Psalms 33:10 KJV

“The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.”

Psalms 33:12 KJV

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Psalms 12:8 KJV

“The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.”


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The real truth here is that while a constitutional democracy can work, it can only work if the constitution is inviolate, the branches actually check the others power, the representatives actually represent the wishes of their constituents, and the constituents act like citizens instead of children asking for permission to remain free.

If any of those fail, the system devolves, and so here we are.

In regards to the constitutions power there are no operating instructions on how to read the intent or scope, or punish those who intentionally try and usurp it, this is a real problem.

The framers may have never considered that there would be much mis-alignment in that regard, or that if there was that the people would rise up. They were wrong on both counts.

They didn't take into account the boiling frog problem, or the moral devolution that pumping bread-and circuses out to the masses brings.

Our so called "Representative" government basically transfers the power of millions into the hands a of few, which then abuse it, use to for self gain etc. It's far harder to corrupt 200+ million voters and get them to agree to rob and murder themselves than it is to coerce by whatever means the few hundred we ceded our power to every 2/4/6 years.

The branches that are supposed to check and balance each other now collude with each other implicitly, and sometimes explicitly, the "don't rock the boat too much" CYA doctrine is 100% real, and all three branches are happy with the status quo as long as they are not personally harmed.

Human nature will ensure any process will devolve and be corrupted over time, it's just inevitable, which is why the founders tried to guard against it, I won't say they didn't have any clue about that potential, but they could have made the safe guards much, much harder to breach.

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Excellent verse. Antithetical to the world of todsy...

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I am a paid subscriber. I keep getting notices. I’m not what the fuck is up with this. Please get back to me immediately!

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These prohibitions in Deuteronomy were the downfall of King Solomon. Much wealth, and many foreign wives turned his heart from YHWH towards the rebellious gods of the nations.

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I had to look this up but the explanation for my own clarity I read was as follows:

-those in authority are not above the law but must obey and uphold it, and those in authority must not abuse their power by enriching themselves.

Unfortunately, unless folks really gut check themselves, this will play out how the evil behind it is planning. As I teach my boys, never take a knee for anyone or anything but your creator. Stay strong folks.


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I had to look this up but the explanation for my own clarity I read was as follows:

-those in authority are not above the law but must obey and uphold it, and those in authority must not abuse their power by enriching themselves.

Unfortunately, unless folks really gut check themselves, this will play out how the evil behind it is planning. As I teach my boys, never take a knee for anyone or anything but your creator. Stay strong folks.


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Now we're getting somewhere.



To an unsuspecting SHEEPLE. To put it politely.


The sickest of all the gods. " little g"

A national god. A warrior. The worst of them all amongst others.

The Sickest MF'er to ever rule the planet.

Who's teaching RULE the world TODAY.


There was a 3 legged stool who could RIGHT the Planet.

The USA, China and Russia.

It's a 2 legged stool.

We're the odd man out, or should I say the last to overcome the "POSSESSION"

Just Like in the Movie, "The EXORCIST"

Come on MICHAEL.


RID the Mind of the PARASITE and we can all live in harmony with the true CREATOR.

Read this and weep


PS. There's no CHINESE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. Or the new watered down retoric.

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If you really think Yahweh ( OT ) was the worst of any historical religion you don't know history very well, or at all.

Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, on and on, oh right sorry, atheism was just 'implemented' incorrectly, if you were in charge you would ensure an iron fisted 'paradise'


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Link not found?

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Keep on following the rebellious Elohim of the nations. They know their end

"God has taken his place in the divine council;

in the midst of the gods he holds judgment:

“How long will you judge unjustly

and show partiality to the wicked? Selah...

I said, “You are gods,

sons of the Most High, all of you;

nevertheless, like men you shall die,

and fall like any prince.”

Arise, O God, judge the earth;

for you shall inherit all the nations!"

(Psalm 82:1,2,6-8)

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Thank you Michael for your service. I review your x posts and substack everyday. You've inspired me to grow a gigantic garden and run a personal p2p (peer to peer) server outside big tech control. Thank you again.

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Thank you!!

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Stand in Your Truth

Give Not Your Power Away

Awaken Your Dormant Abilities . . .

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A verse many frame oddly verse multiculturalism spun by all political & religious institutions now, and historically....lol. Of course, all such travesties whether historically or institutionally, evinces such idiocracy proves no equity stirring. Rather, unruly natures parading by force

As all-fathers fearfully & wonderfully made godson and sovereign witness of the good sovereign united people of America for these united states of America, harken:

A word from beginning Word unto everlasting to native borne (U.S. Consti. Art. II, Sec. 1, Cl. 5), take heed, and your salvation is at hand!!!

All political, spiritual and binding force by which we seek in good will to serve all walks of life seeking unanimity similarly situated thereby:

"In essentials, unanimity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, honor."

Be wise, safe & blessed,


Notice: U.P.C. applicable

Tel: 1-509-862-3119 (text first before call)

Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors..

P. S.: Please, most graciously grant whatever courtesy for any incorrect scripture, syntax or grammatical errors wherever found throughout our life as unintended clerical errors that all are free to adjust and correct to account properly for remedial recourse our humble efforts intend.

But if grace fails our feeble entreaties, then as Don Corleone says ("Oil the gun..eat the cannoli. Take it to the Mattress.")


“We are increasingly governed not by law or elected representatives but by an unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committee of lawyers applying no will but their own.” < Robert Bork.

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George Washington was such a man who was able to turn away from total control twice. Once when the Congress fled and he became the supreme commander. Actually a dictator, he gave it back as quickly as possible. Then when they wanted to actually make him king, which he said NEVER speak of again.

We could sure use another Washington...

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Too few people understand what a great man George Washington was. We were blessed, then we screwed it all up.

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They definitely broke the mold!

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You/Me/We have President Trump, for better or worse. I think he is not only "Better" bur Also the "Only" choice.

I have Yet to hear of another ....... and None with an Above Average 4 Year presidential term under their belt.

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Write-in votes like 1860? I like Rand Paul and I like his dad Ron. If Rand was up for it, I could see a push for him.

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I also like Rand and Ron Paul. Ron sure got screwed by Romney at the RNC convention in Tampa, losing his delegates that posed no threat to his highness Romney and Lyin Ryan.

In retrospect i'm glad they Lost to Obamy.... It lead to Trump.

Speaking of Trump and Rand; Trump is destined for the WH and Rand is needed in the Senate. It takes Teamwork and that's how I see their positions for 2025.

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What thought do you give to Trump's Freemason ties and his continued support for the jabs and claims that it 'saved millions'? I'm in the 'fool me once, shame on you' camp right now and doing my best to not be fooled again.

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Trump has never and will never speak out against the bioweapon jabs he claims to be the father of it - very disgusting and concerning because he has a HUGE financial interest in BIG PHARMA - it is all about the money. Another issue that disgusts me is him claiming he does not need to ask for forgiveness because he does nothing wrong, how arrogant to think you are sinless perfection - Gods word says WE ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT - We need to pray, fast and seek the Lord on who HE wants in office - Trump and Biden are not it.

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Well, God is in control. Evil has been planning for millennia. A 3D chess game is at hand and I can’t even play chess much less come up with the myriad of combinations of the situation we find ourselves in. In the Bible many catastrophes occurred with outcomes I didn’t expect. The Ark of the covenant was stolen, much to the chagrin of the enemies.

Jesus was killed, a success for the Jews and Satan - Not! St. Paul warns us to not be fooled. But also shares:

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed . . . we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself.”

2 Corinthians 4:8,9,14

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Mankind is prone to "Secret Societies" for many reasons, better or worse, and Evil does exist, as well as good. Trump is just a Man, with the foibles we all have to a greater or lesser degree.

Making mistakes is part of living, and we learn from mistakes probably more than from successes.

So.... It seems to me, that Trump had a mostly successful 4 years, under constant attack. Much better than another corrupt Clinton regime with Hilliary, and another Obama regime with Biden.

So choose. Simple enough. then Deal with Your/Our Choices. I don't expect you to be "100% perfect" either. So no need for for even having a "concept" of "fooled again", that's just another form of regret, and a waste of time.

All the best

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Thanks for the reply. Thought provoking. I’m wondering, though, and simply wondering not asking out of malice, but I can’t think of one secret society whose negatives don’t outweigh their positives. I can think of a private philanthropist that gave away fortunes and lived humbly, but no secret societies that aren’t out to benefit themselves through their connections even if they appear to give to the greater good. I can find nothing more erosive to the goodness in a man than the arrogance that is fostered by being in a secret society. They are exclusionary and detrimental to creating harmony among people and society. Knowledge is power and secret societies keep their knowledge to themselves for power. Nope, my simple logic can’t find a good reason for them.

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Wait, so Martinelli is now the savior / santo of Panama? He's Mulino's boy who is holed up in the Nicaraguan embassy trying to stay out of jail for being almost as corrupt as Noriega. But honestly has there ever been a non-corrupt leader in Panama's history? Okay, so Mulino is looking to make a "deal" with the Gringos so the kleptocrats running Panama City banks can continue as the money center for cartel money between the heart of the Americas, China and pretty much anyone else who wants to hide money, run drugs, bootleg weapons... If he closes the border, like Trump did in 2020, will you consider Mulino a hero and the Trumpster still a bum? You can hate DJT to the end of time for Operation Warp Speed--he wears that failure around his neck--but denying he ran on immigration, built the wall (and technologies) against every manner of lawfare, and dropped illegal crossing almost to nil thanks to Remain in Mexico...well, that is some serious rewriting of history. I recall that you spent a lot of time outside the US during his presidency reporting on the good fight in Hong Kong and beyond, so maybe you didn't have time to truly appreciate the economy and country he rebuilt by 2019. No one that I know in the MAGA Movement thinks he is a saint. He is the vessel of our discontent and pretty much all we have right now who can withstand the constant onslaught. But frankly most Americans have walked away from politics a long time ago and are preparing heavily for more plagues, martial law, civil war, WWIII.

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Helly Micheal! Sending healing and good wishes.

Total agreement in regards to Trump. He tells us he’s an actor. He recites the snake poem more than once. He hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. I know men are not perfect or mankind but I have always had a bad feeling about him despite being a Republican at one point. Now it’s just you in a party and a lost cause. I don’t trust him and I’m sad to say the people that do are in for a real shock. He is the perfect person to set up for the New World order and I’ll never forget him after he stepped off of Air Force One and prepared to get on his own plane standing there looking across at the reporters and saying to America have a nice life and the rest of the family giggling. I will never forget that he backed the jab the bio weapon that is killing my family members. I didn’t fall for it. I knew Immediately it was an attack. And I’m an old woman of 70. My heart goes out to everyone who is now infected whether jabbed or not jabbed. We have to fight and we have to fight to the end.

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You will reap the same harvest, if you know Any history, as the "White Russians" in the 1918 Revolution. Except worse as your prescription decapitates any opposition to the USSA Feral DC sElection Coup of 2020.

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I believe in Jesus, I’m not falling from the gospel of His Grace to guide me and keep me in His righteousness. Deuteronomy is from the Old Testament and is about the law of Moses which we, as gentiles, are not obligated to follow. We as gentiles are simply meant to believe in and follow the King appointed by God - Jesus. Jesus is my King not any power of this world.

Herein lay the problem that brings us to the curses Marcel wrote about from the scriptures and you speak of in the “jabs”. Not only are there many less believers, many of those who do believe, believe in something that is to death, which is the law of Moses and by which is a fall from Grace.

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