Nothing new here. Alex Cuppett, for Action Officer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was warning about this in minute detail starting in 2000, when you were still in high school.
I have been calling the illegals 'mercenaries' for a long time now since it made absolute sense that bringing fighting age men and women, from war torn countries, experienced in street fighting and guerilla war made no sense except in times of civil war.
But, though I had my hand on the symptoms of the civil war I didn't know the IOM but it doesn't surprise me.
In England, we suffered a Prime Minister and one of the most evil henchmen in the world...Peter Manelson...both tied to Klaus Schwab's ass.
They initiated a policy of "trawling Euope for foreign migrants to rub the right's noses in it".
England has been overrun with national from European, Asian, and African countries for nearly forty years with no party having the guts or the backing to do anything aboout it.
Now, cities are under the control of mainly Asian leaders.
I heard mention of even 7 figures casualties; that "they" will have 14 cities as their strong holds. (Maybe easily accessible by the rails. Buffet owns most.) I am wondering if we can turn them to lay down their arms and join us when the hot war starts.
I love how we're facing huge bank instability this week, & next week US banks lose a crucial protection -- will no longer be allowed to make loans with zero withholding. Thus 100s of smaller banks will go under & be bought up by the megabanks. And. Suddenly the US thug President & all of Europe et al are beating the war drums re Russia 10 times louder. Why?
Yup, and you are doing great work to expose it. The truth is simple. The socialists-Marxists won. The U.N. was in large part set up by commies who wanted one world commie govt. Socialism is the interim stage where they gain power and control. of us. FDR started this process in earnest and helped 10s of thousands of commies migrate here and plant themselves in govt, media, the academy etc.
To win, they must destroy nation-states and nationalism. Read Robert Putnam, mass immigration of peoples who don't share your culture destroys social fabric and capital extremely. Putnam's book, Bowling Alone was held back for 5 years cuz he's a leftie from Harvard and wanted to find some way to spin the data so it didn't make clear mass immigration is a disaster for the U.S. And be clear, this damage was already done by the '90s.
The rise of Joe Rogan is a symptom, not a problem. He's got the aesthetics of a leftist, alternative type but with the MMA he appeals to traditional men. He's a pop culture figure. But I, and many others, long ago named him "King of the Dumbs". Why? Cuz he doesn't read or study anything seriously, so he ends up interviewing brilliant people with serious ideas and goes "Wow". It's gotten better over time cuz he does learn, but it's a naive person's take still.
He's perfect controlled opposition. As long as he just talks, he'll be left alone. Cuz he doesn't really do any harm or penetrate all this deeply. All he seems to care about it working out, getting high and doing podcasts. Cool story bro! But he's got nothing for our nation or as a solution.
Well, just the fact of Rogan listening to somebody describing the latest outrage, what it means, how it got in under the radar, & what the likely effects will be ... and Rogan listens without it turning into a dystopic discourse. All that presents vital information in an accessible, interesting way. That does more to move the needle than a dozen tedious symposia.
Perhaps. Or maybe he's unwitting controlled opposition? Listen to him carefully, he's always reluctant to tip toe up to inflammatory issues, and often will not accept the entire arguments on offer. He discounts people like Rufo or Lindsay, for example even as he listens to them. He's carved out a BS soft-progressive ID that he's trying to spin as populist/nationalist, but it doesn't quite get there. He voted for Biden and Hillary, be clear where his chips have been for a very long time.
I recently heard him mentioning how Canada has changed. He said something like this, I can't remember exactly. 'I love Canada, I always thought they just kind of 'got it' and were with us (meaning the Progressive elements of U.S. politics)'. Pretty revealing, yes? He fancies himself as part of some non-ideological movement that so many dopey people in our society believe is the answer, while in fact his mind has already been subverted and he's been made into a soft Progressive without being totally conscious of it. He's one of this idiots who thinks political parties are bad and that all the conflict and rhetoric is problematic, the same BS I've heard for decades.
But either the fed govt just killed a bunch of us or didn't, via the COVID madness. Either the the Dem/Left/Deep State orchestrated a coup via a fake Russian collusion case or not. Either a man can become a women or not, and these gender lunatics are harming children or not.. If you actually see the truth on just these three matters, how could you not be up in arms and borderline revolutionary? How could you still doubt 'the Right'?
I'll tell you why. Cuz he's got a 110 IQ, is poorly educated and poorly read, and has not spent his life educating himself on the important issues in our society. I don't hate Rogan, don't get me wrong, I enjoy him. Notably I can never listen to an entire podcast, mostly cu he's so freaking dumb about so many issues that the level of explanation he often requires is tediously basic. He gets great guests and has great conversations and thinks for himself - in and of itself, that is insufficient to understand what we face.
My two cents. I am glad he's there but he has major drawbacks, as I've mentioned.
I admit, this scares me to death. I would like to see us get out of the United Nations completely and kick them all out of the United States.
Re 6:8 2 billion killed.
Nothing new here. Alex Cuppett, for Action Officer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was warning about this in minute detail starting in 2000, when you were still in high school.
I have been calling the illegals 'mercenaries' for a long time now since it made absolute sense that bringing fighting age men and women, from war torn countries, experienced in street fighting and guerilla war made no sense except in times of civil war.
But, though I had my hand on the symptoms of the civil war I didn't know the IOM but it doesn't surprise me.
In England, we suffered a Prime Minister and one of the most evil henchmen in the world...Peter Manelson...both tied to Klaus Schwab's ass.
They initiated a policy of "trawling Euope for foreign migrants to rub the right's noses in it".
England has been overrun with national from European, Asian, and African countries for nearly forty years with no party having the guts or the backing to do anything aboout it.
Now, cities are under the control of mainly Asian leaders.
The Boa Constrictor
*Jade Helm 15*
*Secured Cities Treaty*
*North American Treaty*
*U.S.A. Corporation 1871*
*Martial Law" USA
I heard mention of even 7 figures casualties; that "they" will have 14 cities as their strong holds. (Maybe easily accessible by the rails. Buffet owns most.) I am wondering if we can turn them to lay down their arms and join us when the hot war starts.
The UN is driving mass migration all over the world. And US taxpayers are footing the bill.
The Uni-Party is behind this 100%.
Ask yourself, "How many politicians -- from either 'side' mention this?"
They don't, because they're part of it.
People need to prepare because Michael Yon is right!
Yes Ol Joe Rogan and Elon are just a couple of FAGS???
Yes Ol Joe Rogan and Elon are just a couple of FAGS???
Yes Ol Joe Rogan and Elon are just a couple of FAGS???
10 years ago I wrote, somewhere, that we 🇺🇸 face 3 wars;
Civil war.
Wars all over the globe as the Hegemony collapses.
Regional War as we are challenged in the Western Hemisphere. Note here the presence of China, also American Traitors.
Now, war is like a hot stove, or fire. You don’t believe until burnt. This is human nature.
So we have to burn.
Probably we’ll make it as a nation.
Too much mass, people, resources, geographical advantages, nukes.
We’ll be changed, and sadder but wiser.
It's really hard to see us getting through 2024 without major hot wars ...
I love how we're facing huge bank instability this week, & next week US banks lose a crucial protection -- will no longer be allowed to make loans with zero withholding. Thus 100s of smaller banks will go under & be bought up by the megabanks. And. Suddenly the US thug President & all of Europe et al are beating the war drums re Russia 10 times louder. Why?
Wow, whew, gosh, love your impatient air of disdain, sarcasm. Wait, what, how may wars are we in right now? This is most alarming. 🙄
Yup, and you are doing great work to expose it. The truth is simple. The socialists-Marxists won. The U.N. was in large part set up by commies who wanted one world commie govt. Socialism is the interim stage where they gain power and control. of us. FDR started this process in earnest and helped 10s of thousands of commies migrate here and plant themselves in govt, media, the academy etc.
To win, they must destroy nation-states and nationalism. Read Robert Putnam, mass immigration of peoples who don't share your culture destroys social fabric and capital extremely. Putnam's book, Bowling Alone was held back for 5 years cuz he's a leftie from Harvard and wanted to find some way to spin the data so it didn't make clear mass immigration is a disaster for the U.S. And be clear, this damage was already done by the '90s.
The rise of Joe Rogan is a symptom, not a problem. He's got the aesthetics of a leftist, alternative type but with the MMA he appeals to traditional men. He's a pop culture figure. But I, and many others, long ago named him "King of the Dumbs". Why? Cuz he doesn't read or study anything seriously, so he ends up interviewing brilliant people with serious ideas and goes "Wow". It's gotten better over time cuz he does learn, but it's a naive person's take still.
He's perfect controlled opposition. As long as he just talks, he'll be left alone. Cuz he doesn't really do any harm or penetrate all this deeply. All he seems to care about it working out, getting high and doing podcasts. Cool story bro! But he's got nothing for our nation or as a solution.
Well, just the fact of Rogan listening to somebody describing the latest outrage, what it means, how it got in under the radar, & what the likely effects will be ... and Rogan listens without it turning into a dystopic discourse. All that presents vital information in an accessible, interesting way. That does more to move the needle than a dozen tedious symposia.
Perhaps. Or maybe he's unwitting controlled opposition? Listen to him carefully, he's always reluctant to tip toe up to inflammatory issues, and often will not accept the entire arguments on offer. He discounts people like Rufo or Lindsay, for example even as he listens to them. He's carved out a BS soft-progressive ID that he's trying to spin as populist/nationalist, but it doesn't quite get there. He voted for Biden and Hillary, be clear where his chips have been for a very long time.
I recently heard him mentioning how Canada has changed. He said something like this, I can't remember exactly. 'I love Canada, I always thought they just kind of 'got it' and were with us (meaning the Progressive elements of U.S. politics)'. Pretty revealing, yes? He fancies himself as part of some non-ideological movement that so many dopey people in our society believe is the answer, while in fact his mind has already been subverted and he's been made into a soft Progressive without being totally conscious of it. He's one of this idiots who thinks political parties are bad and that all the conflict and rhetoric is problematic, the same BS I've heard for decades.
But either the fed govt just killed a bunch of us or didn't, via the COVID madness. Either the the Dem/Left/Deep State orchestrated a coup via a fake Russian collusion case or not. Either a man can become a women or not, and these gender lunatics are harming children or not.. If you actually see the truth on just these three matters, how could you not be up in arms and borderline revolutionary? How could you still doubt 'the Right'?
I'll tell you why. Cuz he's got a 110 IQ, is poorly educated and poorly read, and has not spent his life educating himself on the important issues in our society. I don't hate Rogan, don't get me wrong, I enjoy him. Notably I can never listen to an entire podcast, mostly cu he's so freaking dumb about so many issues that the level of explanation he often requires is tediously basic. He gets great guests and has great conversations and thinks for himself - in and of itself, that is insufficient to understand what we face.
My two cents. I am glad he's there but he has major drawbacks, as I've mentioned.
Okay, what is IOM?
International Organization for Migration. Huge. Global. They declare migration is always good in every way.