First the Nazis began killing “useless eaters” such as wounded veterans, handicapped, and elderly. Much as The Beast did at nursing homes during “covid” treatments.
In Nazi times, this gateway-serial killing evolved into open genocide against various groups. Nazis would call the gas chambers “de-lousing” or “disinfection”.
Dark humor — insinuating they were disinfecting the world from human “lice.”
Yuval Harari openly calls some people “useless eaters” today.
In coming times, more de-lousing when the typhus comes, and reduction in methane and CO2 emissions from reduction of humans. Watch for the “calculations” on greenhouse gas reductions to be had by reducing useless eaters into mulch and Soylent Green.
(For more information on the historical events leading to the Holocaust see historical notes below from JBS)
Historical Notes via JBS and
”The Holocaust was not an overnight program. A series of gradually escalating actions by the government, organizations, and “influencers” of the day created the conditions that eventually led to the industrial killing. The building blocks for the Holocaust were embedded in “health” regulations that society was sold into believing were for the everyone’s health and safety. It was backed by the leading scientists of the day, not only German, but British, French, and American scientists wrote literature that supported the various incremental programs that were the foundations of the Holocaust.
In 1933, when the formerly stateless migrant from Austria, Adolf Hitler, gained power, the Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses or “Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring” was passed. Giving state power to kill, as Yuval Harari would say, the “useless eaters”. Contrary to cheesy B movies, this was not done with jackbooted uniformed cosplayers. It was done by Erbgesundheitsgericht, or “Genetic Health Courts” staffed by leading judges, doctors and scientists. The decision of the Genetic Health Court could be appealed to the Erbgesundheitsobergericht or “higher” Genetic Health Court.
Other laws and ordinances built upon the authorization given by the 1933 law so that by 1939, Tiergartenstrasse 4 or “Aktion T4” was possible.
White coated killers who justified the program because of “science” and used the legal system and state bureaucracy.
PHOTO: Dr. Werner Catel
Dr. Werner Catel was one of three leading doctors in Aktion T4. After the war he was employed by a Children’s Mental Home, sidelined with the University of Kiel, and continued to advocate for the killing of children who would be a burden to the state as late as 1962. He died in 1981. Dr. Catel was the lead on the “trial balloon” case in the Summer of 1939 that allowed Aktion T4 to move forward. A family described as “ardent Nazis” appealed directly to Adolf Hitler to be allowed to kill their child, Gerhard Kretschmar, who reports described variously as blind, prone to seizures, and missing limbs. Hitler assigned a team consisting of Dr. Karl Brandt, Dr. Helmut Kohl, and Dr. Werner Catel. The records suggest that the child was killed with Luminal at the Leipzig clinic. Days later, Aktion T4 began full implementation. The “trial balloon” appeared to be a setup from the beginning.”
PHOTO: Aktion T4 members preparing the busses transport and kill the “useless eaters” of Germany.
Aktion T4 was the early organizational structure that helped launch the industrial killing by the state, later known as the Holocaust. Ironically most victims at the time were “Aryans” diagnosed with down syndrome, or other birth defects. Veterans, mental patients, and others that were seen as a societal or health hazard were also killed.
PHOTOS ABOVE: The governments victims for “health” reasons in 1939.
The doctors and medical boards looked at schizophrenia, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, blindness, “idiot children”, epilepsy, dementia, encephalitis, “criminally insane”, and patients in mental or state hospitals that were there over 5 years. Medical boards were established and would review the cases and determine who was to be killed. Hitler provided legal immunity for the doctors, staff, nurses, etc. from the medical clinics. Other than that, he let the doctors “follow the science”.
PHOTO: Hitler’s granting of legal immunity to physicians and medical staff. The order was a Fuhrerbefehl, which was held to have the force of law outside of any legislation.
An estimated 250,000 to 300,000 were killed, 10,000 of them “Aryan” German children by the government run medical boards in Germany. The program was extended to occupied Europe as well.”
JBS and
To me, the most chilling phrase in the English language is "for the greater good", a phrase frequently used by Hillary. You can use it to justify anything. The academic set have enough intelligence to convince themselves of what they want to believe, they need to be better at recognizing that that is what they are doing. They tend to think that, being the most intelligent, (which is debatable), that they are immune to propaganda, which makes them more susceptible to it. Many scientists are quite arrogant and the price of arrogance is foolishness. (Spent my working career in a university research lab.)
Canadas medically assisted death program seems already on a slippery slope. All wrapped in a veneer of the best of intentions. For your health. For the greater good.