I don't necessarily disagree with the assessments in this article.

However, Aiden Clark was killed while riding in his school bus. The perpetrator, Hermanio Joseph, 35, was charged with vehicular homicide. Twenty other students had to be taken to the hospital with injuries. Aiden was thrown from the bus, and the bus rolled over him. Joseph was unlicensed and swerved left over the center line. Joseph was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide and sentenced to 9-13 years in prison.

Clark's father, from news reports, appears more upset with people using his boy's name to justify hatred toward Haitians.

I could find no reports of Haitians eating pets or ducks. The Federalist does have a 311 call from an individual reporting four Haitians each taking a duck into their cars. https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/10/exclusive-police-audio-report-confirm-haitian-goose-hunting-in-ohio-they-all-had-geese-in-their-hands/

I think what's extremely funny are the memes around this case. One has Trump cradling a duck and a kitten saying he'll protect them while another has a dog and cat looking at you saying "Don't eat me, bro." Too funny!

I think a case which does deserve attention would be Landon Hoffman, 5 years old, who was thrown over the third-floor railing in Mall of America in 2019 by a man who said that he had come to the mall deliberately to murder someone. Luckily, Landon not only survived but has thrived. The man was charged with 1st degree attempted murder and sentenced to 19 years in prison. The parents settled with Mall of America and have a GoFundMe over a million. Landon, believe it or not, somehow suffered no serious injuries after recovery. He's a healthy boy today.

I remembered Landon's case because the guy is Somalian. Reading further, I found this explanation from an entry on The Data Lounge, which I think fits.

"In a violent and lawless country like Somalia, having a hair-trigger temper and exploding into violence on the slightest pretext actually helps a person survive. If things are likely to go all kill-or-be-killed at any moment, the guy who gets violent the firstest and the mostest is the one most likely to walk away from the mayhem alive.

Once learned, such habits are almost impossible to break. There's nothing to be done with this guy but lock him away for life, or send him on secret Mission Impossible Suicide Squad missions."

And this is our main problem. Americans are used to a safe, secure (relatively) society compared to Haitian and Somalian cultures and societies. We are dealing with people who have no understanding of American life, culture, society, or practices. Americans need to wise up and wise up fast. Children need to be kept away from anyone who appears to be an immigrant. They shouldn't walk or play alone anywhere or anytime. They need to be taught self-defense. They need to be taught the realities of current society and the dangers they might encounter while instilling some backbone in them.

I would say the same goes for adults. I'm amazed at the women, who are more likely to be attacked because they're smaller and weaker than most men, who simply appear unobservant of their surroundings. We don't live in a safe country anymore.

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The chicken, cat, dog and geese eating is EVERYWHERE. I don't know how you missed it. There's even pictures of one carrying off dead geese from the public park and one of them cooking a dead cat over the open flame on a gas stove. Got to X, Twitter or whatever you call it and you'll find it. I think the Federalist is a liberal leaning paper - don't think you'll get the truth there.

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I don't participate in X or any social media outside of Substack and a few quips under YT videos. I commented at "Gateway Pundit" for a month or so but got sick of the knuckle-dragging responses in some cases and just stopped.

While researching the Springfield, Ohio, case, I did encounter some tidbits of information.

The highly disseminated photo of a man carrying a dead duck is from Columbus, Ohio, in July. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/columbus-man-regrets-taking-goose-photo-now-being-used-to-misrepresent-immigrants/ar-AA1qld6K

I saw a short video of a cat being "cooked" over an open flame, but if you look, the #s come from the Dominican Republic. Apparently, these might be Haitians in the Dominican Republic. They're #dominicanrepublic #santodomingo https://resistthemainstream.com/haitian-migrants-munch-on-sickening-food-product-report/

The Federalist, which I linked above, is an openly conservative website which wholeheartedly supports Trump.

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So you think Haitians in Columbus Ohio are behaving differently from Haitians in Springfield Ohio?

This is your sticking point?

You’re full of shit and making excuses to avoid acknowledging a reality that you find unpleasant.


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So...in your estimation none of what you're saying is true could possibly have been staged for political purposes? You buy everything you see on social media that confirms your bias?

There are no police reports or eye witnesses or anything else to confirm what you're saying is true. Just social media posts that are the same photos repeated over and over.

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Anything can be staged for any number of reasons. Most of Substack is largely highly subjective opinion--even those stacks which portray themselves as presenting scientific data. If you're looking for truth, I'd certainly exit Substack.

None of us has any idea who presents what information for what purpose anywhere on the net. A large part of the "highly scientific" divide on the tiresome virus vs no virus is nothing but theater. Unless an individual's highly psychic or intuitive, they won't have clue why anyone is posting anything, and most people aren't psychic.

Actually, I just posted "Haitians Can't Drive and Get Assistance Unemployed/Disadvantaged Americans Don't." https://sunlotus17.substack.com/p/haitians-cant-drive-and-get-assistance

I find the entire highly amusing.

I posted "The Election 2024: Cat and Duck Lives Matter!!" earlier today which basically consists of newspaper info and more largely cat-duck-Trump memes, which I find hysterical. In the "Haitians Can't Drive," a YouTuber, Tyler Oliveira, went to Springfield and interviewed long-time residents and newly arrived Haitians. He published yesterday. The comments now stand at 30,575 and views at 1,876,113. I don't monetize my Substack so look or don't as you wish.

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This has been confirmed by numerous outlets that I've watched. Now, in answer to your absurd question, I ask you: Do you do your own investigation into everything you believe that you've seen elsewhere? Of course you don't. Stop being so obnoxious.

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I don't know which outlets you watch. And, YES, I do investigate outrageous claims of a lurid nature prior to swallowing them whole.

I'll make you a deal. I'll try being less obnoxious if you try being less gullible and hysterical.

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What do you think the Haitians with ducks in their cars were going to do with them? Keep them as pets at home where they most likely are squatting? Why should Americans be scared to let their kids play outside in their own country? These sub-humans, imported by criminals should not be fed & housed in our prisons for 9plus years on tax dollars! And since you so articulately & intellectually understand the problem buy dont seem to see the injustice of it all, therefore I ask where is your loyalty? Where is your patriotism? Maybe you are from one of those unfortunate cultures who is devoid loyalty & patriotism.

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The replies have gotten so numerous under this topic that I can't tell to whom you're replying. If it's me, here's my answer.

I don't think these types of immigrants belong in this country. If you had read my first post, you would have read (quoting from a Reddit comment):

"In a violent and lawless country like Somalia [and Haiti], having a hair-trigger temper and exploding into violence on the slightest pretext actually helps a person survive. If things are likely to go all kill-or-be-killed at any moment, the guy who gets violent the firstest and the mostest is the one most likely to walk away from the mayhem alive.

Once learned, such habits are almost impossible to break. There's nothing to be done with this guy but lock him away for life, or send him on secret Mission Impossible Suicide Squad missions."

I was born at West Point, NY, where my father, Corp of Engineers, was teaching after WWII. I detest this country as we now stand. I think the most valuable product America offers are the founding documents including the Declaration of Independence; original founding fathers' writings; and the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. We no longer stand with these documents, and I have zero amount of loyalty to such a country.

If I were younger, you bet your ass I'd be planning to retire elsewhere. I'm not and already retired. We're a war-mongering nation led by the nose via Globalist Bankers who reap the rewards for every American soldier killed for absolutely nothing. We're a hegemonic force fulfilling the mission of the most elité NWO. We don't spread democracy; we spread transnational banking interests at the end of a gun.

This country doesn't serve anyone except the recently arrived immigrant who is being introduced into this country to destabilize society and cause friction among groups by treating other native groups, like vets, blacks, and homeless, very poorly in comparison to the level of money and support immigrants receive.

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Oh a NYer of course- yes I read this.

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No. Not a NYer. I left West Point at six months old. Grew up in Germany (Heidelberg), Austria (Salzburg), and Italy (Florence). Learned to speak Italian before I learned English. The Corps of Engineers relocates the individual and/or family every two years. I also spent 2 1/2 years in Taiwan (8-10 years old) late 50s under Chiang Kai-shek. Other years: Ft. Belvoir, VA; Ft. Leonard Wood, MO; and Ft. Benning, GA. Spent two weeks on Guam after MACS flight caught on fire and emergency landing. After spending time in Philippines where father had assignment on way back to U.S. Have never lived in New York.

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Thanks for good context!

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This is all true an lamentable, however I think the real problem is all the high IQ Asians they're flooding into the universities. This country is going to have critical doctor shortages, as well as practically every other "real" profession. I'd rather have a bunch of Haitian savages on welfare eating ducks tbph.

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I love high-IQ Asians if they're truly Americans. My A/C was on the fritz this summer, and the owner, property management company, and I were dealing with the owner's unfortunately heel-dragging warranty company. After ~3-4 visits by various A/C technicians, the PMC got an Asian tech. My A/C was repaired within a half hour. Subsequently, another part broke within the next week, and he returned and fixed the problem completely in less than 15 minutes. Love the guy. The other techs were all obviously from countries outside the U.S.

I don't think immigrating Haitians are necessarily savages. I read accounts about the changes in Springfield since their arrival. Many are trying very hard to start a new life, and many are working. The problem becomes the inequity in how Americans are treated vs newly arrived Haitians. The American government shunts aside American vets while giving large financial and health care assistance to the immigrants. The immigrants also carry their own culture rather than understanding and adapting to American as the YT video shows. Haitians are also not prosecuted for property crimes. This kind of favored treatment, of course, causes resentment and ill will.

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Problem is.....they dont belong here, period.

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I don't disagree with giving people a word visa, if they find a spouse while they're on it then they can join the national family.

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Yet another problem.

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Border Invasion Immigration Jihad

Door to Door Madd Maxx or Martial Law. 2024-2025. THEIR "white papers" -

"Get on the bus" off to FEMA hrc "fun camps"

*2 Choices:

• uSlave? or • uFOOD4Slaves?

••• For the children: GOD HELP US🙏

Ref: JJ Carell w Benjamin Faircloth @YT

Since January 2021 - 900,000 - over *1,000,000 + missing children- LOST.

• Raped- 7-15 times/day • 50-75 times/week - 30,000- 50,000 in a lifetime -7-8 years chained- trapped in filth

• Full of STDs no relief- torture- abandoned - relentless pain & suffering

• Then sold -Organ Harvest $100s of $1,000s

• Then carcus sold - child sacrifice or eaten

USA #1 planet Earth Child Sex Trafficking

• American children go south over the border- premium flesh- fewer parasites- flown to all the world, GONE!

• We know border patrol finds bags of feet & hands.

• We know HOLLY"wood"- Sorcery- Witch"Kraft "Eyes Wide Shut"- eat children.

+ Adrenachrome + Walnut Sauce

• testimonies, "invited to a party"- YOU Are The Party- Orgy- Pedophilia- Human Flesh and Feces 4 Din Din.

• Billionaires Boys Club, "and you ain't in it" George Carlin thank you - RIP.

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Evil people have been doing this heinous stuff for thousands of years and now many of us are realizing it. Evil has to be wiped from this Earth and in my humble opinion only Jesus can do it.

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You are so right.

* Only Jesus, in our hearts.

We Born in War, War we did not ask for.

Genesis *6 Fallen Angels are here for Seeds & Gold - Genesis 3:15, -

• Reptilians- Blood & Treasure agenda from The Beginning.

We go through these Days Of Sorrow before Jesus returns.


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Yes... To die is gain... Never thought I would look forward to that until I understood how wicked the world is and how satan has infiltrated all that is good. Got to focus on higher things now more then ever.

The Book of Enoch reveals a lot of things which is likely why it is not in the cannonized Bible. Get the book but here is an excellent read aloud.


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Thank you for your honesty and a reference.

I also try to support my facts, share references, and it helps explain to those who want to learn about Jesus. Bless you*

1) My first response these days is- The Satanist who want me dead, are afraid to die. OK?

2) This culture is so Evil, we want outahere more than they need us dead.

I totally understand.

• This* is not Life.

• We got better places to be.

• All the more motivation to Witness Jesus.

The more we Testify the closer to Death we get.

Not a bad deal.

They believe death is The End.

Jesus defeated death.

We *know Spiritual Life is Eternal.

*Save your Life "4WUT"?

♡God bless you♡


(do you also get Trolls that debunk and call you names and NO Evidnece?

I see this insanity in comments. It's part of these Days Of Sorrow)

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I like your come backs. Occasionally I get a troll and respond with kindness. It is hard to continue being rude when someone is kind and I try not to sound too holier than thou. I also try to use scripture and some try to debunk the Bible but I say it is a choice to believe or not.

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Edit- I'm just going to say the obvious.

I have followed my sources 24/7 closely since 2015 - including Jade Helm 15, 4,000days*

>Imminent Grave Danger<

*We Prepare to die*

- for Jesus -

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Matthew 10:34.

"I did not come to bring peace but a sword, to divide....".

Peace "agenda'' is Pagan. The upside down broken cross.

So the Narcissist Godless Woke Brats & Haters expect - "Demand Peace" and Kontrol. (violent insanity)

*2024 Narcissism USA Pandemic.

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Thank you for your reply. We need to be tactical- this war of words.

I always provide evidence and trolls never do. a sign.

• Are you familiar with *1 Corinthians 10- 29. "Conscience"- "Why is my Liberty judged by another's Conscience"

Ain't that freedom?

Our Conscience belongs to God.

So that means to me- it is Impossible to offend a real Christian.

• Our Lives are not a Crucifixion- yet...am I "worthy"? Rite?

Dawn- and why do I care about their "feelings"- their conscience? Cuz I don't- I'm not wading through their poor me instead of facts-Truth- "God"!

AND - It is Impossible to offend Evil. They're evil. They don't care! But they are always Victims.LOL again.

Dawn- Truth we are blessed with is freedom to tell the Truth--without fear.

• We have a personal relationship with Jesus.

God in us.

But- we still human. I get SALTY.

• Don't you love NotaChristians criticise us "How to be a Christian"? Holy? - NOT Rude?

*2funnee. I find so much humor & sarcasm- Y not?

•We are only trying to save lives and souls- and that gets "US" dead.

How "Revealing" - these Days Of Revelation.

Evidence of God in us.


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Hope you're following the thread.

- GM 10mmx15 replied to me and included a podcast with JJCarell.

JJ Carrell is apparently stating to include in his appeal-- "I don't care about feelings".

It becomes common sense and necessary in war.

Read Rebecca & Dee.

•We try prayer- intercession.

• Then I read Dee conclude "then we fight physical".

We are learning along this path together, evolving with Scripture and prepare for war where we may lose our lives.

Dawn, I prepare for a very vicious war, give my best, but prepare to die. They are coming with several Savages, RPGs, grenades,and fire wherever we hide. - like SWAT.

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Jesus is depending on US with his help to do it. That's why the death penalty is prescribed for many of these things in the OT and is in our criminal laws. We can't just sit and pray and hope Jesus does it. It's our job. He gave us dominion of the earth. It's our's to steward and defend.

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What did Jehoshaphat do prior to going into battle? The people worshipped God and the priests led them into battle. This is a spiritual war. The priests always spoke to and may have akways gone before the army in to battle interceding for the army. Prayer and intercession is always first and the first priority. Prayer changes things in the supernatural which results in victory in the physical. We MUST bombard the heavens in righteousness prayer.

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Then fight the physical battle

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We are commanded to live by God's laws and not take it into our own hands. Our gov is corrupt as it was in Biblical times too.

Im not saying do nothing but voting doesn't do much. We can speak out and that doesn't stop them from poisoning our water like they did the wells centuries ago.

Our job is to be a witness and example first and do what you can in the position you are in even if is a little and if we all do it will make a difference. It is important to be active locally I believe and I am.

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JJ mentions it in this conversation:


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Hi there. I don't know you.

Mention what?

I will assume, How we rebuke evil or slam down the facts,,- in this WAR*

So I see JJ Carell.

Only a few days ago I saw JJ Carell video and said "I don't care about their feelings".

FINALLY I heard a Christian on the front lines of battle say it.

I have been like that 30 years since I lost "everything".

• Simple- Let's agree This IS War!

• Why should we care about feelings when the issues are life or death?

(I learned decades ago Never Think With "Feelings". It makes total sense all these years.

You never hear that.

I'm writing this before I listen to the podcast.

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Sounds like you and he have been thru things that could fry your emotions.

I’d like to hear how you lost everything and stay in the fight. People are discouraged and need to hear examples of spiritual, physical, and emotional resilience.

Best to you. We are all in this together.

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The real cannibal are here


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Thank you. I will follw.

What a contrast too how Benz can still do the work of The Watchman without selling his soul like all the spineless rats in media.

Predators. Imagine if the lying Media held the lying government accountable? How unwatchable Operation Mockingbird media is and their Controlled Opposition, the Fox in the hen house.

It's impossible to imagine that, and they are coming for us to Genocide The Truth.

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May God give us the wisdom and discernment we need to do what is best in our current situation. I know the America I thought would last indefinitely—the America my ancestors (with all of their flaws) proudly helped build— is done. There now appear to be more “immigrants” around me than native-born Americans. A complete demographic shift in a matter of a couple of years.

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That’s been the plan all along by the globalist.

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Illegal Aliens. US is becoming Europe. That's definitely not a good thing.

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Yes, or becoming Canada. It's already happened. Stack-and-packs everywhere. Chinese and Indians everywhere. Every new business a Chinese or Indian restaurant. I fucking hate it.

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Where do they get the money to open their restaurants?

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I'm sort of being facetious here, but I don't know. What is clear to me is that most of the Chinese and Indian "immigrants" around me appear to be immediately well-off. Unclear what the source of the money is.

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They are frugal families who build together, save money and don't indulge themselves like other people.

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Lord have mercy. I don't have words for something so disgusting.

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This is one of those topics that most people kinda know something is off but have no clue how deep and disgusting it really is. Have discernment and ask for the guidance of the Holy Ghost. It's tough having eyes to see and ears to hear. God bless you.

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It's not a true story. It's made up garbage. Just google the story and you will find the child died due to a traffic accident and his father is very upset with people politicizing the poor child's death. This article is what's sickening.

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Exactly! "Mike Adams, the Health Ranger" is the online equivalent of that old tabloid, The National Enquirer. The Health Ranger is a clickbait whore.

The fact that Michael Yon regularly cites the Health Ranger has led me to conclude that they must have something in common, namely, doomsday profiteering.

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I was referring to the old newspaper article. I flew right past the Mike Adams comment as I wouldn't believe that nerf any further than I could kick him. But thanks.

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"I flew right past the Mike Adams comment as I wouldn't believe that nerf any further than I could kick him."

Whew! This is exactly true.

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So what do ya do .... 🤦

Someone should have put the kabash on all the obvious evil making its way into every fiber of America, at least 50 years ago. The deceit is such it drips from their pores and no one stood in their way, no outrage, no spirit, no pushback. So, all were complicit or never made the wiser and the agenda moves ahead. Wow

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RESTACKED! The wife and I talked about Haitian cannibals yesterday. Now we get news a boy was slain by an invader savage.

Time to start fragging the invader scum.

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This story is a lie. Just google it for the truth. So fragg away over a lie. Great.

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Duuurrrhh. Derp. Derpity derrp.

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Ah the lovely sound of swallowing ridiculous unsubstantiated swill whole....

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

I hope you're inferring that indeed you're not a cannibal on the hunt for other cannibals. Of course I'm not judging but it would make a great irony, kind of like The Last Cannibal screen play type of thing. Thanks for all your amazing and visceral insights. With all that jungle cannibal stuff I'd say you must be a heck of a cook by now. May God's blessings abound for you good sir.

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That story is fake and filled with lies. The child died in an accident btw a school bus and a van driven by an immigrant.

If you need to publish BS to garner views, what else are you BS-ing about?

Ridiculous. Cannibals eating children in Springfield, OH. BALONEY.

Get a grip.

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"If you need to publish BS to garner views, what else are you BS-ing about?"


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Only in countries where people accepted Christianity and became Christians saw the abolishment of cannibalism. Haiti has been known gor decades as a bastion of satanic activity. Why do you think the Dominican Republic is has one of the strictest border enforcement and policies? They know how dangerous these people are. There are Christian Haitians but they are in the minority! Only other demonically controlled would welcome unvetted Haitians in our country.

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And then there are the sexual preditors. They kidnap, enslave sexually abuse, kill to drink the blood of innocent, defenseless children. In a sense, these animals are more depraved than cannibals. They are not uncivilized heathen. Rather, they are mostly highly educated and intelligent from the upper tiers of the business and ruling class. They are deceitful often covering their heinous perversions by supporting orphanage and adoption agencies. Scum of the earth.

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there are cannibals in every city in the world - yea right here in the usa. Read “cannibalism, blood-drinking, and high-adept Satanism” by Kerth Barker available on Amazon and Anna’s archive

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The Clintons spent quite a bit of time in Haiti. Their agent (Silsby)was arrested for trying to smuggle 33 Children out of Haiti----She now runs a child "Rescue" charity--Alert Sense. A gold mine contract given to one of their kin? A brother or brother in law.

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Was the kid eaten or is there any reason (apart from the nationality of the murderer) to believe the kid would have been eaten? Is murder and cannibalism the normal thing (i.e. most people engage in it) in Haiti? Is gun crime the normal thing (i.e. most people engage in it) in America?

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The child in question in the story above died when the schoolbus he was riding on was flipped on its side by the Haitian immigrant running a red light. It had nothing to do with cannibalism though the child was indeed tragically killed

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The story didn't say the guy killed the kid to eat him. However they do in parts of Haiti and how it's different over there and now they've come here. I don't think all of them do that. I live in Fort Lauderdale where we have have become the minority and always had a lot of immigrants here so nobody would even notice . There are a lot of Haitians here in fact I had a lot in my class when I taught Elementary School and I never had an issue. However the people coming over here now a different I think these countries are sending the worst of the worst like us emptying out our jails and sending our criminals over there which is probably what we should do.

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Thank you for the clarification. I figured this article was conflating issues.

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How did you even get in that line of work? And are you going to stay in Japan when they, God forbid, start rolling out the saRNA?

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Panhandling by day put the ghillie suit on at night and hide in plain sight in the shrubs. Look for the handlers. Big back pack ear piece microphone frequenting businesses who offer free wi-fi

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