Ironically enough, American Jews are the biggest cheerleaders for mass migration into the U.S. I am sure that won't come back to bite them when they fill the country up with people that hate them.

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Based on the comments I can see that the Massad and CIA / Deep state mind-fuck is working well. They tell us who to hate. Looks here not over there. They control the narrative and it's been that way 1000s of years. They plan everything. You trying to tell me Isael did not know about this?? LMAO. This is no different than 911, Pearl harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, the sinking of the Lusitania... We are the false flag empire and most of you are the fish taking it hook line and sinker. It's just like MMA fighting. The producer makes the money regardless of WHO wins. All wars are banker wars. Wake up.

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Everybody including you is playing Alex Jones' Paul Revere blabbering about the dangers, etc, and where are the people doing what I've done for 48 years, strategically boycotting woke corporations, or anything else of a Legal and Strategic Nature?

That is the proof of the Fakers, and it makes you look like a Faker too. Alex Jones specializes in being a Fake Patriot.

So, what you willing to do to legally try to save our Republic?

Disney lost something like $200 Billion in market cap since 02/2021. I've boycotted Disney since 1995!

Get a group of 79 Million grown adults together to boycott 200 Woke corporations, they'll win and the border will be secured, or they'll simply have to go out of business.

Boycotts work! Did you see by Bob Iger and Disney conceded defeat about a month ago!!!!

Do something that works and gets results!

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we better arm ourselves. get your guns while you can. also i would bet soon there will be terrorist attacks on malls. schools. sporting events. concerts. thanks biden

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Hamas has executed this attack with near pristine ethics. They are the occupied. Frankly, they’ve been too kind. Israel is a moral cesspool and deserves everything coming to it.

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Starting with Mayorkas, Director of DHS, Merrick Garland, AG, Vicky Nuland, Asst Secy of State, Antoni Blinken, Secy of State, the same Nuland who helped build 43 Illegal Bioweapons plants in Ukraine including along the border with Russian...

Are you clueless?

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Is is possible for citizens to bring litigation against these NGO's? If the Govt Gangsters won't, the Texas AG won't, ask attorney's that you know. I would love to know.

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The Poor Wills are singing.

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You mean they aren't already ?

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Take a look at this confession from a hotel owner in England. He is bowing out because he will not be responsible for what our western governments have planned for us. It was pretty obvious by all of the military aged men coming across the border, but now I am sure of it: Please read. IMPORTANT https://twitter.com/wideawake_media/status/1711729632473411813

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Setting us up to become a nation of scofflaws appears to be this administration’s goal.

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So just another day in the Middle East then.

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Yon guy, or fluffybunnywabbit guy, or whatever name your Israeli Handlers are using today, you have been outed, you are so far up the ass of THE JEW everyone can see it clearly. Everyone knows you are a phony, a fake, a production of The Mossad Cyber Unit 8200 of which 15 or 20 are reading this right now from their Jew Rat Hole in the Negev desert. We know who and what you are "Yon Yon".


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