There are the moral, amoral and immoral in every human faction. The use of agent provocateurs is as old as govt. I do not understand how the Zionist, as separate from everyday jews, can claim antisemitism, alluding to the Holocaust, when long engaged in identical actions. It rings rather hollow and speaks to unimaginable hypocrisy of a very evil bent that then unfairly smears the whole Jewish culture with the same tarred brush, like it or not.
"Saturday was the 86th Anniversary of Kristallnacht. Thursday there was a pogrom in Amsterdam as Jewish soccer fans were attacked violently - because they were Jewish."
Not because 👆.
In this instance, they were assaulted because they ran their mouths.
" It appears the Israeli Maccabee fans were the instigators of the violence according to Sky News and local feeds." The fact that this aspect of the event is suppressed nearly world wide tells you who really controls media, worldwide.
Always the victim card, which of course has to be updated from time to time I am completely impartial to any person of the Jewish religion or ethnicity. Like all peoples within the group there are the moral, the ethically challenged and the down right immoral on a sliding scale all the way to downright evil. Then there are the operatives that stage events like 9/11/2001 and JULY 7TH or agent provocateur street clashes.. These operatives and their controllers are the enemies of humanity wherever they hail from.
It's like poison slowly seeping everywhere. IF they want us to be zealot Israel first its not going to happen. I know plenty of jew pushing back , Glenn Greenwald and so on if Andrew Breitbart was alive he would push hard to separate the ZioNeoCon from America first. That's not antisemitism . My grandfather went to war2 cause his best friend was a Polish Jew. This is plain and simply an UN fracture operation. Fuck both side really . . . fuck the jihadist and the neoCon assholes. Lets just have no more people die . . .
I want fucking payback from the Jewish NGO who weaponized mass migration to attack everyone natives population. That's not antisemitism , that's identifying enemies.
Short of that your caught in the woke marxist identity politic warfare. The UN is attacking us all , everywhere.
Perhaps it is just me, but please color me skeptical regarding the claims by SkyNews and local feeds that the Israelis started the violent encounters. Would request receipts -- not second-hand gossip, courtesy of antisemitic sources. Further, regardless of who started the clash, what is the excuse for the Dutch police taking a full thirty minutes to show up on the scene? This stinks of a rigged deal. Moreover, there are indications of openly held antisemitic sentiments on the part of some members of the Amsterdam police -- whether out of hatred for Jews, or out of fear of Muslims, is not clear. This would explain the less-than-vigorous work that evening on the part of "Amsterdam's finest" in putting down the skirmish. Right wing Dutch political leader Geert Wilders labeled the goings-on in question as a "Jew Hunt." I tend to believe he is onto something here.
the Dutch-"Palestinian" "Resistance Fighters" planned it ALL in advance an' there were What's App an' some other phone app found ta prove it. Taxi drivers (who happen ta be Moroccan Muslims) all were in contact with each other an' also nabbed the cell phone tracin' info from all the Israeli's that arrived & took cabs so they could be found easily (shh, none'a this made it to the MSM either but of course folks'll always find a way ta both blame da joos an' double blame 'em fer makin' up their own "victimization" PR stories.. yadayada...)--
Imho it was a set up an' the riled up sports fans took the bait AND behaved badly but didn't start the violence at all- they were taunted so primed fer a tussle & cops were also primed to EXPECT that tussle just "watch"... One Israeli gal (cannot find her now) on X... last name like Bendman? was the one that complained no cops would help her get back ta her hotel safely... THAT is how Wilders found out his own police were standin' down! (her testimony seems ta have been erased...)
I heard days before the team/fans arrived "greeted" by "palestinian" flags an' nasty chants from the beautiful "Geerter Greeters"-- NOBUDDY stopped that from happenin' an' ta arrive to a town literally festooned with "pro-palestinian" flags might make ya a bit uncomfy--not quite like swastikas but let's say--plastered ta provoke as I heard / saw it... YES it was wrong for some team members ta tear down some flags... still ain't their property..
Did the team/fans react ta bein' taunted? natch. They are young foolish hormone-addled sports fans an' if ya piss 'em off they react--badly--NOT an EXCUSE. They needed ta rise ABOVE the tauntin' not descend inta immaturity due ta it. But the world needs ta know that reaction was mooey provoked.
No wonder they dishonored the silence at the openin' ceremony--if yer welcome mat is rolled out strewn with broken glass & hateful slurs you might not rise about the occasion (which should've happened--yes they SHOULD have behaved much much better--) but nope, they were reactive even though indeed provoked--I read the provocation took place for DAYS before the game started...anyone noticeably jooish was taunted in the streets, etc)
Also the Israeli Secret Service WARNED the Dutch Ministery of Police there was brewin' an attack and they Ministry IGNORED it an' didn't even bother tellin' Geert Wilders who found out on X (yeah, on Twitter!).... sigh (that's the viddeyo of the gal talkin' 'bout not cops willin' ta help her be safe--they told her to "find your crowd, the crowd you came with")
FWIW official policy of the Dutch Police; do not protect joos if it makes y'all feel uncomfy--many Muslims among Amsterdam's "Bravest" so they all stood down (an' cheered it on quietly as protectin' joos made THEM feel uncomfy an' it was perfectly "legal")
Michael, saying that you like Jews but you won’t tolerate the existence of a Jewish country is like saying you like Italians but Italy the ancestral homeland of the Italian people does not have the right to exist. Sorry, you can’t separate the two. You have a right to dislike whomever you want, I prefer some ethnicities and religions over others but who the hell am I to declare that they don’t have a right to exist??? Who does have a right to exist in that case?
JBS “Wrong. False equivalence. Like saying “So you think Southerners don’t have a right to exist” when Lincoln and Grant went after the Confederates during the Civil War? Or “Russians don’t have a right to exist when we hate Communists back during the cold war” etc etc. Jews are not equal to Zionism. Zionism is a political philosophy. MANY Jewish groups and individuals from Orthodox, Reform, and even political like the Bund were very anti Zionist. Wake up.”
Just reading comments from all stacks it has become obvious we are all in a controlled environment of playbooks, history-false or true, interactive discourse true or false and for the most non-artistic.
Sheep bleating bha thinking their bha is the truth. Non of it is as it is all a collective bunch of shit. The rarest form of an artist creates with any influence, organic thinking. I am guilt as charged but rarely I do think of something free of influence.
We be parrots, half truthers, and basically full of shit completely supporting a hologram of guessed reality!
The question should be who the Fuk, ie what entity is in control? Alien form of life far more advanced than we have a clue…
we all have a choice how we choose to see the world around us, right down to the basics of globe or disc? Everything is a lie, but now you get to discover your reality.
It shocks absolutely no one to hear that the Jewish fans started the ruckus and then when it turned on them they of course started crying about antisemitism and oh poor us aren't we so oppressed. Of course you won't see that covered in U.S. news reports, just the version They want you to read.
Oh, and nothing brings out the loons in your comment section like talking about Jews.
There are the moral, amoral and immoral in every human faction. The use of agent provocateurs is as old as govt. I do not understand how the Zionist, as separate from everyday jews, can claim antisemitism, alluding to the Holocaust, when long engaged in identical actions. It rings rather hollow and speaks to unimaginable hypocrisy of a very evil bent that then unfairly smears the whole Jewish culture with the same tarred brush, like it or not.
"Saturday was the 86th Anniversary of Kristallnacht. Thursday there was a pogrom in Amsterdam as Jewish soccer fans were attacked violently - because they were Jewish."
Not because 👆.
In this instance, they were assaulted because they ran their mouths.
Michael, bubeleh, why all of the Jew hatred?
Do you want your country destroyed by God?
Thank you Michael for your honesty in reporting the news from around the world.
" It appears the Israeli Maccabee fans were the instigators of the violence according to Sky News and local feeds." The fact that this aspect of the event is suppressed nearly world wide tells you who really controls media, worldwide.
Always the victim card, which of course has to be updated from time to time I am completely impartial to any person of the Jewish religion or ethnicity. Like all peoples within the group there are the moral, the ethically challenged and the down right immoral on a sliding scale all the way to downright evil. Then there are the operatives that stage events like 9/11/2001 and JULY 7TH or agent provocateur street clashes.. These operatives and their controllers are the enemies of humanity wherever they hail from.
It's like poison slowly seeping everywhere. IF they want us to be zealot Israel first its not going to happen. I know plenty of jew pushing back , Glenn Greenwald and so on if Andrew Breitbart was alive he would push hard to separate the ZioNeoCon from America first. That's not antisemitism . My grandfather went to war2 cause his best friend was a Polish Jew. This is plain and simply an UN fracture operation. Fuck both side really . . . fuck the jihadist and the neoCon assholes. Lets just have no more people die . . .
I want fucking payback from the Jewish NGO who weaponized mass migration to attack everyone natives population. That's not antisemitism , that's identifying enemies.
Short of that your caught in the woke marxist identity politic warfare. The UN is attacking us all , everywhere.
WOW WTF . . . this is crazy.
Perhaps it is just me, but please color me skeptical regarding the claims by SkyNews and local feeds that the Israelis started the violent encounters. Would request receipts -- not second-hand gossip, courtesy of antisemitic sources. Further, regardless of who started the clash, what is the excuse for the Dutch police taking a full thirty minutes to show up on the scene? This stinks of a rigged deal. Moreover, there are indications of openly held antisemitic sentiments on the part of some members of the Amsterdam police -- whether out of hatred for Jews, or out of fear of Muslims, is not clear. This would explain the less-than-vigorous work that evening on the part of "Amsterdam's finest" in putting down the skirmish. Right wing Dutch political leader Geert Wilders labeled the goings-on in question as a "Jew Hunt." I tend to believe he is onto something here.
yup...fwiw (mah turd in the punchbowl...)
the Dutch-"Palestinian" "Resistance Fighters" planned it ALL in advance an' there were What's App an' some other phone app found ta prove it. Taxi drivers (who happen ta be Moroccan Muslims) all were in contact with each other an' also nabbed the cell phone tracin' info from all the Israeli's that arrived & took cabs so they could be found easily (shh, none'a this made it to the MSM either but of course folks'll always find a way ta both blame da joos an' double blame 'em fer makin' up their own "victimization" PR stories.. yadayada...)--
Imho it was a set up an' the riled up sports fans took the bait AND behaved badly but didn't start the violence at all- they were taunted so primed fer a tussle & cops were also primed to EXPECT that tussle just "watch"... One Israeli gal (cannot find her now) on X... last name like Bendman? was the one that complained no cops would help her get back ta her hotel safely... THAT is how Wilders found out his own police were standin' down! (her testimony seems ta have been erased...)
I heard days before the team/fans arrived "greeted" by "palestinian" flags an' nasty chants from the beautiful "Geerter Greeters"-- NOBUDDY stopped that from happenin' an' ta arrive to a town literally festooned with "pro-palestinian" flags might make ya a bit uncomfy--not quite like swastikas but let's say--plastered ta provoke as I heard / saw it... YES it was wrong for some team members ta tear down some flags... still ain't their property..
Did the team/fans react ta bein' taunted? natch. They are young foolish hormone-addled sports fans an' if ya piss 'em off they react--badly--NOT an EXCUSE. They needed ta rise ABOVE the tauntin' not descend inta immaturity due ta it. But the world needs ta know that reaction was mooey provoked.
No wonder they dishonored the silence at the openin' ceremony--if yer welcome mat is rolled out strewn with broken glass & hateful slurs you might not rise about the occasion (which should've happened--yes they SHOULD have behaved much much better--) but nope, they were reactive even though indeed provoked--I read the provocation took place for DAYS before the game started...anyone noticeably jooish was taunted in the streets, etc)
Also the Israeli Secret Service WARNED the Dutch Ministery of Police there was brewin' an attack and they Ministry IGNORED it an' didn't even bother tellin' Geert Wilders who found out on X (yeah, on Twitter!).... sigh (that's the viddeyo of the gal talkin' 'bout not cops willin' ta help her be safe--they told her to "find your crowd, the crowd you came with")
Anywhoo there's this:
FWIW official policy of the Dutch Police; do not protect joos if it makes y'all feel uncomfy--many Muslims among Amsterdam's "Bravest" so they all stood down (an' cheered it on quietly as protectin' joos made THEM feel uncomfy an' it was perfectly "legal")
good take on it...
haters'll always hate... nuanced trooth seeps out only from the seams... an' in leeetle comments from those of us in the peanut gallery...
Michael, saying that you like Jews but you won’t tolerate the existence of a Jewish country is like saying you like Italians but Italy the ancestral homeland of the Italian people does not have the right to exist. Sorry, you can’t separate the two. You have a right to dislike whomever you want, I prefer some ethnicities and religions over others but who the hell am I to declare that they don’t have a right to exist??? Who does have a right to exist in that case?
JBS “Wrong. False equivalence. Like saying “So you think Southerners don’t have a right to exist” when Lincoln and Grant went after the Confederates during the Civil War? Or “Russians don’t have a right to exist when we hate Communists back during the cold war” etc etc. Jews are not equal to Zionism. Zionism is a political philosophy. MANY Jewish groups and individuals from Orthodox, Reform, and even political like the Bund were very anti Zionist. Wake up.”
The Lakota guessed it best, The Great Mystery!
Without influence
Just reading comments from all stacks it has become obvious we are all in a controlled environment of playbooks, history-false or true, interactive discourse true or false and for the most non-artistic.
Sheep bleating bha thinking their bha is the truth. Non of it is as it is all a collective bunch of shit. The rarest form of an artist creates with any influence, organic thinking. I am guilt as charged but rarely I do think of something free of influence.
We be parrots, half truthers, and basically full of shit completely supporting a hologram of guessed reality!
The question should be who the Fuk, ie what entity is in control? Alien form of life far more advanced than we have a clue…
but now you get to discover your reality.
we all have a choice how we choose to see the world around us, right down to the basics of globe or disc? Everything is a lie, but now you get to discover your reality.
Smear tactics
Israeli soccer players desecrated the minute of silence for the Spanish weather weapon victims by the Globalistas! Satanic shits!!
It shocks absolutely no one to hear that the Jewish fans started the ruckus and then when it turned on them they of course started crying about antisemitism and oh poor us aren't we so oppressed. Of course you won't see that covered in U.S. news reports, just the version They want you to read.
Oh, and nothing brings out the loons in your comment section like talking about Jews.