To me, the most chilling phrase in the English language is "for the greater good", a phrase frequently used by Hillary. You can use it to justify anything. The academic set have enough intelligence to convince themselves of what they want to believe, they need to be better at recognizing that that is what they are doing. They tend to think that, being the most intelligent, (which is debatable), that they are immune to propaganda, which makes them more susceptible to it. Many scientists are quite arrogant and the price of arrogance is foolishness. (Spent my working career in a university research lab.)

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May 29, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

Canadas medically assisted death program seems already on a slippery slope. All wrapped in a veneer of the best of intentions. For your health. For the greater good.

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I learned about euthanasia and the T4 program when I became a mother of 2 children with Down syndrome 19 years ago. I wrote about it in a column in the Huffington Post until they shut down my column. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/die-euthanasie-kinder_b_588f504ae4b06364bb1e27d1

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Many equate Fauci with Josef Mengele. I was surprised to find out that Mengele got away to live in South America. Mengele Fauci will most likely escape punishment while on the earth plane, but I think his maker is going to make his afterlife unpleasant.

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May 29, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

The ultimate and tragic irony is that many of these 'defects' in children and adults were no doubt caused by the toxins in the water, air and soil, or 'medicines' given to pregnant women. Industrial civilization creates a 'solution' to a problem it likely created. The human species has been poisoned in every way possible. It's no wonder there are so many human beings suffering from all manner of health and genetic issues.

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Excellent essay! The most outrageous part. Hitler and his cronies GOT THEIR IDEAS FROM MONSTERS IN THE UNITED STATES!

Hitler even wrote a fan letter to American eugenic leader Madison Grant calling his race-based eugenics book, The Passing of the Great Race his "bible."

Carnegie Institute, Rockefeller Foundation funded Nazi doctors!


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May 29, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

Psychopaths and narcissists have stolen our land, which includes North America and most of Europe. Evil stalks the land everywhere.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

It’s already happening...I got a call from TRI COUNTY REGIONAL. Lucky me, they would give my son the jab. I said he has a 99.997 chance of recovering if he got Covid so what’s the point? The call ended with the planner telling me my son would be put on a list. A F-n LIST!!! That’s how it started with the NAZIS!!! THESE BUREAUCRATS ARE EUGENICISTS!!! TECHNO NAZIS!!!

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May 30, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

You are right on the spot. Anyone doubt that the rise of the 4th Reich may well be in the offering.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

Thank you, Michael, for this excellent write up. These people are not human...spawns of satan is the only description that fits what we are up against. This level of darkness is beyond human comprehension. We are in dark times.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

The Moon..........What a carbon neutral planet actually looks like, for all those WEFFERS spewing nonsense. We hear you YON God Speed

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May 30, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

Like a moth to a flame...or is it MothMann to a flame....I digress. A great big southern humorist is needed for such a post. Schwab's Father was a Nazi:Full Stop: that makes the rest of your post waisted time. YON nails it every time.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

The same WHO treaty is being considered by every nation today, I reject the WHO and it's treaty's.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

Born in 1940 in US with German grandparents i heard many stories (rumors)As an adult i've read many books on horrors. Your article reveals sides i knew little about, Michael. Thank you - again, grateful i found you:-)

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Remembering, teaching our children the good, the bad, and the ugly in history, is so important.

I never thought I would see Mao, Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin's war tactics combined, and honed by America's corrupt CIA, FBI, DOJ, and mainstream news mafia pull the wool over the eyes of so many American sheeple. The ignorant are offering up their arms, and their children's arms begging for death.


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Ah, yes, "I follow the science!" That horrific, nails on a chalkboard phrase usually uttered by liberal arts majors who could not define standard deviation, became the Left's rallying cry to destroy people's lives. Never again. We can NEVER let these asshats declare victory and claim their evil bullshit "worked."

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