. 3. Quit hyperventilating on Trump when The VaXXX Enforcement came from Biden. There are No victims, Choices were made even under duress people can still say No. I Did.

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No Trump Warp Speed no shot and no deaths from shot. Some men may have not been in your financial position. As young men supporting families (women could be in the same situation) they took responsibility for providing for their families and took the shot threatened with job loss. Now they're dead and their children are orphans

Trump is responsible for their deaths. The buck stops there. (I'm glad you didn't get the shot. God bless you.)

PS. The concept that POTUS and government have no responsibility for ensuring that medicines are safe is a democide anti-Nuremberg proposition I reject.

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"As young men supporting families (women could be in the same situation) they took responsibility for providing for their families and took the shot threatened with job loss. Now they're dead and their children are orphans"

And you are argueing that this was/is the Correct Decision???

War has casualities and death. Presidents and Generals make mistakes and people Die.

Trump Did Not Mandate !!! How many times does this have to be repeated to sink in ???

My point is We/Me/You Have Total Responsibility for Our Lives, which btw = Total Freedom, which obviously many people want to shuck off on Others.

Governments are the Collective Irresponsibility of a Society, as Citiizens give power to Others to Do for Them what they Do Not want to do for themselves. This is not entirely bad as man needs some organizing and specialization of efforts within a society.

Gov like Fire can be Controlled or Wild, so "Who" is Responsible??? for their Personal Decisions other than The Person making them???

I do wish You well, but We All need to put Our Big Boy Pants on. I include myself as well.

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God bless you. I understand you presently hold the position that not mandating the shot absolved Trump from responsibility for pushing through a lethal genetic shot falsely presented to be a vaccine ~ without proper testing "Warp Speed" ~ and in a fascist government partnership with pharmaceutical companies in which they were shielded from lawsuits and no brakes existed in government to stop the shots when innocent ppl died.

I don't agree.

You believe that ppl lied to and propaganduzed by government controlled and pharmacy funded media, pressured by employers, Healthcare agencies and employees ~ are responsible for their own murders because they naively believed lies and were denied truth via the news and social media sites ~ as they were threatened with job loss and homelessness.

I do not think murder victims are responsible for their own murders when their lives were either intentionally targeted for biowarfard genocide or malfeasance or reckless endangerment resulted in mass casualties.

I don't agree.

I agree to disagree.

Would prefer to drop it now since we just don't agree. And would like to move on to other topics on your feed where we do agree. Have a blessed day.

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James Howard Kunstler interviewed globally renowned Belgian virologist and immunologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who, without actually mentioning its name, UNAMBIGUOUSLY DEFENDED OPERATION WARP SPEED.

J. H. Kunstler (host):

(10:01) “Were you alarmed by the speed that this vaccine was produced? Or, did you suspect or know that something was going on behind the scenes in the development of this vaccine?”

Dr. Vanden Bossche:

(10:16) “Well, we were of course all surprised but,…(10:21) it all comes down to the misjudgment, because...if you think you are dealing with a virus that has the potential to kill 2/3 of the world population within a very short period of time because it’s a pandemic...nobody…was saying anything because IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY and THE RISK/BENEFIT ANALYSIS WAS VERY CLEARLY IN FAVOR OF ANY MEASURES THAT COULD BE IMPLEMENTED VERY RAPIDLY and to the GLOBAL population (11:10) and...THAT IS WHAT VACCINES CAN DO.


NOW OF COURSE IT’S EASY TO MAKE BIG NOISE and say, ‘Oh, yeah, this has not been done and there were contaminations.’...but, again, THE OVERALL CLIMATE and the overall landscape was the one where EVERYBODY BELIEVED ... WHAT THE W.H.O. AND SOME OTHERS WERE PREDICTING that this could have a huge impact and destroy...lots and lots of...lives...People believed it and then



...And not very many questions asked about the safety and the purity of the vaccines and the limited amount of data, etc.”

Transcribed from

KunstlerCast 398

March 31, 2024


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"Governments are the Collective Irresponsibility of a Society, as Citiizens give power to Others to Do for Them what they Do Not want to do for themselves. This is not entirely bad as man needs some organizing and specialization of efforts within a society.

Gov like Fire can be Controlled or Wild, so "Who" is Responsible??? for their Personal Decisions other than The Person making them???"


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Want to hold someone responsible? Look in the mirror.

Today's rabbit holes are usually shit holes

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No one wants personal responsibility for anything. This is how our government got away with so much for generations.

Even fat fvcks don't want to take responsibility for being fat fvcking pieces of sh!t. They have "metabolic syndrome", caused by environmental pollution. They can't even be called fat fvcking sacks of sh!t; they insist on being referred to as "big".

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Exactly this xD

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+1 (substack doesn't record my upvotes, for some reason)

President Trump promoted early home treatment with hydroxychloroquine (which the MSM thereafter relentlessly mocked and belittled). President Trump ALSO said, "Don't be afraid of it (Covid)! Don't be afraid of it!".

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Stop lying. Thousands of dead kids with no choice.

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Were my Facts "Lies"??? Comrade??? and Yes Children were VaXXXed by their Parents, brainwashed by the Biden Regime. Your timeline of history is a bit knarled up. The VaXXXes were Released in the Biden Regime, with Mandates following, In The Biden Regime. Sheesh.

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It is complicated.

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Not at all complicated! Evil! Perilous times!

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Indeed he did!

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We knew mRNA was devastating to animals in prior years to covid. Wasn't hard to research. Many doctors warned Trump, like Madej, Merritt, Butar, Tenpenney and others, of the deadly effects of mRNA. So what did he do, blew them all off and went with lying plandemic scenario from the LEFTISTS, and is still selling it by in his interviews still touting the pharma utter nonsense murderous lies that they saved millions of lives, when it is provably and known the exact opposite, with massive excess death on par with wartime. Anyone who supports this worst traitor in USA history has a severely broken moral compass and ought to seek God within, the silent light, not the words in the head from demons acting like God. Roy Masters meditation exercise will help this so much, if you dare.

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I think it is more complicated than good guys versus bad guys. Trump deserves criticism where he is a fault. He is a man, not an idol and we all know what happens when people worship idols.

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Your solution is……….

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Solution is to Fart into the Wind.

Has not the Lord Almighty determined that the people’s labor is only fuel for the fire, that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing?

Habakkuk 2:13


God's people are always easily deceived and always chase after worthless idols instead of Him

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There is no solution for America- Babylon. The awesome future for earth is coming, but we need to be ready spiritually. 2028end.com

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Yes I love 2028end.com. It explains it all.

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Biden is better?

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Biden is God's judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah USA. IT'S OVER for the empire that expelled God and assumed to replace Him.

Solution is to Fart into the Wind.

Has not the Lord Almighty determined that the people’s labor is only fuel for the fire, that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing?

Habakkuk 2:13


God's people are always easily deceived and always chase after worthless idols instead of Him

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But many do follow Him and Jesus and nothing else.

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What does that have to do with it? They are both evil, but Trump has done far more damage to lives and freedom than ANY democratic president, if you look at the facts.

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It was Biden who forced all the vaccine mandates. Trump never did that. Health care professionals were FORCED to get the shots under Biden, and also the military. It was impossible for most to get exemptions. Trump even in previously bragging about the vaccines, has said there should never be a mandate, and in fact, recently - just over the weekend, he met with Bobby Kennedy, which Bobby's son leaked, and suggested that if Trump wins, he would like Bobby to do something in his admin related to vaccines. Trump is recognizing problems with vaccines. You also should remember, Trump tried to promote Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as treatment for Covid and was constantly mocked and ridiculed by the so-called science experts who then spent a lot of money on fraudulent research designed intentionally to overdose people on HCQ to prove it was bad. They gave doses that were too high, after waiting too long to treat, and when people died - see, it didn't work. There are actually numerous good studies on both HCQ and Ivermectin, but when Fauci and company decided to take a look, the studies were designed in a way that they would not interfere with the vaccines. Bobby Kennedy's book The Real Anthony Fauci gets into some of this. I know a guy who is a molecular biologist, and I am a healthcare professional. Early on, I didn't get the shot and most of my family didn't, because I had some questions that were not being answered and I thought it was better to wait and see and I kept waiting - but my friend was completely convinced they were fine - he was not making money on vaccines, he just explained to people how they were SUPPOSED to work, and he was saying they were safe - now he won't talk about it, so maybe he finally figured it out. Finally as data started emerging, facts trickling out - well, now there are lawsuits against Pfizer, and there should be - but remember that Trump is not a PhD scientist, that's not his background and it was not just one man, Fauci, lying, but a whole cabal of liars who lied about the data, all kinds of things - even people who are on to the fraud most of them don't know the half of it, people know the tip of the iceberg. So I do not fault Trump for this - there was truly a massive, massive conspiracy of many experts who did know better, but the money was so good, and media who took pharma advertising dollars and told their story. But Trump has shifted in how he is seeing vaccines, and I think is open to more truth than what he knows so far - but just remember, Biden is absolutely the one who insisted on mandates, well, Biden or whoever runs the government behind the scenes. Trump never did vaccine mandates. I do not see any of that as his fault. The same people who lied, lied, lied and frauded the whole American public, were lying to Trump as well. Fauci advised American presidents for 40 years, of both parties, and only recently have people started to realize what he is.

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The Corp world mandated and illegally coerced and Trump did what to help and cause that activirycto stop? Nothing! To this day he Cals them life savers! You have a heart of stone. You care more about your idol than the people being mass murdered and it's not stopping. Wake up. Shameful.

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+1 beautifully put; I can't upvote substack posts. Thank you for taking the time to explain what happened.

Dr. Michael Nehls has elucidated an even more sinister motive for the design of the Covid jab. Dr. Michael Nehls interviewed by Tucker Carlson:

"The Indoctrinated Brain: Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Michael Nehls"


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Thank you very much for your comment. I will look at the video you posted. I also just now wrote a comment to Fabian which I think is further below. Actually, today 8.25.2024, I have written two posts, one which is in reply to your post of August 16, and one in reply to one of Fabian's. But anyway, thank you for your post and link.

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Biden would not have mandated the vaccines of Trump hadn't did warp speed. Trump has never even admitted that he made a mistake with the shots. Trump has never admitted he is wrong about anything. Not publicly anyway.

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Without actually mentioning its name, globally renowned Belgian virologist and immunologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, UNAMBIGUOUSLY DEFENDED OPERATION WARP SPEED.

J. H. Kunstler (Interview host):

(10:01) “Were you alarmed by the speed that this vaccine was produced? Or, did you suspect or know that something was going on behind the scenes in the development of this vaccine?”

Dr. Vanden Bossche:

(10:16) “Well, we were of course all surprised but,…(10:21) it all comes down to the misjudgment, because...if you think you are dealing with a virus that has the potential to kill 2/3 of the world population within a very short period of time because it’s a pandemic...nobody…was saying anything because IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY and THE RISK/BENEFIT ANALYSIS WAS VERY CLEARLY IN FAVOR OF ANY MEASURES THAT COULD BE IMPLEMENTED VERY RAPIDLY and to the GLOBAL population (11:10) and...THAT IS WHAT VACCINES CAN DO.


NOW OF COURSE IT’S EASY TO MAKE BIG NOISE and say, ‘Oh, yeah, this has not been done and there were contaminations.’...but, again, THE OVERALL CLIMATE and the overall landscape was the one where EVERYBODY BELIEVED ... WHAT THE W.H.O. AND SOME OTHERS WERE PREDICTING that this could have a huge impact and destroy...lots and lots of...lives...People believed it and then



...And not very many questions asked about the safety and the purity of the vaccines and the limited amount of data, etc.”

Transcribed from

KunstlerCast 398

March 31, 2024


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Fabian, remember also that there were no new wars started while Trump was president. I don't worship Trump, but 1) Do I want Harris of the BIden-Harris admin who let in to the US millions of men of military age, from countries hostile to the US, who crossed our border under her watch, and human traffickers also or Trump whose efforts would have kept most of them out? 2) Do I want Trump, who did NOT start any new wars during his four years or Harris, of the Biden-Harris admin, who gave money to the terrorist state Iran who then attacked Israel, who provoked and continuously funded a war with Russia via Ukraine which may yet lead to nuclear attack against us, who also bragged about his plan to blow up Russia's pipeline, which was recorded on video (that was Biden, but this is the Biden-Harris administration) 3) Do I want Trump who never made a vaccine MANDATE or BIden-Harris who forced health professionals, all of our military, and many others, most people, to get the death shot? Of course I want Trump, I don't want to die from that shot, as many have, and many will. I don't want for my family and me to take the injection that was designed to kill us, so I would not want Biden-Harris. 4) Maybe you do not know - Planned Parenthood has been selling babies and baby parts from their abortions, and making tons of money. When investigative journalist David Daleiden tried to exposed this, Kamala as attorney general in California tried to expose this, investigated and prosecuted him mercilessly, and his associate, and got a verdict that would have required prison time and a multi-million dollar fine - the case went on for many years though I saw that finally a Congressional rep helped him to finally obtain the Court's permission to release the videos for everyone to see. In addition, not only does Harris support the abortion industry in opposition to those who would expose the many evils - in some cases, human fetuses have been used along with mice cells to create "humanized mice" and in some cases, babies with beating hearts have been experimented on. She also as California attorney general persecuted the pro-life pregnancy centers, persecuted centers that help women to obtain resources they need to be able to have their babies if they want. In California, I think any woman who wants an abortion, can have one, or actually could have 30, one after another, if she or her trafficker chose that, BUT Kamala does not want for their to be one pregnancy center left standing that would give a mother free baby clothes, free formula, childbirth classes, parenting classes, or help her to get into a maternity home where she could live for free while having childcare provided while she finishes her education. Pregnancy centers help women with all these things, and I have taught continuing education for many of these centers in California, though I do not live in California - Trump does not interfere with the work of pregnancy centers, but Kamala supports the very wealthy abortion industry against the rights of mothers who want to have their children. Trump does not actively support the abortion industry and in fact, provided many protections for life that people don't even know about, and Trump has not and would not persecute pro-life pregnancy centers. So - add it all up, and much more than I could write here? Who will I vote for? Not Kamala, for sure. Oh, and she also helped to bail out people who were arrested for burning cities, she actively supported the burning of cities all over the U.S. Obviously for now we still have the right to vote for whoever we choose, so I'm not voting for Kamala. But of course you can, so do what you think best, Me, I pray for Trump since he is an imperfect human just like me or you or any other human, but when I compare his actions, as well as his promises, side by side with Kamala's record - as well as what she promises in future - on their records, I can't support Kamala, and on their promises, I can't support Kamala. Now that Bobby Kennedy has endorsed Trump and will very likely have a role in a Trump admin if Trump is elected - Bobby will help to educate Trump regarding vaccines. Trump has said recently - no vaccine mandates, none, which is a good thing - no vaccines will be mandated under Trump, and he did not introduce any vaccine mandates during his first term, so I believe him. But if you do want the death shot for yourself and for the whole nation, by all means, vote for Kamala.

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Go ahead, vote for the pry pan instead of the fire, and rathionize it all you want. Trump is a liar, and while millions are indeed dying off, with millions on disability, while Trump STILL wickedly calls this dna poison,

"Life saving" , you types can exsue that insane betrayal any way you want, but it's still mass murder collusion and starting a war on the civlilan population here, and that is a fact, want to see it or not. Any conscientious person now in no ways can vote for either of these totally wicked candidates for president. I will vote republican down the line on all other races. And for your info, it's a FACT that Trump horribly staged that shooting, with a supposed centimeter ear pierced with highly vascular ears that bleed ALOT, yet no dripping blood even on his floor, and NO blood on his hand that went directly on his ear, which would have immediately gushed blood. And after teo weeks NO scaring or plastic surgery, all looks totally untouched, and he claims " I'm a fast healer, it did get my earlobe" ooops, he just let out another lie, trying to cover up his initial massive one. This is " the beast 'semmed' to get a mortal head wound..." key word, seemed. You types have to idea what is about to fall upon America, in your denial of what is presented right in front of us. This is called idol worship. You will see, soon, and maybe repent then....and 2028end.com is totally accurate and biblical. Take care


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More incontrovertible evidence



Jason Bourne government trained doped up sniper to be killed off after first job - Trump


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Real life imitates Hollywood ? Not so far fetched. Look at the AI Terminator robots and drones already out.

I was reminded about the Jason Bourne movie trilogy a few years back where the Intel community set up kill squads that their doctors had tranced, zombified, drugged & trained to kill chosen targets.

I do not put it past the evil ones to have chosen someone like Matthew Thomas Crooks for 1 mission, Trump, and to kill him off after using him.

The fact that the FBI and Secret Service are playing so stupid and incompetent gives more credibility to this almost unbelievable plan being implemented by cold, dead souls like Biden and the Democrats who are mad about killing more babies.

They are more advanced with all kinds of drugs and mind control technology that we know nothing about like setting up a fall guy to assassinate Trump.

The fact that they have so far released nothing on his phone or lap top is telling.


They're not done and have only begun. They're always two hundred steps ahead of the useless Republicans who only talk and do nothing especially with their joke committee's of dead ends

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

I agree with this. Trump haters are going to hate, it's disgusting. in a free society we can speak freely. A man is dead protecting his family. God was there for America and Trump that day. He took a man home with him as well. Mike is in Japan and for him that is great, however we are here in USA and thankful we have been working this week, not going thru mass hysteria.

They turned a rabid dog on the target and God intervened, if its proven that this was fake like WWF well shame on me.

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I have a different take .

God chooses leaders always and we think we do. How blind voters are.

Why do you think God let the perverts steal the election in 2020 ?

I just had a thought. Trump has always been at the pinnacle the top especially when it comes to 🤑 Wealth, money, success. He never really felt the need to get or be humble before God or in need of the Messiah, Savior every day . He's got his golf cart.

I believe the bullet to the ear brought him down to earth and he finally realizes he's a nobody like the rest of us before God.

He thought he was really hot stuff.

Farting in the Wind


God's people are always easily deceived and always chase after worthless idols instead of Him

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Not a single soul on this planet is a nobody in God’s eyes.

God didn’t “let” Biden steal the election. Man perpetrated that. We have free will.

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So you are in control and God is not. You little god.

Get off the false teaching and the Kool-Aid.

Apart from the blood of Jesus salvation we are lost & without hope, NOBODY !!!!

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

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I understand where you're coming from, I do not idolize Trump. There is only one God. He had a son in Jesus and thru him we are all saved. I am sure that anyone who gets a bullet to the dome and lives would be a little more humble. I think it is always about the people who you surround yourself with. Right now that is changing quickly in the direction of SANITY. if there is such a thing anymore.

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Yeah sure...where is the warning now agaisnt taking deadly mRNA? He cares less about human life, as millions are injured or dying by Operation warped speed. You and many can't fathom the level of evil here, same as so many were in denial about Hilter, for many years, until his reign of terror began. And Trump has many bankruptcies, many bad failed businesses.

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He definitely wasn’t for mandates though. Maybe there is a lot of reversal work to be done. Like how he wants to restore all military who lost their jobs and pay due to standing up against the jab mandates. He wasn’t for mandates and that is an important factor to reconcile.

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+1 (substack doesn't register my upvotes)

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He's a killer! Plain and simple. When you go along and lie about weapons of mass destruction that are doing a number on millions, including kids with zero choice, that is no different than pulling a trigger. Worse actually!

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deletedJul 18
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I have this suspicion that "God" is the collective "us".

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Little nobody god who has no power just hot air, farting in the wind.

Satan laughs at the blind leading the blind ... to hell Psalm 9:17 kjv.

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Including *everything* in the universe, etc.

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+1 (can't upvote on substack)

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The FIB are "The Cleaners" for the Feral Coupist GrubMint........ Mostly democRats, but not all, plenty of rinoRats as well.

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Until some govt assassin comes forth and tells all, not "what they did" but "what I did".. FBI/CIA/SS/DEA etc will continue as contract killers on a death squad mission

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Absolutely the kid was set up. Agree.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

I'm calling Bull Shit on the whole thing. It was all staged by the S.E.S...i.e....the Deep State...But why...Is it to make Trump a hero...???....Nuff said...

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Killary 2024

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Every a$$wipe blaming Trump for every bad thing since 2000 would do well to consider where we'd be had the bloated Killary bag swiped the 2016 election. Probably most of us would be dead.

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Well, the blood certainly did not oxidize when exposed to air and should have appeared more blackish--it did not and was very bright, thin and dripping. Does corn syrup oxidize when exposed to air? No. There's something ain't right here. Too many red flags.

"We want the Mosiach now!".

I don't trust X or Musk---Free Speech my ass. Picks a WEF-er as CEO--Fuck Me!~------I posted last July 2023 and I'll paraphrase---'They're creating a Hive Mind, Collective Intelligence with these Jabs combined with 5G and this Satellite Microwave blasting all over the planet reading our thoughts and implanting thoughts to create a Hive Mind'-----------BANNED forever just for that---6 months later Musk says the same EXACT damn thing--was he banned? Now Israeli Intelligence does a required background check on y'all who join Demonic X---I won't go near the place now. He's a Technocratic Tyrant who's too big for his fat britches and ultra white flabby assed skin---$56 Billion annual salary? Fuck me---I'll be lucky to pay my rent.

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We don’t know that the supposed shooter was even Crooks.

Why everyone trusts who they trust remains the biggest human mystery in history.

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As Ron Paul pointed out: we're never going to know what happened

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Maybe it was a blood packet, but we still have 3 real people hit and one dead so..?

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False flags and recent psyops have killed millions over the years.

This is small potatoes for those pulling strings.

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Rewatch the video when Trump first gets up and starts to raise his fist. Unless he practiced those facial expressions many times, it's hard to fake shock and make it look extremely genuine.

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Noticed this immediately on first watching. The shock on his face and the shock he had to work through in getting off the stage.

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Great Questions from Michael Yon. Calmly laid out for us. But still, no-one (except me?) is asking the ballistics questions. Did they find the bullets? Did they verify the directions? Did one of them have a piece of Trump? All basic, obvious procedures.


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*Two shooters.

*Local talk radio callers from Ohio and Pennsylvania (WERE THERE) are testifying a *second shooter*- and *two different angles*.

*Also a young black man was spotted dressed in all black running through the woods, near the entrance, (would explain the other angle) - "on the other side of a fence", "with a duffle bag 4-5 ft long".

*"shots fired, opposite from where Crooks was located".

*"the shot that hit the fireman was from a different angle that hit Trump".

How did 28m go by after witnesses spotted Crooks? A sheriff also called it in.

How did 90 seconds go by after many shouting to police "only 50ft away"?

Intentional Criminal Incompetence.

Always a Lone Gunman and always "silenced"!

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Continued from below----Trump is ALL IN on the Technocratic Tyranny, Agenda 21--2030---like Hell he isn't---Proposing "Freedom Cities"--kind a like S.M.A.R.T. cities Zion Don? I was one of the last people to speak to Rosa Koire to buy her last 10 water damaged books------She died before we could complete the transaction. RIP Rosa Koire. (The PP Mafia blocked the transaction and I were fixin to get her the $$---$50 for her last 10 I would distribute to others). Behind The Green Mask--Agenda 21.

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Saw her videos. Glad she made them and that she understood how we have been robbed.

So many things set into place just waiting for activation.....

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Yes, she called this all out. I miss her wisdom and insider knowledge she shared. It's happening right before our eyes as she said it would.

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Thank you for the book title.

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Go to hell.

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You're in a Cult. and you don't even know it. Facts freak Cult Members out.

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We're all cult members to some degree :9

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I reckon not. My people are of American Indian heritage. We've been thru this non-sense before. We were THE Tribe--The "Nations" were us.

One year before my Daddy passed I asked him a ? on our last walk. "Daddy, do y'all hate the White Man?--He paused, briefly, "No, I do not--Hate destroys a mans soul."

My Daddy was a great, great man and he LOVED this country (the USA) even tho he was not even an American--(He was a Canadian born Quebec born Mohawk). He fought in WWII but was not required to. He left his Reserve )to their dismay) and joined right up.

My Daddy invented many things--"You should patent that Louie! That will make you rich!---No. Let them have it."

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You are lucky to have had a dad with whom you could spend time and whom you admired (sounds like he merited that admiration and that he DID get rich (in REAL ways))!

By, "we're all cult members to some degree", I meant that we ALL tenaciously hold certain beliefs--often unconsciously--despite the fact that UNCONSCIOUS beliefs prevent clear perception and clear thinking. We all do it; that's why we're just humans (at least, I think that this is so).

By the way, I met a Navajo gentleman who took more than one jab, and who BELIEVED in the power (for good) of the jabs, despite of course knowing all about the "non-sense" First Nations have endured. I could not convince him; he did not want to know. Last I checked, he still trusted the FDA, CDC, NIH.


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Yes, we've been targeted up there in Quebec with the Jab. The Cherokee Nation too over Appalachia way. It's very sad. I won't do it but they got my Momma ailing from a stroke in the ICU---"Momma, I told you not to take it!-----Listen, I couldn't move nor talk----I didn't have much of a choice now, did I?" She was 95 years old and now 97 years old. She'll be gone to the Lord soon and I will miss my Momma---I almost said "her"--Refer to my Momma like that as a child? Not happening---I did ONCE! "Where is SHE Daddy?" Daddy would rear up and say:-"Who is this "She" you are referring to? the Cats Mother?--That is your Momma. Refer to her as such in the future boy. Not she!"-He was a tough old bird. A man few with mess with and respect my Momma or there was Hell to pay.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Trumpstein’s an insider and is just playing his role. There’s not a snowball’s chance in HELL that we’ll ever hear the truth about the FAKE assassination attempt of Trumpstein! The MSM had done nothing but vilify DJT and advocated for his elimination, but suddenly, these so-called “HATERS” are asking us to pray for Trumpstein, and many are claiming his life was saved by an act of “Devine Intervention”. WHAT A LOAD OF BOVINE EXCREMENT! IMO, this is all being orchestrated to generate even greater and overwhelming support for Trumpstein, which will include many of his previous “HATERS”, and to further brainwash the already clueless and dumbed-down American population (if that’s even possible) into believing that Trumpstein (who’s life’s behaviors have proven him to be morally, ethically & intellectually bankrupt, just like ALL US/Western politicians) was sent by GOD to save America. This is likely so that either; conservatives will once again go along with more criminally evil & deadly agendas (as was the case with the DoD’s, HHS’ FDA’s, etc., promulgated deadly C-19 BIOWEAPON), and/or to have Trumpstein’s Presidential opponent win the election/selection DESPITE it being considered IMPOSSIBLE! Thus, calls for revolution will be heard everywhere which will be used to justify even more tyranny, lockdowns and censorship being imposed. This may include, but not be limited to: Imposing Martial Law, conducting door-to-door gun confiscations, digital ID requirements, CBDC’s, and militarizing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS to be used against Americans. The USA (like ALL Western countries) is controlled by an evil, inbred, blood-thirsty ZOG, which is pushing the NWO and whose aim is to see as many Americans (and primarily whites in Western countries), dead as possible.

If you believe Trumpstein’s any kind of “Savior”, especially in spite of him pushing, and still being prideful of, “HIS” “Warp Speed” BIOWEAPON rollout (which has caused the deaths of MILLIONS worldwide so far, with MILLIONS/BILLIONS more dying in the future), plus his advocating for quicker and complete genocide of the Palestinian people, as well as calling for the death sentence of students protesting the War Crimes of Israel and the US’s support thereof; THEN YOU SIMPLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND JUST HOW BRAINWASHING HAS CAUSED YOUR COMPLETE & UTTER LACK OF DISCERNMENT AND CRITICAL/INDEPENDENT THINKING! WAKE UP IDIOTS! EVERYTHING’S A PSYOP!

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Good points all, Jack as far as I see the situation.

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Guess what is 4 Sale at the Infowars Store?

Pre Order Today!


Trump Bulletproof T-Shirt

Flag- DJT holding up Fist - BULLET PROOF (lettering)

Reviews – Two dated July 14, 2024 – Two dated July 15, 2024

Event happened July 13, 2024

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Dallas 9/22/1963 JFK shooting is now seen again 2024, by new viewers. (what we saw 1963)

*The 1st shot forced JFK forward. Obviously.

*A "second shooter" angle hit JFK in the face forcing his head backwards. Obviously.

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I was in 2nd grade when they announced his death over the loudspeaker. Last year being the 60th year of his brutal murder, I had a sick feeling "they" would drum up something to celebrate their handy evil.

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You might to edit the date to November.

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I don't have an opinion because this could go so deep. But I don't enjoy political theater. Christians are saying Trump has God's favor because he was miraculously protected. [I doubt it. Actors blood more likely.]

I think the better allegory is the 666 beast who takes a deadly would to the head and is healed. lol

Trump is "one of them" ~ but not the final beast worldwide. He MAY be the final beast (POTUS is chief beast office) on American soil.

We are near the transfiguration event. I would guess (just guessing - things will get more clear as the church revives more I think) 2025 and these beasts are done on American soil.

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Fight Fight Fight=FFF=666

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I wrote a Substack post on it. 666? Good point. And the fist of defiance (against God).

Trump taking the deadly wound to the head - Revelation 13:3


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The disgust the TDS afflicted are earning for their cynical, counterfactual, heartlessness is well deserved.

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+1 NOTHING turns people away from Christianity more than self-described "Christians", especially those who delight in calling others "evil", as though they had a special License to Label Others as Evil.

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Except there is a pic of the projectile…

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Michael didn't say this about Trump and the blood packet on his first reporting of

Trump's shooting. Why does he have doubt now? You could tell on Trump's face when

he appeared at RNC that he had a different demeanor. You can't fake that. JOE, I

would say yes, because it's not always the REAL JOE.

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Pretty sure it's never the real Joe

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Because, he doesn't even know who he is the rate he's going.

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Easily doctored

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emotions are not, get a grip

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Life long con men fake emotions all the time. Reality check

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Marcus there is nothing either one of us can say to each other. I am trying to understand this as well as you. we obviously feel different about it, when I am wrong I will admit it, will you do the same?

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Yes, I’ve been fooled many times in my life, both by others and myself, so I’m with you on that, good sir

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Or was that staged too? 🕵️ still curious about the angle in the photo and how that plays in if it’s a real bullet in the photo.

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It's not the projectile, it's at vapor trail the bullet left behind .

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Thank you. I think you'd have to have a specialized camera to catch the bullet.

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