I love your reporting on illegal immigration, but I am sorry to say, this article is nonsense. self-amplifying RNA has been used in Phase 1 clinical trial by Pfizer in Europe in 2020. And? Where is the apocalypse of "ethnic cleansing"? saRNA is not going to travel around the world, same way an RNA "virus" or a piece of random RNA cannot. RNA is extremely prone to errors, it won't spread even beyond an apartment building. The saRNA is simply a manufacturing trick to justify using less active material and charge more money. Please, we don't need additional fear mongering, people are freaked out as is.

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Permit me to provide you with a few different opinions on Self-Amplifying mRNA.

1. It's a Laboratory engineered RNA virus. It utilizes RNA dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRP) "replicons" for it replicative function.. Effectively, "3D viral protein printers".. All SA-mRNA jabs do is strip off the original RNA viral genetic material, and "plug in" the desired Viral antigen (eg: SARS-2 Spike protein), and have it, just like an RNA virus, self-replicate over and over until the immune system destroys the transfected cell.

2. They call this a "replicon" backbone.. And with the ARCT-154 version of SA-mRNA being prepared for manufactured in Japan by Arcalis, they are using the VEEV replicon backbone. VEEV is the "Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus" which in it's wild form can lead to "Mad Cow Disease", or Human Encephalitis, which is ultimately fatal in most cases. (Bottom of Page 6:


3. I still don't understand why they chose the VEEV virus, with it's reported history of US/USSR Bioweapons research for a completely unrelated SARS-2, or even an H5N1 influenza SA-mRNA jab. Perhaps you can shed some light on to that?

4. RdRP inhibitors, like Remdesivir can BLOCK that SA-mRNA replicon function. But Remdesivir is costly, and IV only, which is too late to effectively block the viral loading. Gotta give it early, right?

5. The same goes with the RALPH BARIC inspired "Zelenko Protoco" using Zinc + HCQ, (or EGCG, or Quercetin, and perhaps even Ivermectin, which has RdRP binding qualities. Baric used Pyrithione-- an extract of Persian Shallots, as his Zinc Ionophore/Metallochaperone.. ALL NATURAL ingredients.


6. Here's the problem for SA-mRNA jabs. IF simple CHEAP RdRP inhibitor already exist, in the form of the modfied/actual Zelenko Protocol, and/or Ivermection, IT BEGS THE QUESTION as to why those same treatments are the PRIMARY MEANS of treating the actual viral infection, or prophylaxis, based upon Zinc RDA and lower dosing of NATURAL Zinc Ionophores?

Ya kind of DO NOT NEED RNA Viral Vaccines, now do you? NOR do you incur the "acceptable" side effects of IgG4 related immune suppression, or the formation of Clots as the ACE2 receptor gets clogged with free floating, self-replicating Spike protein.

And as IgG4 antibody immune suppression mounts, more and more of those Spike proteins, or other Viral antigens keep getting replicated and embedded in the cell membrane. The immune system starts to perceive them as part of our natural physiology, since they don't "bud off" into the blood stream or interstitial spaces, as would the natural wild RNA virus.

And then you have that nasty issue of the Spike protein and p53 anti-tumor protein malfunction.. According to one of the leading p53 experts, the wild (therefore the synthetic as well) Spike protein disrupts p53. And THAT WILL lead to a growing incidence of CANCER, as is being reported recently..


7. And guess what activates p53 for binding damaged DNA and inhibiting tumor growth?

Our old friend, ZINC... If you're ZINC DEFICIENT, that p53 protein cannot fold properly and activate.


Summing up.. Why would I need to take ANY form of vaccine for RNA viruses, whether traditional, or mRNA or SA-mRNA, when I can apply RALPH BARIC's "broad spectrum small molecule" approach to target RNA viral replication? Especially if it NEUTRALIZES those SA-mRNA "Viral Vaccines" that form the very platform for any number of proposed Gene Therapies?

Why do I need to become a "Jab Rat" for your "Whack-a-Mole" vaccines that SCREW AROUND with our Natural Immunity, when I can just FORTIFY IT with the critical elements that NATURAL evolved for it's function in the first place?

FOCUS MORE on Zinc sufficiency as the means to ward off these RNA viral plademics.. Less on the dangerous and minimally effective, immune distorting, approach.

I realize that educating people to be Zinc sufficient isn't as profitable.. But then again, Medicine was originally about actually TREATING THE SICK, NOT MAKING THEM SICK, right?

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There are no laboratory-engineered viruses that can cause global pandemics. Every word in that sentence is important. You can string RNA molecules in labs, but they don't transmit, and don't circulate the globe causing illness and death. That's a myth. That's a fraudulent notion, a Hollywood narrative, and papers and patents are not proof, they are literature, sci0fi genre. Same publications publish "proven science" of gender transitions, climate change and other fraud.

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Sasha.. with due respect, they do not need to be viable virions. All they need to do is load a H5 viral "warhead" particle sufficient to trigger a positive PCR test in any transfected mammalian recipient.

That Self-Amplifying mRNA RdRP replicon will continue to replicate that viral protein fragment until the cell is killed, or dies.

They could also co-mingle the SA-mRNA LNP into the routine vaccines given to dairy cattle, and suddenly "poof".. your daily cow is H5N1 positive, or your mice, or your cats, or your sea lions.. Just transfect them with an sa-mRNA H5N1 protein warhead and you can create the ILLUSION of pandemic.

Now.. please explain to me two things. Why choose a VEEV RdRP replicon as the backbone for a SARS-2 Spike antigen? Why use it for an H5N1 antigen? Why not use a simple influenza RdRP/Replicon?

Second thing, IF you are the REAL Sasha Latypova, who has been so tremendously critical of the Pfizer/Moderna mRNA manufacturing defects, why are you suddenly defending a Viral Vaccine technology which carries an infinitely larger degree of safety issues?

Finally, please address my comments on RALPH BARIC's RdRP inhibitor research into Zinc + Zinc Ionophores as this protocol WOULD ALSO inhibit the SA-mRNA RdRP Replicon, just as it did with the 3 RNA viruses Baric tested it on (SARS-1, Influenza, and POLIO). ALL of the RNA viruses use a similar RdRP/Replicon "3D Viral Printer" to self-replicate. RdRP is strongly conserved, and doesn't mutate.

Would you care to replicate Baric's research against cells inoculated with SA-mRNA jabs and find out what happens? Will it NEUTRALIZE those SA-mRNA jabs?

Because if such a similar result occurs, then it LOGICALLY IMPLIES that ALL RNA Viral RdRP is JUST as susceptible to RdRP inhibitors like the Zelenko Protocol, and/or Ivermectin, given EARLY treatment.

You know full well that RALPH BARIC's research is "gold standard".. He's no slouch with his knowledge base on how RNA viruses function, and their vulnerabilities.

EVEN TODAY, Baric continues his research, through his non-profit, READDI, on "Broad-Spectrum, small molecule" therapeutics..


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1. "they do not need to be vialble virions" - that's a different issue. To trigger a positive PCR test, of course, I agree. I am writing about FEAR MONGERING that's incessant on both sides.

2. If you were real Reece you would respond politely, and not like an asshole troll.

3. "why choose a VEEV RdRP replicon as the backbone for a SARS-2 Spike antigen? Why use it for an H5N1 antigen? Why not use a simple influenza RdRP/Replicon?" - do you have experimental proof, evidence that this is used in the shots? Have you tested the vials and have shown that this is in the actual manufactured product? Also, can you please demonstrate the mechanism of action in some animal model? Then we can discuss this properly. Until then, this is a debate about how many angels on the end of the needle... for extra credit on this homework assignment, please point to a SINGLE VIAL test (there have been hundreds published) which shows that anything in the vial is according to the design specification in the "science" literature? I will wait. If you want a shortcut, you can watch my presentation from 2022 on this topic: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BGIqC6ufcyjF/

So the same people who cannot produce a single vial with RNA to spec, will now magically make the self-amplifying stable version of it, and also make RNA error-free, infectious, disease-producing, circulating around the world, (but stopping at some streets, county and state borders). Yeah. ok!

4. Where am I defending Pfizer and Moderna, can you point it out please?

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Just wanted to say that I appreciate yours and Reece's intelligent discourse here. In Yon's original note above, he doesn't really explain HOW the mRNA that he says will be introduced this October will self-amplify, but maybe that was beyond the role of his note. Maybe he is simply getting the word out.

Not being much of a science person, it's always much more beneficial to me to read discourse like yours and Reece's because it helps me see things I hadn't seen before.

Thank you.

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The self-amplifying version of mRNA shots exists (in paperwork from the "clinical trials"). It's a gimmick and an IP play to make more money, and to drive more fear, IMO. I was disagreeing with Michael making a big scary narrative out of it, and the statements about "ethnic cleansing", IMO, inappropriate.

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Yes, I concur.. it IS a marketing trick to sell more vaccines, but ALSO to justify more global population controls and surveillance.

But given the adverse events that you have personally reported on, SA-mRNA will only magnify them.. Rather than one mRNA being transcribed, now there will be multiple copies, that will continue to do so until that cell is destroyed by the already weakened immune system, or self-terminates.

And it will do it in every transfected cell that makes contact with the LNP delivery "vehicle". Not just one copy of the antigen (eg: spike) from a wayward mRNA/LNP escaping the injection site, but multiple copies.. just like the original viral RdRP replicative function upon which it is based.

People are already suffering grievous adverse events from the Pfizer/Moderna jabs. This will only, logically, increase with the SA-mRNA jabs.

It doesn't matter if they only use a smaller dose, because the number of antigenic viral copies that can be made will rival the actual wild virus. And when the cell is destroyed, it won't release the cumulative production of the single copy mRNA jabs, it will release multiples of that amount into the interstitial tissue and eventually the blood stream, off to clog even more ACE2 receptors, which work in regulating proper circulatory blood pressure.

As for the VEEV RdRP backbone, I provided that link to you in my first response. It is the Phase 3 comparison between ARCT-154 and Cominarty from July, 2023:

But here it is again.. Bottom of Page 6:


And once again, I'm that SA-mRNA jabs can be NEUTRALIZED by Baric's research on Zinc + Zinc Ionophores. Zelenko proved this through early treatment of his SARS-2 patients. Thousands of them.

Zinc is the ACTIVE antiviral.. The Zinc Ionophore, whether HCQ, EGCG, or Quercetin will "monkey wrench" that RdRP if given EARLY enough.

I opine that his why they demonized early treatment with RdRP inhibitors, or committed malpractice, as was the case with Remdesivir. RdRP inhibitor are far less effective in the hospitalized stage of COVID. That's hyper-inflammatory distress, requiring a wholly different treatment methodology.

But they have decades of research, and billions of dollars invested in SA-mRNA jabs, which ALSO are the platform for all of their proposed Gene-Therapies. So millions had to die to protect that investment.

Can't have less than $20 in natural, or off-label, ingredients, or even less if EGCG is utilized, NEUTRALIZING their new "wonder vaccine", or letting people know that EARLY treatment options would ALSO nullify the entire justification for RNA Viral Vaccines in the first place.

That would reveal that the entire vaccine industry for RNA viruses has been an even GREATER SCAM than we've been lead to believe. Treat the sick EARLY. Don't harm the uninfected healthy people.

Fortify their immunity by maintaining proper Zinc sufficiency, to assist their natural immunity, being prepared to boost that defense with outpatient RdRP inhibitors like the Zelenko Protocol, and/or Ivermectin.

Baric's paper, in case you didn't read that either..


And for those reading this who would like more information, they can watch this video which directly inspired the Zelenko Protocol:


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1. "But given the adverse events that you have personally reported on, SA-mRNA will only magnify them.."- you know this how? I am willing to bet that, given lower active ingredient content, they will actually reduce the rate of adverse events. As I said, nobody noted anything out of the range of the mRNA effects from use of saRNA in 2020.

2. "It doesn't matter if they only use a smaller dose, because the number of antigenic viral copies that can be made will rival the actual wild virus.' - again, how do you know this? what is your experiment set up and evidence that it happens?

3. i am not sure why VEEV backbone is relevant and for what.

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Time to get off your high horse and shave off that fat underbelly. The European tone will give you away every time.

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Time to shut up, troll.

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Can't handle the truth that Yon is serving? You are predictable and have been proven wrong as detailed in the post's below. Mockingbird

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Stop yapping, adults are talking here.

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Person number 13 - The "Dictator".

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I think you may suffer from MPD, though in a specific variation.

You are many people all rolled into one persona rather than one person with many personas.

Psychologically interesting and yet...an entirely bizarre manifestation of the inter webs.

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No, she's remarkably consistent actually.

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Watch this Pirate Whatever poor thing get upset, it's hilarious. That's why I drive these idiots nuts, it's worth it. The other reason is, I don't have TV, and even if I did, nothing there beats this delightful experience :)

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Yeah, neither do I actually.

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I know, dear, you are obsessed with me. That's why I wind you, trolls, up, you are funny when you go bezerk. I know which buttons to push, don't I? You will be coming up with the list of my "personas" all day now... tata for now..

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So now I can add "Winding Trolls Up" to your amazing resume.

How do you find the time, Gurl? Oh, that's right, you split the "duties" up between all the ten or so people running your rinky-dink psyop.

It's hard being the Red-Headed Stepchild from the Eastern Bloc. *Sad Face*.

Seriously, just stop the nonsense. People are well aware of what you are. Outside of a few baby ducks who have yet to understand.

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Yes, I will tell all the 50 staff that run my social media you are a fan. You figured out my deep dark secrets, you sleuth extraodinnaire! LMAO.

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Do you not think you contribute to the fear mongering?

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I don't think this is a real person. Sasha persona.

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Jun 6Liked by Michael Yon

Latypova has spent her entire career writing contracts for big pharma. What a coincidence she finds a way into Yons Substack. Make no mistake, she thinks herself to be above the rest. Yon must be directly over the target if this fangirl has decided to chime in. Danger Close. She is not a doctor, no degree, no specialized skill, She is European WHO

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I think you are suffering from a delusionary SDS. Seek help.

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Person number 4 : "Fake Doctor".

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In what way do you think I contribute to fear mongering? Please be specific.

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“Overall characterization of what is going on: the federal and most of the state governments are gone and captured. Whatever is running the federal gov agencies (e.g. HHS) really intends to kill you, or at least substantially injure you, damage your reproductive capacity and repossess your assets in the process. The aim is to reduce the population and terrorize the survivors enough to establish a totalitarian control over much of the world’s territory. Nobody is coming to save you, your survival and that of your children is in your hands only. Do not comply.”

From your own site….look up the definition of fear mongering. I am not saying it bad, just that both of you are doing it, out of necessity. It is reality, and it is what the powers that be want you to do, educate, confuse, distract and accuse each other. I see it happening.

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Latypova is dead wrong

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Don't read her then. Let me help your emotional struggle, by blocking you.

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Person number 5 : "I Am My Own Third Person and Blocker To Protect The Persona".

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Isaiah warns you and the other blind and clueless that God always judges the wicked.

""For behold, the Lord is about to come out from His place To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; And the earth will reveal her bloodshed And will no longer cover her slain." Isaiah 26

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Yup. All Trubulational in scope of fulfillment. Yet ahead.

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Would there be some back of envelope numbers you could lay out in a line or two to help appreciate the certainty on this?

It sounds like the RNA clearly is intended to replicate exponentially for at least some period of time inside the initial recipient. What is the error rate per molecule, what is the variance in this error rate and how does that then bound possible spread including to other humans? Or is there some other way to look at it?

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I always advise people to pay attention to words, and it is helpful to read the words you yourself type (I am not being snarky, I do this, checking myself).

1. "it sounds like RNA intended to replicate exponentially": that's because people repeat this narrative, that's why it sounds like that. In practice, there is no way to replicate anything exponentially, this idea contradicts the physical laws of thermodynamics among other issues. So, no saRNA does not replicate exponentially. It is simply a formulation with a piece that is MODELED to do so. Since the covid vaxxes are not regulated pharmaceuticals and thus nobody can actually make them to the design specifications (because there are no manufacturing facilities, processes or control mechanisms that can assure this), I can bet a lot of money this "replication" fails to even start in a large % of cases, and has not effect in addition to already poisonous brew that these things are.

2. "what is the error rate per molecule, etc" -these are great questions! If saRNA actually worked as designed, the answers would have been published in science literature. However, no data on this exists, because nobody ever bothered to study these questions. That's additional proof of what I am saying. without addressing these questions, nobody can make saRNA as advertised.

3. There is not going to be "spread" more than the shedding that's already present. As I mentioned, saRNA was already used in Europe in 2020. There was nothing noted above and beyond what has been noted with regular versions of covid vax. That's because shedding is rate limited by the body that is shedding, not by the injection formula.

My own view, saRNA is a marketing gimmick, extra IP, and a trick to use less active ingredient formula, which is cheaper to make but one can justify higher prices.

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Just to let you know--the U.S. has already rolled out mRNA vaccinations other than Covid. The upper respiratory vaxx, called RSV "vaccine," is being heavily promoted as are treatments for cancer. All childhood vaxxs are to become mRNA.

I do believe the theory you propound about the extinction of Japanese people. Unfortunately, Japanese society...and I love Japanese...my Buddhist organization comes from Japan and I interacted for years with older Japanese leaders while practicing...is an extremely compliant one. I'll be quite blunt. The Endgame is to dilute all accomplished and highly developed societies with denizens from other parts of the world who have been conditioned to rely on government via socialist ideological training. They will, therefore, most willingly accept UBI and live within 15-minute cities while accepting the slow extinction of people through medical treatment and various aerosol poisoning (most likely scenario).

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Thank you. Specifically referring to self-amplifying.

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The Endgame written thousands of years ago...

Isaiah warns you and the other blind and clueless that God always judges the wicked on His Planet in massive rebellion.

""For behold, the Lord is about to come out from His place To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; And the earth will reveal her bloodshed And will no longer cover her slain." Isaiah 26

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You are certainly welcome to believe as you like; I find your views repulsive. I suggest you watch the video I made at the end of my most recent substack. https://sunlotus17.substack.com/p/the-great-game-of-war-part-2

You'll see Archangel Michael who inspires humanity's transformation and spiritualization. We are currently in a Michaelic Age from 1879-2233. The video ends with a quote from Rudolph Steiner indicating the direction we need to take for passage through these times.

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You are certainly welcome to believe as you like; I find your views extremely evil & repulsive.

I wouldn't waste my time on you, blind guide leading others into the sewage filled ditch of everything false.

You're about much closer to a demon dragon than you are to a honeybee.

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Why is Japan apologizing and still getting the MRNA death shots?

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They appear as compromised as any I have seen around the world. Persistently damaging their own people and country.

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Not sure this is the same Michael as the author? Should have his picture as the icon and clicking the name doesn’t go to his Substack. Might be him/you but also might not be.

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This, this is Michael Yon. Will try to fix icon.

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I agree Michael. I live in Kelowna BC and we still have the NDP (marxist) government and their Chief Health Officer, mandating all health care workers keep up with the jabs for employment, all doctors, all nurses tech etc. We are the only place in North America with vaxx mandates. In the last week I have asked 3 specialists if they believed that covid vaacines created spike proteins. 2 did not know, and one a pulmonologist said no, and why my concern. I said you have referred me for an upcoming lung surgery to remove scar tissue from blood clots and that surgery sees 50% of persons require a blood transfusion. I said my research reveals donated blood by those that took the covid jabs is likely to be tainted with spike protein. He then gaslit me saysing I am confused, with the criminal tainted blood supply that didnt properly screen for HEP-C years ago.

No I am not confused and a 3 sec google search will reveal I am correct. To the pulmonologist credit he did state spike proteins are toxic, and can cause blood clots, myo/pericarditis, strokes etc....

Needles to say I was shocked all 3 specialist were that ignorant or lying about spike created in the vaxxes.

Ps. Micheal keep up the great work. I am also onside with your theory Oct 7 was a false flag along with Anthony Hall Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge Alberta, whom I am sure would love to chat/interview with you. He has been viciously attacked by the Israeli Lobby here in Canada. Cheers !!

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perhaps their “leaders” are compromised

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Maybe Michael can answer that question, since he is in JAPAN?

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Leaders appear compromised and/or amazingly naive.

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Maybe both!

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Could be?

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The Zionists are the true enemy of the people

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ok go hang with the islamists

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deletedJun 6
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deletedJun 6·edited Jun 6
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Israel is weaponized against USA. Not our friends. I supported Israel for years. Mistake.

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deletedJun 6
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What happened on 911? An Israeli-Neocon False Flag Operation is what happened...

1. The Project for a New American Century was written in Israel in 1996 under the name - A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. Requires a new Pearl Harbor for their plan. This is an update of the Yinon Plan of 1982- the Greater Israel Project. From the Nile to the Euphrates River...

2. Zionist Jew Silverstein purchased WTC 6 weeks prior. First time the WTC was ever put into Private Hands. Friends with Israeli Prime Ministers & Intelligence Services, along with Fed Reserve President & World Bank Presidents.

3. Zionist Jew Frank Lowy paid $127 million in May 2001 for a 99-year lease on the retail area beneath the New York World Trade Center. Member of the Golani Brigade & fought in the Israeli war of independence.

4. Zionist Jew Ronald S. Lauder was key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC. Lauder has funded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel.

5. Airline Security Company at BOTH the Boston & Newark airports on 9-11 was a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS). Most employees were ex- Shin Bet Israeli agents.

6. Security at the WTC was run by Kroll Associates, owned by Jules Kroll & Jerome Hauer (BOTH Jews). Hauers mother involved in the creation & maintenance of the State of Israel.

7. Zionist Jew Philip Zelikow (Jewish Dual Citizen of Israel) wrote the fraudulent 9 11 Commission Report.

8. Zionist Jew, Richard Perle, Chairman of Pentagons Defense Policy Board, was expelled from Sen. Henry Jacksons office in the 1970s after NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel.

9. Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff was assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Justice Department; later, Director of Homeland Security.

10. Israeli messaging service Odigo sent AT LEAST 2 Israelis prior warnings on 9 11, 2 hours prior to attack. Odigo has offices in New York & in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad.

11. Zionist Jew Pete Zalewski was the air traffic controller responsible for 2 of the planes on 911 & another plane full of top Pakistani military officials whose plane (Egyptian Fl990) crashed 2 years prior to 911.

12. Israeli Mossad Jews caught & arrested filming & celebrating WTC prior to & after 1st plane hits WTC. Jumping up & down, lighting lighters & holding them up in air.

13. Ted Olsen's wife supposedly placed an impossible cell phone call from on the plane during 9 11, Ted Olsen was Israeli Spy Jonathon Pollard's attorney.

14. Israeli Mossad Jews caught with explosives near George Washington Bridge on 9 11.

15. Zionist Jew Alan D. Ratners Metals Management merged with the SIMS group & the Hugo Neu Corporation & sold over 50,000 tons of crime scene evidence.

16. Over 60 Israeli spies arrested on 9/11 & days afterwards.

17. Zionist Jew Adam Pearlman is the AlQaeda spokesman. Lived with grandfather prior to joining AlQaeda, grandfather on board of ADL & huge Israeli supporter. His father helped run the Hippie Movement in SoCal then moved family to run a Kosher farm.

18. S.I.T.E. website releases AlQaeda tapes but is owned by an Iraqi Jew who was in Israeli IDF. Her father was an Iraqi Jew & was sentenced to hanging after being caught SPYING FOR ISRAEL in the 1967 war.

19. Zionist Jew Dov Zakheim was CEO of SPC International which developed Remote Control Flying Technology & leases Boeing 767 refuel tankers, the same planes used on 9 11. He also authored PNAC & was Comptroller of Pentagon when $2.3 Trillion went missing.

20. According to FBI, in the Year 2000 Israeli Mossad had penetrated secret communications throughout the Clinton administration, even Presidential phone lines.

21. After 9 11 Israeli Prime Minister Sharon said: We Jews own America & the Americans know it.

22. Popular Mechanics so-called (Debunking 9 11 Lies) article had as its senior researcher Benjamin Chertoff, the cousin of Dept of Homeland Security Head Michael Chertoff at the time, Israeli dual citizen.

23. Israeli Mossad pretends to be Al Qaeda in Palestine but is caught by the Palestinian Authority in 2002.

24. On Oct 10, 2001, just 30 days after 911, 2 MOSSAD agents, armed with Glock automatics, 9 grenades, explosives, wiring and detonators, were arrested in the Mexican Congressional building. El Diario reported they were carrying fake Pakistani passports. After intense diplomatic pre$$ure, including a special envoy from Tel Aviv, the 2 were quietly released, deported to Israel and the story, which had dominated Mexican media and press for days, completely vanished. There were 3 key Mexican govt officials, "Ladinos", involved in the negotiations: in the foreign affairs, defense and judicial depts.

25. November 2, 2001: FBI Fury As Israeli citizens With US Nuke Plans & Valid Israeli Passports Escape custody.

26. Israeli citizen Philip Zelikow led the 9 11 Commission Report.

27. US Army released on 10 Sept 2001 a study on Israel, which said: Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS Army Officers say: Wildcard. Ruthless & cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces & make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.

28. "In fact, the entire AIPAC apparatus, the largest lobbying organization in Washington (happened to be jewish), is currently engaged in a “full court press,” to stop congress from pushing for the release of the real report. Is this because the real report accuses Israel, not Saudi Arabia, and AIPAC wants the Murdoch/Sperry story to stand?"

29. "The real report, called “shocking” by the legislators, who have called for President Obama to declassify the entire report, proves that there was no al-Qaeda involvement, no reason to invade Afghanistan or Iraq and no reason to hunt CIA operative, Colonel Tim Osman, also known as “Osama bin Laden.”"

30. "In 2007, the FBI flew a team to Bangkok to interview former Soviet nuclear intelligence specialist Dimitri Khalezov. Khalezov told the FBI that, in the morning of September 12, 2001, he attended a breakfast gathering with Mossad Operations Chief Mike Harari and his son along with other Israeli operatives.

Khalezov reported to the FBI that this gathering was to celebrate the 9/11 attacks, not as Netanyahu had said, as a “fortunate happenstance for Israel” but as a Mossad attack on the United States."

31. "Thus far, the initial report to congress on the Bush falsification does not qualify as a leak. Only Bush stands accused, the 9/11 perpetrators are still safe, their identities still protected by security protocols maintained by President Obama, despite congressional demands."?

32. Israeli Mossad Motto: "By way of Deception, thou shalt do war." (Motto Removed prior to 9 11).

33. “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

34. Ehud Barak, the prime minister of Israel until March of 2001, came to the U.S. shortly after leaving office. He came, ostensibly, to work as a special advisor for Electronic Data Systems and as a consultant with SCP Partners, a Mossad-run private equity company focused on "security related" work. SCP Partners did business with Metallurg Holding, Inc., as well as Advanced Metallurgical Group, both sharing the same Wayne, PA address. AMG specializes in the production of the same super-thermite used to collapse the three skyscrapers on 9/11.

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Pandemic Narcissism USA is like Spiritual Thermite destroying our country.: Entitled GODLESS Spoiled Brat

PityMe Victims, Entitled to Control, Humiliate humanity,, or Entitled to Destroy You.

Brainwashed Cults- Bolshevics- Brownshirts- Burn Loot Murder- Antifa- The Woke , and "Secret Societies" GangsterZ!!! --- Gangs -Cartels- Terrorists - *Satanists*!

Search *Lisa A. Ramano "It's All About Me" the book. *Dr. Ramani. Stephanie Quayle new book. (I've known Steve Quayle/.com and "Links" since 1997). Narcissism is a Curse. I lived that shit since I was born, "family". My healthy independent 95yo mother was taken from her "home" against her will, then MURDERED, in the rest home. I've been *focused all my life!

"Never tell a Narcissist NO"- Olivia, L&O.

Michael Yon comments on "what is a Zionist"? Money Power Control. ....OR.......

They come in all faiths, and religions, CULTS.

"Money is the root of Evil".

"Power corrupts and attracts those who are easily corrupted".

"Life is Spiritual with Human Experience". There's a Spirtual Cancer in America: GODLESS...."Satanists" -Narcissists -Sociopaths Psychopaths.

"Everybody" believes in God when they die! EVERYBODY!

Jayro, you accuse me of your behavior. Transference. all that you said, your point was to only discredit me- several truths. not debate- correct the record on ONE point. YOU are NOT part of The Solution ....Dude! ---as smart as you are....You* got offended. Our focus should be working together, serving The Truth, The Holy Father Who made us, sent us. As educated you are, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. 3rd grade Deductive Reasoning. YOU chose to pout not teach, inform, inspire, save lives.

GOD or LUCIFER? One Life One Choice Jayro. God bless you sir: ♡ "Who are you"?

(Kathleen on SSTK, a very sweet soul, God bless you gurl"!♡ - has a new post, provides A Solution, Never mentions God)

Jayro, i would reply on email but you blocked that. So, let the world read The Truth. We have a Divine Creater who is ignored and Hated, and has removed His Protection. Lucifer runs this planet from the start. We are another Empire into the ashes. We are in the last steps of Collapse-look it up. Apathy-Complacency- Godless "me"- I got "mine" - or poor Godless "me"!

We next, USA Burns Coast to Coast -Intentional -Global Spiritual Thermite" Agenda, any day. That is our only focus, why God Sent Us. ♡

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"Betrayal is Loyalty"

"Wut ya gunna do 'bout it:?



God bless your courage Jayro

We pray

We expose The Truth

We give our Lives, our Fortunes, our Sacred Honor

Jesus Wins♡

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Thank you for the deep Intel very few would ever read.

Reliable Resources Claim:

Weaponized Drones were flown into the towers. The real flights were flown to Med. Sea.

Bldg. #7 was certainly a controlled demolition-- (structural steel?)fell into it's own footprint, never hit, only smoke from only one corner stairwell, Docs for the MIA $2.3 Trillion was stored #7, Rumsfeld was to testify that day.

Evidence and testimony of night crews, torches, gangboxes, (*Structural work tools)

Testimonies of explosions from the basement by Survivors and NYFD on video. Reliable Resource claim Low-Grade Nukes.

RR claimed DEWs - why jumpers were escaping intense heat not flames.

DEWs explains Only (3) structural steel buildings "burned to the ground in the history of man, happened in one day"!

DEWs explains how the vertical tensile strength of massive columns could ever be compromised.

Towers *imploded* into their own footprint.

DEWs melted steel and glass- only dust- (trees burn from inside- same as the "jumpers"?) IN The Camp Fire Calif? Maui? Texas? etc. How does jet fuel, furniture, and paper BURN AT THOSE TEMPERATURES to melt steel and burn concrete into powder?

How did a jetliner/drone- "aluminum wings" reach past -CUT through Exterior Structural Steel Mullens, compromise massive INTERIOR Structural Columns? and fuselage reaches through ("pre-cut"?) "Structural Steel" Mullens? ---"again"? Fuselage Nose UNDAMAGED? Hit "Twice"!

So, "Aluminum WINGS" CUT through "structural steel" Mullens & Colums -The Tower's CRITICAL Integrity? (A Clean "pre-cut"?)

How we see "Explosions at Impact" and at EXIT remains very suspicious. Thermite found in The Pit, makes sense. Where did it come from? Not used in Erecting a Structural Steel design.

These are questions from structural ironworkers of steel and structural concrete with DECADES of Experience, Technical Education, Management, Drawings & Specs., practical hands on experience.

WE "know"!.... it was a well designed "controlled demolition".

"Common Sense Intelligence & Experience (tuRush) tells us"!

Add "another green light stand down FAILURE" in American History.

Years later another "stand down"? ---Open Border of 100s of THOUSANDS of military aged men? AN outof Control - CONTROLLED INVASION.

We are ADVISED- 90 days ago - "MORE dangerous than 911"!

NO SHIT! NO SHIT! "We The People"? NEED TO BE INFORMED"? - by The AUTHORITY"? WHAT? Authority we elected- depend on? to PREVENT "Another 911"?


WHY IS THE BORDER STILL OPEN? We $34 Trillion Broke!

(who's "counting" 3,500/day? who's checking The counting?) No Accountability is now A Religion for Corruption.

*COMPARE! (19)* to why are ALL Borders ...REMAIN WIDE OPEN, with *MILLIONS "UNKNOWN" military aged men, no women-no kids, 150+ Countries? Criminals? Soldiers? Gangs? Mentally Ill? Diseased? Cartels? Pedofiles? Cannibals? Satanists? **TERRORISTS**? YA THINK?




How did we get here - NO Excuse - NO Accountability?

"We The People" PAY- WE PAY for our own Murder-Democide- & COLLAPSE-USA, the most prosperous civilization in The Hstory of Mankind.

ONLY (19) - *Murderd -*Destroyed - *Disabled THOUSANDS of innocent lives: The Attack - The Pit - The War. *Families! & *Soldiers!


♡ Jesus, plesse hear our prayers ♡

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There were no DEWS you have no evidence. Mossad was leasing the 91st floor of the towers and were photo'd next to boxes of fuses for demolition.

Who - Mossad

What - Demolition devices including thermite

Where 91st floor where the towers began to fall

Why so we would spend billions to attack Iraq Israel's next door threat.

Give me the who what where why for the DEW's

Judy Wood is counter intel nutball so don't bother giving out useless links.

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Thank you for the reply. I have so much respect for your personal intelligence and delivery.

I'm listening.

It was years ago I found a credible source regarding DEWs. I never heard of Judy Wood. Why would you say I "gave you links"?

You got upset.

YOU need to provide YOUR evidence-LINKS, if that's your problem. Right?

I admire your gonadz for throwin' down such incriminating evidence against the Mossad. That's why I responded to your great contribution.

I was telling the other half of the story.


*Thermite charges, I agree. We saw explosions.

* I agree WE COULD SEE the towers were cut at 91st floor. No aircraft could separate that huge section of the tower. I put up structural steel tall buildings. I worked with thermite "to weld" 100s ft rebar. Not as an explosive.

WE ALL KNOW THE MOTIVE! - blood & treasure.- depopulation - Satanic Blood Sacrifice. *BLOOD "Harvest (Christians) Festival"-Vegas)- "green light intel "failures), Pearl Harbor, Boston Marathon- etc. etc. Crocus -Moscow, *Oct 7th 2023*

I delivered newspaer age 6-16. 1959-1969, Vietnam, JFK, MLK, 6day war etc. I saw Kruchev bang his shoe. I was born a researcher.

You can be the smartest in the room. I really don't care.

My priority is gettn the truth out there. Agree?

It was YEARS AGO- WHO? I.... Dont... Know.

I KNOW THERMITE WAS USED. (My resources years ago claimed "found in The Pit." - yea it burned glow -red several weeks. I worked in steel mills- repaired steel mils. I Erected tall buildings 20 years.


(DEWs melted Maui, right? Camp Fire CA, Texas in March)

*HOW- tons of steel melt into It's own footprint?

*HOW - did concrete turn into dust?

*WHAT- exploded in the basement?.(NYFD testimonies on video)


If you have links to answer questions, *WE* ARE ALL READY TO LEARN.

The better point:

JET FUEL *DID NOT* cause STEEL TO COLLAPSE THE TOWERS into their own footprint. *correct?

WE need to hear THAT.

(DEWs 'were' a plausible explanation) *MICROWAVE HEAT*

Please please, YOU provide links. Right?

YOU didn't give YOUR evidence. Right?

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I never read or heard Judy Wood speak.

You throw false accusations.

The many whistle blowers are censored or terminated.


YOU said the M word.

I suggest YOU go ask A "SATANIST"

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YOU have no evidence.

That's all you got?

Satanists Eat Their Own!

Prepare: "In One Hour"

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Hey Einstien, tha pancaking floors took out the beams, lateral support.

Simple controlled demolition.

Find Jonathan Kleck or Kleck Files - Odysee.

"Twin System" -" Twin Towers" $20 bill- "folded"- Twin Towers on fire. All the ca$h is coded.

All my Love---YOU Dawwwg.♡

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Watch the tape there was no resistance from floor to floor in all three buildings. No pancake.

According to the NIST the buildings came down due to fire. They said this because they didn’t pancake. Thermite was detected in the dust days after the buildings fell, so there is that. I am guessing you might know what thermite is for?

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*Sorry Marine Michael Yon. I'm sorry., SIR*










I'm sure the elevator shaft had jet fuel blazing and good chance of thermite.

We see "ENOUGH" to share a very credible conclusion.



They only needed charges where the Weaponised drones impacted to collapse the towers to drop The Wesight.

We don't see Thermite charges as the collapse happened in seconds.

I already know you ain't no engineer. I worked with Professionals!. Decades.

You are to insecure to act like a professional.

The only point is WHO & WHY but you wanna argue simple physics.

We are still under attack! Right?

WE ARE SUPPOSE TO "WORK TOGETHER"--DUDE! Save lives save souls. Not argue cuz you offended Jayro. (WTF?wtf!)

WHO & WHY remains.

WHEN is planned "any day"! WHY would "they" wait for an election?

"In One Hour"! Mr. Marine Michael Yon- quote!

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You are a bit scattered. I would focus on one thing at a time if you want to make a point. It takes but a few words to tell the truth and right now you have a bit too many.

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YOU want to argue about HOW the towers were demoed! IT'S 100% IRRELEVANT.! MOVE ON.

Only those who know exactly where charges were set and Iron precut know. WE don't GVFK!

Too many. Nobody cares. You Pathological Narcissist.

You want a sand box pissn match.


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I tried to reply on email but you blocked it.

You nit pick one point.

Dude! We are losing our country. Share facts and be a kind patriot, not a condescending arrogant useless Narcissist ASS*!

-"it's all about YOU! I'm glad I will never share a foxhole with you. You can't be trusted.

We are still alive*

To save lives*

To save souls*


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The followers of Satan, allah and his false prophet have a false god of no mercy or compassion and they always lie, lie, lie like you.

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tbh you sound kind of insane. you offer no context and nothing even makes sense. it’s like a one way conversation in your head with no awareness of need to explain anything to the reader.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Michael Yon

First; there's no doubt what you report is correct as the slant in the News for almost 30 yrs. or even sooner when their Automotive Industry began to compete with the U.S beyond the Electronics Industry was threatening with their propagandized attacks upon Japan's culture, business accumen and the old propaganda from WWII. Their propaganda was clearly NOT relevant to Japan in our lifetimes.

Further, appears the west has pressured Japan as it seems to not be as adaptable to the INSANITY OF THE DEMONIC DEATH CULT now so active in the west spreading from the U.S. to the rest of the world. The plans and orders to distribute the poisons have been originating out of Tavistock Institute and Fronts of The Black Nobility as The Royal Institute For International Affairs aligned with The Council For Foreign Relations and The Natl. Security Council as the actual LEAD with the Covid Black Flag for DARPA/GLAXO-Wellness Trust and the Military which appears to take the shape of NATO/The Gladio Operations on a global level.

Second: Greatly respect your insight and opinion. Your 'Big Picture' view of the world is far more akin to that of the Classically Educated in Europe with diversity in past times and NOT AT THIS TIME.

WHAT OR HOW, exactly, do you define a 'Zionist' as don't know how you define it.

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You asked about defining ‘Zionist.’

As you must be aware — by virtue of asking — any answer is many sorts slippery and slidey. Such as that of defining Arab, Chinese, Democrat, safe, or dangerous. What is a real Jew, a fake Jew, a real Christian or a fraud? What is art?

What is an Arab? Only a simple person can answer that simply.

Many zionists are Christians, real Jews, ‘fake Jews,’ agnostics, or in an atheist cult.

For purposes of description here, zionists tend to be both global and globalists. Primarily in it for money, power, control. They’ll kill a Jew as quickly as a Muslim, a Christian, or a dog, if it helps them gain more money, power, control. They fly the flag of Israel but many would turn against Israel if it becomes an anchor instead of the cash and diplomatic and intelligence cow that it is. Israel is basically an aircraft carrier and power center for zionists, yet is only one machine in a global machine.

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IMHO, 'Zionism' and 'Zionists' has been bastardized and weaponized to mean something it was never originally intended to mean. The bible is clear in the Old Testament (Torah for Jews) that God gave a large section of land to the original 12 tribes of Jacob (Jacob later renamed Israel by the Almighty).

Zion was the name of the area where Abraham was told to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It was also the home of King David. "Zionists" originally meant, and should still mean, those that believe God gave that land to the lineage of the 12 tribes and a return to it, to inhabit it as God originally intended.

The "fake Jews" (Khazarian's and others) that call themselves Jews but, are actually the 'Synagogue of Satan' as Jesus called them in the book of Revelation, is another matter altogether. They have all been lumped together and are now being vilified as a whole by a growing number of people all over the world.

Biblical prophecy is being played out in real time.

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The trouble with "zionism" is that it is instantly seen as a bad thing that mainly applies to Jews and Christians who support Israel 100%. I support what I believe God is going to DO with Israel in the future. I think Israel needs to stop relying on other countries for support because they are doing the same thing their forefathers did throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. They went to other nations before ever going to the God of the Bible.

I'm also confused a bit here regarding the self-amplifying mRNA jab. Is this like "shedding" or far worse? Sasha says it can't be done or at least it isn't being done.

But what confuses me more is that you indicate that Japanese leaders are now starting to apologize for the mRNA jab that has harmed/killed multitudes. If this is true, why then will they turn around this October and issue a self-replicating mRNA jab?

I'm not trying to be argumentative at all here. I'm simply trying to organize what I've read from you in a way that I can grasp it. No offense intended, Michael.

Thanks for your work.

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deletedJun 6·edited Jun 6
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Evil has existed since the first day of creation (it's said). The a1/3 of angels worshiping God the son found out God the Father's plan to send the son to Earth as a human creature for human redemption. The angels worshiping God the son couldn't accept the fact of God reducing 'I Am' to being a human creature and the result of that act being the possibility of human creatures being raised to be above them. THEY FELL as an act of arrogance as they were suddenly delusional to believe self God and thus the First Commandment was broken and is to this day defined 'Original Sin' which is also the first of that of Adam and Eve...As documented in 1 Timothy 2:14.

While sin and evil has always existed on Earth in all locations as a universal 'Human Condition'; Israel holds a unique place in history as the first Nation consecrated to God by God's decision. As it was chosen, it has suffered for sin's institutionalization into it through it's Priestly and then Kingly Branches of Govt. many times which was harsh from God.

Then the 'Age of Law' of the Jews was ended with the birth of the Messiah Jesus Christ bringing 'The Age of the Church' where the Holy Spirit following the Redemption through the Death and Resurrection of Jesus placed God within all the souls of those of Faith as the actual location of God.

This resulted in the United States as a nation where THE PEOPLE consecrated the new nation to God's work on Earth...The beginning of 'Manifest Destiny.' Until this time sin and evil existed including slavery practiced by every culture on Earth, by every people, including those of European Descent as they were slaves in Europe by Imperialist Monarchs, Peers, Bankers and Trademen camouflaged with the definition of the Social Class as 'Serf/Peasant' which also became 'Indentured Servant'.

While sin and evil existed and continues to exist everywhere...It isn't until SIN AND EVIL ARE LEGISLATED INTO A NATION'S INSTITUTIONS AS WELL AS THE DECLARED CHURCH OF THE FAITHFUL that God removes Himself from that people. For a Nation so blessed as The United States...One consecrated according to 'Free Will of Humans'; it's been especially painful for God as the Nation held such hope to bring human creatures together.

Regardless of what the U.S. or Israel have done or do up until now...THEY ARE UNDER JUDGMENT FOR THEIR ALIGNMENT WITH THE EARTH'S ANCIENT EVIL FOR MONEY AND POWER. Unless there is a huge swing back to God, once blessing this Nation and the Jews through it...There is nothing we're going to do to stop what's coming.


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Jun 12Liked by Michael Yon

Just like COVID-19, Disease X will be a pre-orchestrated scamdemic years in the making, motivated by the globalists' psychopathic fetish for population reduction (genocide), unfettered control and ever-increasing wealth.

Don’t be a seaword: Recognize when you are being screwed and do not comply with evil.

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Jun 15Liked by Michael Yon

MICHAEL. look at the artist "Leo Tanguma" mural from Deaver International Airport (they've taken it down during past few years?)

It shows men with gas masks and machetes.

Here's a link to a History Channel episode years ago showing it

On "America unearthed"


It was a double-sided mural. Look at the kids from all the countries with machetes wrapped up in bundles. Mother's holding their dead babies and a man in military coat with gas mask and machete in hand.

They will unleash these men from all these countries that love to use machetes and they'll use diseases or gases as well as shots?? Not to me tion ceated famine.

Thank you so much for all you do to awaken inform and save. God bless you Michael.

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Jun 7Liked by Michael Yon

Thank-you for your time, and thought in answering the inquiry.

AGAIN, IN FULL AGREEMENT. Was so hoping you weren't going to say, 'The Jews.' Know that's the WRONG answer in both ideology and literally. Most Jewish people are as innocent and unknowing of the evil being perpetrated as Christians or even Muslims and all others in most of the World's Religions. Am very satisfied with your definition; relieved and reassured there are folks in the world knowing all to be interwoven with nobody completely guilty and nobody completely innocent.

Important to recognize there to be those claiming to be of all the World's Religions by day who are of Satan/Lucifer or any number of names associated as the old Demigods by night in all sorts of places perpetrating evils most average sinners can't begin to imagine; nor do most wish to.

Perhaps, the greatest sin of 'Good' is SLOTH OR LAZINESS as in 'Free Will', Good often turns a blind eye to evil and sin UNTIL TOO LATE and then whole societies pay the high price in limb, blood and life.

This time in all the advanced tech based out of Nazi Germany, itself funded by Zionist Bankers and all the eugenicist Corporatists of that day...Not quite certain exactly how 'The People' are going to fight this abhorent evil of the Zionists as Demons out of Hell once defined 'The Black Noblity'.

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Thank you, Sasha. I follow your substack as well and I appreciate your background in the Pharma industry and what you bring to the fore. What confuses me a bit here (aside from the self-amplifying mRNA), is if Japan is actually going through a time when its leaders are apologizing for giving out the mRNA jab, recognizing that many have died because of it, why are they moving ahead with this alleged self-replicating mRNA jab in October?

Hope if you read this, you'll get an opportunity to respond. The big concern is that if Pharma COULD produce a self-amplifying mRNA jab that would pass to others who did not get it (which is what shedding reminds me of), then how does anyone protect themselves from something like that?

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Jun 6Liked by Michael Yon

Yon Danger Close, Directly over the target, ChiNazi Latypova enabled the crimes against humanity and we see you. Bow down and REPENT. Latypova, your entire life has been spent writing specialized contracts for cartel drug companies, You get fired and have now pathetically decided to fess up...after the $ stopped. Latypova is a Catherine Austin Fits and JFK #1fangirl limited hangout affiecianto.

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Amedd. Did you just now land on the planet? If you are going to troll at least do it without the word salad.

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Jun 10Liked by Michael Yon

Go eat some crayons Voelz. The only troll around here is under the bridge, right next to the three billy goats. You should look toward the yellow pollen path and take care of yourself.

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Hey, crayons are GOOD. Shit some fun colors. Just like your posts, fun, but actually completely and totally worthless.

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So is the Japanese Government as Complicit as Ours in the USSA for Killing it's Own citizens???

The Japanese should be mindful of Chinese retribution stemming from WW II Japanese atrocities.

Asians have long memories. For example, the Vietnamese still dislike/distrust China for the Chinese occupation of Vietnam which lasted for approximately 1,000 years, from 111 BC to 939 AD.

I don't like any country or people being "Set Up", especially my people, my kith & kin.

Si vis pacem para bellum

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God kills and makes alive.

Isaiah warns you and the other blind and clueless that God always judges the wicked.

""For behold, the Lord is about to come out from His place To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; And the earth will reveal her bloodshed And will no longer cover her slain." Isaiah 26

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Tired of waiting over 2,000 years for the Lord to come out though I will agree the inhabitants of this prison planet will continue to be bleed out.

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GenEarly knows his stuff.

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Gen, I didn't know you were that old.

All those years must be tough on the feet and knees. Thank God for mobility scooters and chairs 😁.

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I'm Immortal, been around this dirt ball planet a long time, Comrade.

Bodies are quite temporary and diposable.

Though am considering Travelling some after this incarnation. Izekial took a trip didn't he??? Wonder where???

Enjoy your day.

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"Bodies are quite temporary and diposable."

Smelly too !

Wear a Mask for protection from the odor.

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Michael, did you catch some rare prion disease from the illegals in the Darien Gap? I thought it was you in the satellite photo sitting outside of a Japanese golf course eating dirt with a spoon. Did you find the raw ivermectin yet?

Did your insider informants tell you that the "Zionists" want Japan for their vacation homes? The plan is to eventually abandon Israel to the crazy Islamist terrorists so that they can bomb each other.

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Typical unhinged zionist response. Underlines and reinforces my decision to stop supporting Israel. Thank you for the reminder.

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Are you sleep deprived, are you suffering from jet lag? Your response itself is rather unhinged...accusing "FreedomFighter" to be a Zionist, assuming that he or she is a Zionist is not totally rational.

You are a good journalist, and courageous. I don't agree with you about Israel, but I can still respect someone with whom I disagree. But you are showing signs of intense stress. I am not a doctor but I recommend some well deserve rest!

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The cia and mi6 killed Abe! Kishida and Ron Emmanuel should be shot and dumped into the sea.

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Do you have any more on Abe’s assassination or is this just a theory? Totally agree on Rahm Emmanuel, btw. Whatever they got him doing there, can’t be good.

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Why should Ron Emmanuel be shot and dumped at sea? Who is Abel Kishida

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Abe was a former prime minister of Japan and friends of President Trump. He was assassinated.

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Another excellent "Red Pill Intel Report". Concise, well founded. Thankyou!

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Oh wow. Michal can sure set the lunatics on fire can’t he. They get to arguing among themselves and forget the point !!! lol.


One can be a non-Jew and be Zionist. Japan perfect example. Read.

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