Act poor and dumb.

The majority doesn't even need lessons.

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Don't blame the Mini Minions like the Camel. This has all been planned for 150 years for the Anglo-American Empire to be taken down and China put in place. Blame the Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who created an Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Fascist. The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Starmtrooper, Turdow, Bidet, Camel, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan. And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Venice like King Chuckie the Turd. The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals. https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires What Pedo “Joe Biden” actually accomplished in office - consciously - on Purpose - was the near-total wrecking of the USA. He torpedoed the authority and legitimacy of just about every federal agency, turned the Department of Justice into a Gestapo, seeded the federal court benches with Woke lunatics, allowed an invasion of perhaps 20-million border-jumpers (including many thousands of professional terrorists), coerced deathvaxx injections of an ineffective and injurious vaccine into millions of citizens - 35 Millions extra people dead! 35 Millions people not conceived, afraid of losing their livelihoods, promoted gross medical experiments on sexually troubled children, invited drag queens and mentally-ill degenerates to cavort in the White House, spent borrowed money at a rate that propelled the national debt past the event horizon into a black hole, by sanctions destroying the trust in the Dollar as the international currency, increased the price of petroleum, created famine by reducing fertiliser by 35% and destroying farming and food manufacturing centers, destroyed the army and made the seeking of incompetence the number one priority of the Pentagon, provoked a war in Ukraine that now teeters on the hazard of Worldwide World War 3 against Russia, China, and Iran, and allowed the CIA to complete its takeover of the US government that has even tried to assassinate Trump and now even Minion Pedo Joe has,"Disappeared" to be replaced by Giant Joe and Idiot Puppet Kamala . “Joe Biden” will go down in history as the worst of all 46 US presidents and for this Blame the Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires

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Guess it's better to laugh than cry, huh?

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Yes, yes indeed.

I happen to be one of them.

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Used to be one until early retirement.


Lots of practice with acting poor and dumb.

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Acting and being are different!

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Received this Posting today from a very well informed Activist and Conservationist residing in Arizona...VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION and all MUST READ for a possible viable answer to the dilemma we're all confronting.


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So right

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• The NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act claims that in a "declared state of emergency"- Martial Law, all pantries or stored food belongs to The US Government.(state-local etc)

CONCLUSION- *Anything* they need or want belongs to them, including storage facilities.

• How convenient, The Authority of Tyrants, by Law. To "save lives" in an emergency.

• Also- Americans can be charged as Domestic Terrorists, "you are only being *Detained", forever like Jan6. We have Evidence.

• No Process- You can Disappear - BY LAW.

(Like an hrc "fun camp")

[ If you research NDAA "Detained" on line, you are thrown into pages and pages of "IF"- a legalize maze - "a debate of interpretation" (Intentional Incompetence strikes again) - so Confusing and Inconclusive that,


• You don't need be a Legal Expert to understand Tyranny & Bullshit.

Genocide 7 Billion people "to save lives"!

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Not law but the appearance of law. All such are null and void regardless of presentment. All bets are off then. Who has will and skill. More importantly, whether believed or not, who is with HIM?

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Sure- a "Law" to fight in "LAWfare dog n pony show Nazi Bastardz from.Hell! Sure!. U rite!

I have 35 years of gettn my ass kicked- Courtrooms & Cults - Corrupt Attorneys - Family & Injury Litigation Lawfare.

Jesus saved my life all along the way: but I Lost Everything.

*I Lost my daughters to hate daddy-"Fatherless America" Lawfare.

*No Surrender

*Gratitude to heaven

*Eternity The Promise!


God bless YOU🙏

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

Yes, hence the phrase was created for "color of law" -- it means someone is claiming authority by virtue of some law, but no court has agreed on that.

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Law to destroy "Law".

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Bastiat's book, The Law, is still a great read for that. The use of "law" to subvert true law, and use it as an instrument of plunder and destruction.

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I *really* hate how people like you say, "this is the law" when it's not. Taking property is limited in the constitution, so the feds "owning everything" is NOT the law. Please learn that no matter what 'laws' are passed by Congress that claim such powers, are null and void because they violate the Constitution.

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I am sorry.

Our haters- annointed "Legal Mafia Satanists", wrote this NDAA- National "Defense" Authorization Act, voted into LAW, a perfect teaching tool.

Americans, Patriots, & Christians can be prosecuted as "Domestic Terrorists" (written in "Law") SO THEY CAN DESTROY LAW, *Constitution *Freedom *Bill of rights- all DOA- SHUVIT DOWN OUR THROAT, *up our ass*, to LITIGATE- prosecute with corrupt attorneys, bankrupt us, or incarcerate us. You can "Disappear like Jan6"- clear - common sense Evidence.

I don't honor or respect Law because it's "called" Law.

They wrote LAW to destroy LAW! - that once protected us.

Legal? "By who's authority" Is my issue.


We lost rights- no protection. "LAW" as defined vanished into thin air.

(watching congress or Operation Mockingbird Media is criminal mental assault & torture now)

*Nobody- No Law is coming to save us!

NDAA is the Kill shot "Law" they use!

*You don't need be a Legal Expert (Law "expert") to understand Tyranny and Bullshit*

🇺🇸 God is Truth- Law- Savior Be blessed*

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Most people don't even remember that the 4th & 5th Amendment violations contained in the original NDAA were so egregious that there were TWO VOTES on it in the House ... And even my conservative Congressman, Allen West VOTED FOR IT.

It has become a tyrannical & horribly expensive monster, that has grown beyond any control.

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The American Citizen, Patriots & Christians who founded America are now Domestic Terrorists.

Too many woke pawns and riot bait Socialists have no idea they are also on their list for Genocide- Depopulation - "to save lives" psyop.

Plus Our Executioners from hell keep stacking more tyranny on The "ACT" like a boa constrictor.

COVERT- Elite Gangsta Mafia "slow kill" - in our face!

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Do believe Michael forgot to tell everybody...TO HIDE YOUR PETS.

People will be eating whatever they can find and livestock as well as prey animals will run out fast when so many people are hunting them and coming from the cities to find food.

Also, there will be stories about CANNIBALISM; people murdering their children, spouses and such to eat them.


People do not have a clue of what Michael is saying; but the wise are listening and those told stories of the old country are not surprised and know what horrors some lived through to come to the New World to begin with.

THOSE IN THE COUNTRY RAISING FOOD STUFFS...SHOULD NOT BE SURPRISED WHEN OUR OWN MILITARY AND FOREIGN MILITARY SHOWS-UP TO TAKE WHATEVER FOOD REMAINS...AS HAPPENED IN IRELAND IN THE MID 1800's, Ukraine during the Red Famine Putin did not touch when speaking to Tucker Carlson and Mao's Youth in China in the Chinese Revolution of the 1950's when TENS OF MILLIONS DIED IN EACH NATION.

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Luciferians are entertained by their blood lust agenda of chaos, desperation, starvation, genocide slaughter, pain, and suffering.

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Even simple fear is food for evil.

There's a reason the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits DEMAND 'Human Sacrifice' and COMMAND endless supplies of babies and children in a 'Target-Rich Environment' to torture, rape, torment to death...The more innocent the better. Such soals suffering such horror most certainly go to heaven and inhabit the alter closest to our Creator as the innocent martyrs.

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On learning that some predicted a "tsunami of death" among those who took the jab, I asked, "Will cooking and/or drying the human flesh, along with our digestive juices neutralize the spike protein?". No one answered. No one took my question seriously, but it was a serious question.

One day, every reader will kinda wish they knew, but we'll chow down anyway. No sense letting meat go to waste during a famine.

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Enemies of life on Earth didn't consider the ingenuous nature of humanity finding means to oppose their attack with EDTA Chelation/Blue Methalyne Substances, Meditation, Biofield Frequency Practice, Prayer as many TI's claim Jesus the Nazarene to be the ONLY means/person allowing them to survive the experimentation since childhood for decades.

I took your question seriously from the beginning long ago...The ability of the Quantum Robots made of Heavy Metals COULD survive digestive processes. Other substances of the Nanopoisons geo-engineered into the environment mirroring those of the Injections were known to survive ACIDITY WITHIN ENVIRONMENTS and not base. Water with a tsp of Baking Soda was thus necessitated for a Daily Regimen.

Since 2005 the enemies having this technology released Biosensors into the environment and they've stolen healthy human frequency without consent. RECLAIMING one's Biofield requires practice and focus...With prayer and meditation.

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+1 Thank you for your reply containing many things to look up!

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This is a woman altered with Advanced Technology since the age of 4. She's intellectually brilliant; but totally enraged at her parents, ex-husband, the U.S. Govt. for all the abuse she incurred and survived; albeit not without major scars and some wounds still sounding as though to bleed. Sometimes, she's a bit manic as there's so much information she has to give. She's also angry since many people refuse to believe her warnings and information directing them how to fight.

Few have any knowledge of her topics. If you have little to no background with her information; begin with the TERMINOLOGY as for a University Class. Then go forward as it does become easier.




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Thank you for the links!

Off-topic, since there isn't anywhere else I can post this without paying for a subscription, both A Midwestern Doctor AND Vigilant Fox have extolled Bobby Kennedy as a champion of free speech.

In reality, Bobby Kennedy is a control-freak who deleted ALL of my posts on his Rumble channel, 99% of which consisted largely of quotations from online articles and the source links for the articles.

The articles I posted were highly critical of Bobby and his running mate, Nicole $hanahan. The quotations I posted were factual, not biased MSM opinion. My posts undermined the illusory portrait Bobby created for himself.

I used to subscribe to his Children's Health Defense, and even donated to it. Bobby has done OUTSTANDING work in court and online fighting Big Pharma's vaccine cash cow.

Unfortunately, once I ventured off of the Children's Health Defense HERO script, I realized that Bobby has demonstrated an ENTITLED "ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS" attitude.

Children's Health Defense and Dr. Joseph Mercola paint a HEROIC portrait of Kennedy. Bobby will do great as head of the FDA, NIH, CDC, etc., but ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT hold an office offering him greater CONTROL.

Digging into Bobby's background will yield the image of a MENTALLY-DISTURBED male as obsessed with his family name and expectations as was the title character of Joseph Conrad's masterpiece, _Lord Jim_.

Note: a neologism, "Lord Jim Syndrome", has appeared. In contrast with this "syndrome", the characterization by Joseph Conrad himself of Lord Jim fits Bobby Kennedy to a "T". Bobby is profoundly messed-up.

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I concur with your assessment about RFK Jr. But then, we're all a bit messed-up on Earth. Of course, he would be as expected coming from the family he hails from. He's of Irish Heritage and my Great-Grandmother gave the family the down-low about his family both in the Old Country and here in the states. The Kennedy's are not from poverty in Ireland and that definitely means they were sell-outs long before coming to the States.

That's alright...We all do what we must to survive in the world. Bobby does have a penchant towards Centralized Govt. just as his Dad and Uncle...But it's a different system than they ruled within. THAT fact alone removed my ability to vote for him as President...While it's the only reason I have voted for Trump...Going on three times, now. With Trump...I DO BELIEVE BOBBY WILL FUNCTION WELL IN READJUSTING THE MEDICAL COMPLEX TOWARDS JUSTICE AND IT'S ACTUAL MISSION STATEMENT INSTEAD OF CORPORATE CAPTURE.

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Why, for the love of Christ, would you stay in a country where you know IN ADVANCE that the government (regime) is out to murder you? So stupid it defies logic!

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There will be no safe country to escape to.

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Maybe, but not for long. I believe in God and His Word. The Bible says there’s no safe place on earth during the end times. And I believe we are very close to the end times.

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You stand a better chance steering clear of countries dominated by ZOG regimes.

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I think you are probably right about that.

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There Plan is Global Genocide.

You don't know that?....Yet?

Ain't nowhere safe.

Ain't nobody comin' to save you!

This is God's Wrath on this Godless evil planet.

Read - watch the posts.


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Anybody trusting any of the Dictators is insane and NEE-EE-EE-DY as they suffer from 'wishful thinking'. The only hope in this time is faith in Jesus Christ our savior, and taking measures towards self-sufficiency to provide any possible chance for our children and Grandchildren to survive as the whole Earth will be as hell except for the option of 'FAITH IN GOD' to allow for hope.

True hell only occurs following death when all choice of God is removed. This attack upon 'People of God' is Global. There are no safe places.

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Well said!

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(I was blocked Liking your post. What is that about?)

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You are not alone in this. I and at least a couple others have posted to this effect.

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I wouldn’t trust Putin and his regime. I was born in a communist country and had to escape to the States.

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Ah! Only to experience the beginnings of the same (?) thing.

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There is NO choice except for ALL PEOPLE to fight in this revolution...Not only the people of the United States. It is 'The Global Population' against The Establishment Pukes as an International Crime Syndicate of Pagan Demon Worshipers now enhancing their Global Slave and Illicit Drug Markets with Modern Weapon Distribution and Foreign Military Invasion of all the developed world to operate in conjunction with the variety Militia's in the Undeveloped World still in Machete Cultures willing to murder all OUTSIDERS.

WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE THE FOREIGN INVASION THEY CAMOUFLAGE AS IMMIGRATION IS REALLY ABOUT? VOTING? Indeed, that's the reason Military Aged Men are those primarily relocating to the U.S. and Europe where the men are now socialized as faggy wimps proudly trained to wear high heals.

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Totalitarian Regimes as Putin's is certainly NOT an option as Dictators are merely presenting themselves better than the Tyrants in the West. The fact is, the leaders of the west are NOW becoming as the Tyrants of Totalitarian States already were and remain.

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Where in HELL ON EARTH you goin'? (that's why they call it WW3) Then leave. Please. Nobody cares. You don't belong here.

☆ We stayn'! *THIS is our "home"!

Holy Father SENT us!

What a great time to be alive!

Born Free! Live Free! Die Free!

Purpose & Meaning, to die Saving Lives ♡ ....and "never die"!

♡ Jesus defeated Death ♡

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"Jesus defeated Death"

Yes He did.

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You are Missing the big picture on why there is famine, plagues, wars and who is sending all of it at once.

""They go to the cisterns

but find no water.

They return with their jars unfilled;

dismayed and despairing,

they cover their heads.

4 The ground is cracked

because there is no rain in the land;

the farmers are dismayed

and cover their heads.

5 Even the doe in the field

deserts her newborn fawn

because there is no grass.

6 Wild donkeys stand on the barren heights

and pant like jackals;

their eyes fail

for lack of food.”

7 Although our sins testify against us,

do something, Lord, for the sake of your name.

For we have often rebelled;

we have sinned against you.

Jeremiah 14

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Yup reject God and there are consequences. God is loving and merciful but man has free will and when choosing to reject his son leaves you entirely vulnerable. Accept Jesus.

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The way is narrow, most choose their evil and the darkness instead of the light and truth

John 3

""And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."

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Price controls are every bit as bad as Michael tells it. But even worse (or a major exacerbating problem) is that a poorly educated populace (like the US's due to NEA public education) will support the government take-over, believing in the evils of capitalism. We're headed for dangerous times; this is the result of 100 years of societal erosion, and the chances of stopping it are a lot less than they should be.

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Mr Health Ranger had shown himself to be a coward, totally in on lying about the fake assassination attempt drama, as is Alex Jones. Trump didn't drip blood, didn't get shot, and didn't jave blood all over his hand. And his ear has " miraculously " totally healed from a supposed 2 centimeter gunshot wound. The beast "seemed" to have a mortal head wound.

How about you Micheal Yon?

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How about this, you are an idiot.

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That's not disagreeing with any of my FACTS.

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What? the fact you are chicken little?

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Agree with everything you said but you don't have a clue what prophecy is saying.

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It says rhe beast, antichrist, will seem to re lived a mortal head wound, but it is " healed" miraculously, and rhe world marveled at the beast. Very much this is it, it appears. The original word translated from may nit have actually been healed, because of course it never was wounded, but most people do believe he has healed up miraculously, his ear isxtitally normal.

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Scripture tells us who the beast is and trust me, it isn't Trump.

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By the way, I never trust anyone that says " trust me" 😆

Trust has to be earned...or seen.

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I was asking you to trust what Scripture says. And you're just as deceived as all the rest. Did Trump survive a fatal head wound? No. End of that story.

When Rev 17 says the beast is an entity "that WAS" (or existed before John) and will come out of hell, it's literal.

The beast is the seed of Satan with the "bruised" head in Gen 3:15.

And who was the woman that rode the beast? It was Europa.

Not my words but Scripture.

And since you won't believe who I say the beast is, look up who the beast was that the woman Europa rode.

Then look up whose throne was in Pergamum (Rev 2:13) who Jesus considered Satan incarnate.

And then look up whose altar did Antiochus put up in the temple.

Now go away because people like you only want to hear they're right. They don't care one whit about what Scripture actually says.

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Toy qorte trust ME

And I know that scripture

It's say appeared or SEEMED to get a fatal head wound

EXACTLY what happened

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Oh yes it is..most churches are deceived. Most peolle don't understand that America is the revived roman empire. And we will fall totally.


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The mortal wound, which was healed miraculously, has already happened. That passage in the Scripture is referring to the Papacy.

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Nope..it "seemed" to be a moral wound, being key word. Trump was not shot. No blood on collar, not scar and all better and he lied, saying there was blood all over rhe place. Clearly, there wasn't even blood om his hand! You need to be not in the mind to see and not taken for a ride by Satan, the big intellect! Roy Masters meditation exercise helps a lot.

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Check this website when you have a chance. It might help your understanding of the Scriptures.


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I understand quite well...that the antichrist is coming from the lest expected places, and as usually, the Christians and churches overall, are totally blinded.

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I baled on the U.S. two years ago. The demographics spell disaster going forward. Here in Panama the government does impose some price controls. Fresh whole chicken, rice, dried beans (basically staples) are price controlled. The price of gasoline/diesel is also controlled by the government. Prices on everything else is free market pricing. It seems to work OK.

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Good news is, over weight people can quit using Ozempic thanks to the new government weight loss program.

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I recall when the circus sideshow had a "Fat Lady." Now they're everywhere. A recent Tucker Carlson interview disclosed that 74% of the population is obese.


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Interview is a must listen

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Here's the X link to the full interview.


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Thanks Toney - listening now is super important. Sharing and will be pushing obedience to this very basic and obvious lifestyle to our family. God Bless for sharing.

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Michael you remind me of Noah. I'm getting on that Ark!!!!!

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Why worry? Your stocked goodies won't be necessary when we get nuked by the Russian & Chinese. Our government and their global masters have planned for our demise.

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You are the best your vision is 20/5 at night too

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“Governments who often cause food emergencies always blame farmers, distributors, retailers, for price gouging and hoarding.”

Hegelian Dialectic: create the problem, force a solution, increase your power.

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I prepped at the start of the scamdemic. I’ve used up a lot of supplies. My issue is, how long should I prep for? 6 months, a year, 2 years?🤷‍♀️

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I would say as much as you can store reasonably.

Then I would also focus on the ability to generate food. Because eventually your stores of food run out. Chickens is a good first step.

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During WW2 here in England, we had rationing. …eggs were appropriated by the Govt to be turned into egg powder. I remember my aunt ,who lived across the road and worked in the factories helping to make weapons, miraculously appearing once a week with a whole egg each for me and my cousin. (Small Reward for my mum who looked after us while aunty worked.) There were no fatties in England at that time amongst the ordinary folk. 🤣. We survived though. We were resilient.

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Victory Garden Cookbooks, Rabbits have more protein than chicken, they stay alive much longer on their own.

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CHEMtrails! Gardens & livestock, air, water, soil etc. all poisoned. Geoengineeringwatch.org

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And my garden this year is proof.

So bad I'm having to buy my produce from CSA's! And two CSA's have gone out of business here. And the ones left are out of zucchini. Let me repeat that: They're out of ZUCCHINI!

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We got droughts- washouts and "brown"-

Spots- dry-

Flowers4Mom*- dying- refuses to grow or bloom.

I look up in the morning- an Act Of War!

How many are sooooo clueless- "Zombie Nation"- Jab Bioweapon + 5G. Nano RePrograms DNA..

Nothing safe- nowhere to hide.

See SAGES Substack *Dr. Day tapes. 2024 was planned centuries ago.

God bless♡

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Buying chickens is good; buying ammo is essential.

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Wouldn't the theives eat them? We need to know more on being sly as a fox!

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Well, that's what the ammo is for.

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Immigration JIHAD will strike coast2coast- grid down Slaughter during a crowded holiday, coming soon.

Madd Maxx or Martial Law in your neighborhood, you lose everything, including your life.

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May God’s Will be done. We are all here for a reason. I should have died 20 years ago in a car accident, or 3 years ago with cancer.

Bring it!

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Amen sister!

We are never afraid to die, with Jesus in our hearts.

Our haters need us dead, are afraid to die. They should be.

We were sent for These Days.

What a great time to be alive!

c u n hvn🙏

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Use your God given Intuition Shaza. God is my refuge. You will know!

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That's a rather simplistic assessment from Mike. It really depends on the reasons for increase in food prices. If its because of reduced supply or increasing production costs then his assessment is correct. Although the rationing will largely be controlled by Digital IDs, facial recognition to enter the store, facial recognition to access certain fridges and shelves, and facial recognition with linked Digital ID at the checkout.

However if the price increases are due to monopolistic/cartel behaviour by big corporate supermarkets who effectively control the consumer food market and their corporate profits are soaring while supply has not declined and farmers are not getting more revenue, then food scarcity will be unlikely to follow.

For instance, in Australia the supermarket business is overhwhelmingly dominated by just two corporations (Coles and Woolworths). They have been experiencing record breaking profits, record breaking profit growth, all the while farmers are not making any more money and we've been having record harvests too. The only conclusion is that price gouging is going on because it is not a free market. In this case, price controls would only have the effect to limit the duopolistic behaviour.

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Any govt entity confiscating food from you has effectively declared war on your family. If you’re not actively shooting by then than you never will and you may as well hand over your weapons along with your man card.

The operative question is not What Would Jesus Do? (Allow the local govt and You Know Who to crucify him without a fight), but What Would George Washington Do? (Kill all comers until victory or death). His face is on a fucking mountain for a reason. He was one bad mofo.

“Hey George, we’re fixing to take on the strongest empire on the planet, want to leave the comfort of your wealth and farm to lead this suicide mission with almost nothing to gain but death on the battlefield or capture and certain execution?”

“Sure. Why not.”

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NGO Hacienda CDc Portland, giving $30,000 to illegals to purchase new home

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