All enjineered by the Freemasons, under Illuminatie instruction populated by "Gods Chosen Peoples" and their Phoneisian Family decendants such as the British Monarchy Cannanite desendants

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Norman Borlaug, Nobel prize winner for spearheading the green revolution that increased crop yields in the 1960’S said he was just buying time for humanity.

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Michael stay safe in the Darien. We are looking forward to your observations about the mix and numbers of migrants grinding steadily toward and across the US southern border. Soon.

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Michael, with your, "As populations explode, populations implode", you seem to be suggesting overpopulation, as environmentalists & Malthusians (including Dickens' fictitious Ebenezer Scrooge), extreme environmentalists (which most are), have & do--

"If they would rather die, they had better do it and decrease the surplus population.” --Scrooge (A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens)

Subreplacement birthrates in most nations of the world, more than use of mined & manufactured fertilizer are much more the cause of population declines now than famines have been (but, yes, war cutting off sources of manufactured &/or mined fertilizer is & will lead to more famine).

The last year of surplus birthrates in the US was 1970, over half a century ago. Paul Ehrlich, a butterfly specialist at Berkley published his famous book on the Polulation Bomb in 1968.

But it was birth control pills, approved by the FDA in 1960, rather than Malthusian suggested famines due to "overpopulation", and baby boomers using pills & other means of contraception, plus worldwide urbanization, that has led to sub-replacement birthrates, & declining populations worldwide, as well as greatly increased abortion rates, both those abortions performed on women by their consent, plus those abortions pushed on women & girls to lessen "the overpopulation problem", as well as state mandated abortions, & World Bank induced population control measures as a condition for nations to receive World Bank loans. [Read Steven W. Mosher's writings (including his book-- "Population Control - Real Costs, Illusory Benefis", first published in 2008); & listen to his talks on this subject from the past 20+ years. He has headed the Population Research Institute).

You have correctly talked & written much on how Wars bring Famine, which then induce Epidemics & Pandemics of disease.

Increased quantities of Food, made possible by the Green Revolution, antibiotics, antiviral drugs (like 2015 Nobel Prize awarded Ivermectin), increased & improved sanitation techniques & measures, & improved means to keep food better longer, like canning & bottling food, dehydrating + freeze drying it, & other means, including improved packaging, with improved Healthcare methods, & better medicines & medical care, have all gone a long way to helping to keep many more people alive from birth, & onward, so more also live longer, because of all these reasons.

It is important for all of us to NOT subscribe to the belief, pushed by self-appointed elitists, that there is "overpopulation". The promotion of this notion is pushed by wealthy elitists who deign that they alone are worthy to live, because of their wealth, while those economically inferior to them are not "worthy" to live. Wars, Famines & Disease should be allowed, even promoted, so they can benefit from us interiors who pollute the world by our unimportant & mere presence & existence.

I subscribe religiously to this FACT--

"For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited (by his children (i.e. humans)"

--Bible / Old Testament / Isaiah 45:18

(circa 8th century BC/BCE)

I also subscribe religiously to this--

"For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves." [i.e., we're all suppose to voluntarily share with one another].

Doctrine & Covenants - Section 104 (of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) a revelation received from God by the prophet Joseph Smith, at or near Kirtland, Ohio (about 25 miles East of Cleveland) on April 23, 1834

--David Milo Pearson

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For civilizations to both exist and prosper all that is needed is conveniently available potable water and a way to effectively dispose of human bodily waste. Utility companies and plumbers are worth their weight in gold. Everything else is secondary.

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My youngest son who does plumbing repairs, & one of my seven son-in-laws, who does new construction plumbing installations would both agree!

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I read the article on using urine... and I am trying to picture you writing that to the King.... I will meditate on it as I go to sleep tonight. Could this also help with what is happening in Sri Lanka? Is there someone there you know to contact to pass this on? I will work on who to pass it on in Canada! We have a neighbour who also does this in her gardens - says she never wastes a good pee! I like this idea and I like that it has the capacity to thwart the WEF. Just need to get the the news out and about. As alway, Michael, I take what you read to heart... All I have left to dehydrate is 60 -now 40# of onions. And if time I will try apples and potatoes. We just have to get through till summer. Be well!

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Michael, your right. My wife is Thai & we can tell you firsthand the price of Jasmine rice is up as well as other groceries from the Asian market. I also have fertilizer stock, it's UP significantly! Good luck w/ the King of Thailand though. The Thai people absolutely hate him. They refer to him as a degenerate. He doesn't have the affection from the Thai people like the old King & Queen who were absolutely loved by the people.

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Has anybody who knows (more than me!) looked into peecycling as a nitrogen fertilizer alternative? We've got lots of humans ... https://www.offthegridnews.com/survival-gardening-2/peecycling-how-to-fertilize-your-garden-with-nutrient-rich-urine/ No idea how large-scale this could be.

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I am not your Other - thank you so much for passing on this article! I am already trying to find out if the urine can freeze over winter and still be worthy for summer... I have this great separating composting toilet for our van and it is about to be put to winter use! We reached 7" of snow tonight - our first big week of winter in the Yukon - Stay warm wherever you are, all the best!

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