Your viewpoint on the clash of mythologies is interesting. I had never considered a clash of cultures from that viewpoint but you are right on the money. It defines the class of unassimilating populations within the main population and explains why mindless genocides erupt. The only country in Europe which may escape will be Hungary.

I worry for the USA with our current open borders policy. By now 10% of the population must be illegal and many of these people have come from cultures that will not assimilate. There are already flashpoints, and then add in the defund the police movement and Soros prosecutors. Scary times.

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Hi Michael,

Have you read Norman Cohns The Pursuit of the Millennium or Black Mass by John N Gray. They get to roots of unreason, apocalyptic thinking and the vicissitudes of utopian mindsets. Sobering indeed. There’s nothing new under the sun and the shade moves from time to time.

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Very good work, thank you. Carl Jung spoke of these deep mythological undercurrents in his: "Essays to Contemporary Events" and "The Fight With the Shadow". He goes into great detail about the archetypes. Here are a few quotes:

"Maybe Germans were predestined to this fate, for they showed the least resistance to the mental contagion that threatened every European".

"As early as 1918, I noticed peculiar disturbances in the unconscious of my German patients which could not be ascribed to their personal psychology."

"The only difference lay in the German mentality itself, which proved to be more susceptible because of the marked proneness of the Germans to mass psychology"

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Germany is still largely a nation of followers, of habitual obedience to authority. One-on-one, they will often agree with me that things are heading in the wrong direction. That egregious mistakes are being made in the management of the country. In groups, they are hesitant to speak out equally critical, apprehensive of being labelled a "Querdenker" (roughly, a contrarian thinker), which carries with it the implicit association of being a far-right extremist, and all that implies. No, the vast majority of people here - young and old - wilfully take as gospel what the official German mass media outlets feeds them as the Truth. Be it Covid, climate change, energy policy, refugees and immigration, or now, Russia. There is only good and evil, no in-between. And so it goes, as it must.

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I have found this is also the case with French people - exactly the same. They are unable to go step out of the mainstream and be contrarian (with few exceptions).

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We presume that others are just like us at our peril. Diversity in cuisine is fine, close proximity of a 'diversity of cultures' may ignite and burn out of control.

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Thank you for your insights. They resonate.

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