Remember when Obama said what he needed and wanted was a private army? Well, here they are. And the nation-destroying Color Revolution has come to the U.S.

Our military has been decimated, poisoned and purged...making way for the currently unvaxxed disposables, who will not hesitate one minute to take Americans out - or round us up, whatever their overlord powers-that-should-not-be employers dictate.

The situation is dire...most people are clueless... even politicians still think this is all about votes...FFS

Not even - it is the orchestrated collapse of the U.S., and all of the western world - and child trafficking on steroids. The ghoulz have us cornered and in the killbox. Some of us know exactly what this is.

The cavalry is not coming...they've been "captured."

Where is that well-armed militia?

Triggered in TX...L&L...God help us all...

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Indeed . . . .

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deletedMay 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023Liked by Michael Yon
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>>>Don't give up, however. They want yo to think resistance is futile and that no organizational efforts will ever work.<<<

Not trying to "dog your butt"--shouting at their demoralization efforts. RESIST THEIR DEMORALIZATION PSYOPS. Sooner or later, we'll get the traction going that we need; actually, we're starting to get it now, and this thread is the proof!

The Feds themselves, at least on the rank and file levels, are beginning to wake up; that's why we've had serious whistleblowing from the FBI rank-and-file as well as the NSA. Yeah, they can "purge" these ranks, but then the whistleblowers get to join US.

Keep strong, STAY THE COURSE. I'm sure a few million of us WILL die, however, we can mitigate and even decrease those future numbers if we *act now.*

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“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” - G. Michael Hopf

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So, considering our young men are mostly trans or just plain wusses, we are truly f'd.

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AS IF females can't fight??!!

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I, personally, don't know any that would. I'm not saying they/we can't.

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>>>I know women who are more than willing to fight. Trust me. Right now, it's a lack of leadership--not a lack of will to resist.<<<

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I think (my opinion) a lack of leadership goes for everyone.

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now is the time to start hardening up

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You got it, hon! Get hard, get tough, learn how to "skin those smokewagons" WITHOUT hesitation or remorse, organize with others, secure your food and water sources so they can't starve or dehydrate you out! *But you got the right idea!*

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You are so right. That's what Hitler did to the Brown Shirts. They were loyal to him, but he still

ended up killing them. That's what I have said all along. They will be used to fight us. You see

how many younger aged men are coming. Where's all the women?

Entitlement, especially when they see how we Americans live.

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America's "Night of the Long Knives" will occur before election day in 2024. I don't need a crystal ball or the I CHING to see that's about to happen.

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Please explain. What do you think will happen before Election Day 2024? I see something planned. Because, the Leftists or whatever you call them are NOT going to give up power. They stole the Elections in 2020 and 2022.

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You've forced me to dust off my copy of the I CHING (Alfred Huang translation). I threw the coins and came up with Hexagram 47 ("exhausting") to describe today's situation and it changed to Hexagram 7 ("multitudes"). The significance (according to Master Huang) of Hexagram 47 is "This gua discusses the way to deal with an extremely difficult time or situation. The text is enigmatic. The image of the gua suggests that that yin forces overwhelm the yang, but the yang will not be overcome."

The significance of Hexagram 7: "Most English translations call this gua the Army. However, in ancient China, soldiers were not differentiated from peasants. There was no specific class termed an army. For this reason, I adopt the original meaning, Multitude. The gua does not encourage military actions. To the contrary, it indicates that if contention is not resolved properly, it might lead to the use of force."

As always, the I CHING speaks poetically and it is the readers' responsibility to figure it out.

Given the answer to my question, I recant my statement about the Night of the Long Knives. In fact, it might mean we'll see a revolution before the next presidential selection.

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WOW.....Thanks for taking the time to explain. I will have to read this over a couple times.

My Husband and his Mother came from Communist Hungary years ago. They lost

everything. They came to US and became Citizens. I will show him what you wrote. He sees what's going on in our Country. I've also read JOEBAMA is trying to implement the

Cloward-Piven Plan to destroy America

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You're very welcome. Now that I've had a few minutes to reappraise what I wrote, I wonder if the Wilhelm translation is more accurate on #7. If, in fact, that hexagram refers to the Federal government and not to the masses, it could very well mean that the Army will be used to crack down on dissenters (and possibly resemble the attacks by Hitler on his own Brown Shirts). #BLM and @#Antifa might actually pay a price for their antics in 2020.

While I put no credence in Oija boards or Tarot cards, the I CHING is over 2,000 years old. In 2021 it told me that Biden will not last until the 2024 election.

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Such is the problem with the I CHING. The interpretations can go either way depending on who is doing the interpretation, what their mood is, how they feel about the question asked, etc.

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I feel honored that you took time to dust off your copy of the I CHING :-)

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Have suspected from the outset of Biden's border policy that this was the intended purpose. Who could overlook so many military age males. Soldiering has nearly always accompanied American immigration from the early colonies.

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The book, TREBLINKA, is about one of the first concentration/murder camps in the early 1940's; it's about the victims and how they acted, about the propaganda and how it was, about who did the killing and how the murders were done... entirely relevant to today. We are living the SAME patterns-- the same people-- both victims and murderers and they who sought to fight back-- the same patterns in a thousand ways-- we're living it now.

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Then, this TRIPLES my conviction that we must act and organize NOW to avoid getting genocided!

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May 13, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

This invasion cannot be ignored. It will be too late when they organize in your communities.


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They have minimized and gaslit most of the country into thinking it's not real. Unless you live here like we do.

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They come pre-equipped with a sense of entitlement. Have you seen some of the illegals coming in? Sheesh...

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I'm not sleeping now, Mr. Yon: OH NO, I'M NOT. This is a damn dangerous situation in America, and I'm trying my best to wake people up!

THANK YOU for what you are doing!

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May 14, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

YON Showing up and showing out Caravan to Midnight 5/13/23 Tune it in and turn that sh!t up,tell Hanoi Hannah we will not comply with a wink and smile, gentlemen...(aka) General and Nathan Prelude and Yon, we want more smack talk. Let's push up on em, rattle the cage.

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I really don't think that the Globalists' plan (flooding the US with ILLEGALS) will go off as planned. They seemed to have forgotten their previous MONSTER Creation.......the Burn Loot Murder Mob and FascTifa Mob. I really do not think that the Globalists' first Monster Creation will put up with the Globalists' latest Monster Creation. Especially when the 'funding' for the 1st Monster Mob STOPS.....and the 2nd Monster Mob (Illegals) starts getting all of the $$$. I think that the Burn Loot Murder & FascTifa Mobs will start 'picking off' the illegals. Everyone just......STAY OUTTA THE WAY!! lol

That first step has already been taken......with all of those blacks, in Shitcago, all gathering to 'protest' the fact that a whole bunch of Illegals will be living at a school, in their Hood. lol


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The Globalists' plan is to create anarchy and then to end the violence with martial law.

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It WILL backfire, just as EVERYTHING that they have done thus far. Just sit back......stay out of the way......THEN it'll be OUR turn to go after them (Globalists & their Minions), once the first groups of criminals kill each other. (Criminals = Burn Loot Murder/Fasctifa/Illegals/'cops'/'troops')

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May 14, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

No, but people sure are reacting as they the Globalists want them to.

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This is all fun. What is your prognosis for America's future, mzlizzi? It is my impression that the Feds have begun identifying those who criticize the government and that the next move (unlike the planned and coordinated 2020 riots) will be the isolation and destruction of individuals. As the lowest classes continue to destroy the inner cities we will grow dangerously close to a race war. That's when the DJT Contagion czar will start mass incarcerations of MAGA supporters and warfare between the fascists and traditionalists will begin in earnest.

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I don’t do prognoses.

Outside of that, I find predictive history to be unimaginative and utterly boring.

P.S. I live in one of those cities and it’s destruction as usual, if not downright quieter than usual.

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So dark!

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Very disturbing.

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deletedMay 13, 2023Liked by Michael Yon
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I'll resist until the death. Liberty or death!

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America has 75 to 125 million *native gun owners.* The answer to 8 million armed Invader Migrants is *simple*: we must arm up, get really tactically trained, get ammo (securing ammo manufacturing as well), and grow and secure our food and water supplies so they can't starve us out. THEN, we must re-take the country.

We need to convince people that firearms are for RESISTANCE, not for looking good or classy or tough!

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This is why Obummer is out stumping, demanding all guns be confiscated.

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DING, DING, DING! I don't care HOW TOUGH these world-class criminal hit men from Latin America ARE, two bullets from a 5.56 to the brainpan or ONE ROUND OF .308 to the pelvis WILL finish them off. Obama knows it, all the other Communists know ti. That's why they're trying to grab the guns, and **we must resist them!**

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