Remembering, teaching our children the good, the bad, and the ugly in history, is so important.
I never thought I would see Mao, Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin's war tactics combined, and honed by America's corrupt CIA, FBI, DOJ, and mainstream news mafia pull the wool over the eyes of so many American sheeple. The ignorant are offering up their arms, and their children's arms begging for death.
Ah, yes, "I follow the science!" That horrific, nails on a chalkboard phrase usually uttered by liberal arts majors who could not define standard deviation, became the Left's rallying cry to destroy people's lives. Never again. We can NEVER let these asshats declare victory and claim their evil bullshit "worked."
Thank you, Michael, for this excellent write up. These people are not human...spawns of satan is the only description that fits what we are up against. This level of darkness is beyond human comprehension. We are in dark times.
Like a moth to a flame...or is it MothMann to a flame....I digress. A great big southern humorist is needed for such a post. Schwab's Father was a Nazi:Full Stop: that makes the rest of your post waisted time. YON nails it every time.
Born in 1940 in US with German grandparents i heard many stories (rumors)As an adult i've read many books on horrors. Your article reveals sides i knew little about, Michael. Thank you - again, grateful i found you:-)
I present a new take on lung physiology that dismisses the idea of oxygen and carbon dioxide gaseous exchange.
The lungs are rehydrating RBCs just like the ubiquitous saline drip.
Be curious for a few minutes and suspend the schooled daze ‘facts.’ Surely by now you have seen THEY can and do lie about anything to retard science and medicine to our detriment.
I have studied the Holocaust both here and Europe for 60 years and worked as a docent for the Simon Wisenthal Center in Los Angeles. I have also watched this country
It’s already happening...I got a call from TRI COUNTY REGIONAL. Lucky me, they would give my son the jab. I said he has a 99.997 chance of recovering if he got Covid so what’s the point? The call ended with the planner telling me my son would be put on a list. A F-n LIST!!! That’s how it started with the NAZIS!!! THESE BUREAUCRATS ARE EUGENICISTS!!! TECHNO NAZIS!!!
I watched a movie last night on ROKU called "The Deal". The premise is the deal is you will live in prosperity for 20 years and then "for the greater good" you die. If you don't take the deal you live in abject poverty. Too close to the coming reality.
There never were any lethal Zyklon B gas chambers, that is a fact, see 'Holocaust Deprogramming Course'.
There never were any missing 6 million Jews either, fact. Several censuses prove this, even Jewish census figures prove this. Jews have alleged life-threatening genocidal persecutions of 6 million Jews before, like in Russia in 1911 for instance, when in reality, heavily armed gangs of Jews were killing large numbers of unarmed Christians in cities like Odessa in 1911.
But over 260 Jewish Rothschild/Warburg banker-led New York Jews together with Trotsky and Lenin implemented the Russian Bolshevik terrorist takeover in 1917 that ended up killing 66 million white Christians by 1953, as Stalin carried on murdering Christians right through WWII in Russia right up to when he died in 1953, and American Jews instigated and even took part in the Maoist Chinese communist administration that killed 100 million Chinese, and Jews started WWI and WWII that murdered scores of millions of healthy people quite needlessly, and now they are trying to ignite WWIII.
Both Putin and Zelensky are Chabad Lubavitcher Jewish devotees, both are WEF alumni. The Chabad Lubavitchers who want to murder 7.5 billion control the US and UN, both the US and UN have officially accepted for the Noahide Lws to be physically put into force when NWO one world government run from Jerusalem in Israel comes into being as they intend to happen.
One of the Noahide Laws says all people practicing any religion other than the Jewish religion are all to be killed when one world Jewish government comes into force, that is the real face of the Jewish-controlled WEF, as Klaus Schwab is a Jew.
That would mean 6 billion people being killed just for contravening that one law against idolatry alone. Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated in video speeches how armies of NATO nations controlled by Israel will do the killings, and other Noahide Laws carry death penalties, but never if Jews disobey those laws, the death penalty is only to be carried out against Gentiles under NWO government. That is the real nature of the 'revolution', the Jews are simply intending to take the entire planet amd exterminate all others, exactly as the Zohar states all Gentiles in the entire world will be exterminated.
The Jewish scriptures reinforce the racist belief in the Jews constantly that Jews themselves alone are god walking upon this Earth, and that Jews alone are actually god and eternally superior to all others.
Jewish scriptures say all Gentiles are intended to be exterminated, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel says NATO armies will be doing the killing from city to city around the world. In the 1960's, Sephardic PhD Professor Jose Delgado, who specialized in electronic mind control at Yale University, said that mankind does not have the right to think for themselves, that one day, all armies will be controlled from a central computer by electronic means.
Noah Harari says armies of the future must be devoid of all compassion, devoid of all spirituality, such is Jewish thought, but of course the Jewish scriptures state more than once that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally enslaved, then totally exterminated, and ultimately sent to hell, presumably when they are no longer required, and surely, with DARPA humanoid robots now on the verge of being released, what Jew will need faulty goy fleshbots any longer? Such is their Jewish mentality. Perhaps you might do a piece or two on that sometime.
"You peddled those same FED lies on Twitter and got slapped down. Don't you have a "Patriot Front" cosplay event to fake now? Maybe if you hurry you can make it in time for the next Biden "White Supremacy" speech?
WEF pushed the clot shot on Israel big time, and is arming Iran with Nukes. There may not be an Israel in 5 years thanks to the WEF and their ally the CCP. Klaus Schwab is the son of a major Nazi figure. Definitely NOT a Jew.
Again, nice try, but now it is time for you to go back to your FED bunker in Georgetown or Virginia and come up with better government contractor trolling material. Sorry, no screen shot for you to use in your PowerPoint presentation about how Michaels fans are "white supremacists" and "anti Semetic" this time.
How will you face your puppet boy Biden with this failure?"
JBS "Letting him talk is the best rebuttal. Besides, we are collecting FED dis-information posts so his adds to our collection. There are 50 contracted companies hired by the government to search for "anti-Semetism" which means they spread it trying to get a magic screen shot to "prove" white supremacy is rampant and neo-Nazis are everywhere except where they really are: In the White House."
Klaus Schwab the son of a major Nazi figure??? Schwab's mother was a Jewess, his father was definitely not a 'Nazi'. Nazi is a ridiculous pejorative term used by Jewish Hollywood and also by Israeli government operatives heavily infiltrated in most governments worldwide that has absolutely no genuine relation to the real NSDAP and what they really did and did not do.
The propaganda that still persists even today is being constantly rammed down people's throats purely because real National Socialism understood the actual lethal stranglehold that world Jewry and their usurious banking system maintains over humanity, and they do not want people ever to be able to see National Socialism or any similar system that might be proposed in any good light at all or to ever again be considered by any Gentile people, as that would be the end of their money power over all Gentiles in the world who they say were created by god, god who they literally regard as themselves, only to be the slaves of Jews, and hence the end of their political influence, by which they constantly drive Gentile peoples to kill each other as in arranged wars like in Ukraine today, as in Isaiah 19:2 as it was the stated wish of the late head Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson that this war be made to occur so millions of Jews can then move into that land once the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs there have killed each other.
How can Klaus Schwab be anything to do with National Socialism? He has been photographed attending a holocaust memorial service, obviously as part of the mass-organized program of deception to make people believe that such a holocaust really occurred. How can Klaus Schwab be anything to do with real National Socialism or even the fictional version called Nazism with his gay toy boy inbred pin head midget heavily retarded principal advisor 'intellectual' Jewish professor Noah Harari???
The WEF arming Iran with nukes??? Yeh, go shout it from the rooftops, I am sure that a lot of small-hatters will upvote you for that, they desperately need to preserve the illusion that the WEF is not an Israeli NWO world government initiative so as to prevent Jews getting lynched worldwide for being behind the lethally-intended clot shots.
See the videos below and then tell me again that Israel got the shots pushed on them by some external agency. The plain truth is that Israel faked their COVID epidemic, they faked their vaccination program, they faked their injuries, you can see them faking it in an Israeli film studio, from which some of the unedited footage got leaked that is highly revealing.
A 'former' Israeli Mossad killer in the videos below brags about how Jewish (Israeli and Israeli dual nationality) scientists alone invented the COVID clot shots, so tell me again how that works, that Israel got the clot shots pushed on them by some exterior agency.
A rabbi leaing his congregation in one video below dances and sings while clapping his hands above his head while he is actually celebrating the successful deployment of their Israeli government military bioweapon against the entire Gentile world, chanting "Corona! Corona!", they are not crying or mourning any tragedy that has actually affected Israel, and other rabbis in the video happily say openly to their congregation that the Corona is just for the goyim, for the Gentiles, not for the Jews, work it out.
All the infiltrated, hijacked and controlled governments and their 'health service' (Bolshevik liquidation squad) operatives complicit in the planned mass murder of 7.5 billion (Gentiles) really ought to have been arrested by anti-terrorist squads worldwide by now and locked away in loony bins and lobotomized for starters, but of course, the Israeli-controlled WEF/UN now entirely run the anti-terrorist squads and call everyone else terrorists, haha.
They all work according to the following Jewish creed; "Even the best of Gentiles should all be killed". Of that there cannot be the slightest doubt.
Where are all the James Bond 007's now when we need them to save us? They are all working for the Jews and turning a blind eye while the Gentiles get their genomes irreparably damaged so the Gentiles get sterilized or die or get cancer or whatever. It was the Rothschilds after all who had the MI5 and MI6 agencies created for their own benefit in the first place.
Biden the pedo fake Irishman who works to bring in the Israeli/Chinese NWO, nope, I don't rate him or Trump or any of the other sellouts and crypto-Jews who will say anything at all just to get power for the sake of power alone, like life is supposed to be some devil's disc game.
Dark humour of psychopaths indeed. I read about you killing people in India, easy pickings, you could have gone after the high profile adrenochrome-drinking Jews in Hollywood and Washington instead that torture little kids to death to get their adrenochrome drug.
You really believe that the WEF pushed the clot shot on Israel big time? See these rabbis dancing and celebrating and bragging about the Corona, they are not crying floods of tears, they are celebrating about their military victory over the enslaved and dumbed-down goyim, the Jews are not the victims, they have infilcted a major military attack agianst the entire world.
But the world has been made to forever let the Jews do anything they want because of their faked holocaust. Of course the WEF is an Israeli government NWO front, one that is made out to be so powerful that it now seemingly has legitimate authority over all governments.
Even Putin, Zelensky, King Charles and blackface UK PM 'Hindu' and maybe crypto-Jew himself Rishi Sunak are all WEF Alumni.
Rishi Sunak has no doubt been put in place unelected to do some even dirtier work than his predecessors and to take the blame after 4 successive Jewish previous UK PM's, as the Jews do not want what is happening in the UK to appear to have been a Jewish-controlled thing in retrospect to any potential survivors.
ps Israel should be nuked off the face of the Earth immediately and all their Dolphin second strike capacity subs sunk immediately because of this COVID bioweapon attack that has no doubt whatsoever been ordered purely and simply by the Israeli government against the entire Gentile world.
It is fortunate for the Jews that most Gentile people are now so mentally retarded by fluoride and programming now by Jewish arrangement that most Gentiles do not even recognize that their nations are now entirely controlled by Israeli hostile foreign power military occupation governments that are just suiciding the Gentiles who the Jews now have by the throat in many nations while the Jews are setting them up to get wiped out in a nuclear exchange with Russia/China that is intended to wipe out most of the last remaining 800 million white people on this planet at one fell swoop.
You have stated elsewhere that the world is under attack, but you have not correctly identified those behind this attack, you have failed to identify the Jews as being those responsible.
If you get the time, read this book by a British MP who was imprisoned for several years during WWII after he criticized the self-stated Jewish intention to take over the world and the Jews having created communism. The Jewish-controlled British establishment promptly lied about him at that time and fitted him up as a communist himself and then locked him up for nothing to keep him from speaking out.
Like a moth to a flame...or is it MothMann777 to a flame....I digress. A great big southern humorist is needed for such a post. Schwab's Father was a Nazi:Full Stop: that makes the rest of your post waisted time. YON nails it every time. MothManCCP
"None of what you have said above is accurate. You lie like the CCP and make up stories out of thin air like Biden. Your Rape of the Mind Technique is weak.
Seriously, have Langley or Quantico give you better Trolling talking points for your screenshot attempt to show others as Anti Semetic under Bidens Neo Nazi like "Anti Hate" act.
Then go back and cry to your Democrat/Uniparty friends about why you feel so useless as a FED Troll."
A lot of these crackpot ideas are also sold as making things more efficient. ‘Hey, if we get rid of the mentally challenged or cancerous we’ll be able better take care of people who truly have a shot at a better life’.
Interestingly 'he her bluffer' is an anagram of Fuhrerbefehl. The executive orders and mandates are in essence a bluff. if people ignored them them they would have no power.
Remembering, teaching our children the good, the bad, and the ugly in history, is so important.
I never thought I would see Mao, Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin's war tactics combined, and honed by America's corrupt CIA, FBI, DOJ, and mainstream news mafia pull the wool over the eyes of so many American sheeple. The ignorant are offering up their arms, and their children's arms begging for death.
I did not think I would see this either. But then I did not realise that Nazis and communists both arose from Marxism.
We are in big trouble as a county! Too many depend on goverment services and handouts!
Ah, yes, "I follow the science!" That horrific, nails on a chalkboard phrase usually uttered by liberal arts majors who could not define standard deviation, became the Left's rallying cry to destroy people's lives. Never again. We can NEVER let these asshats declare victory and claim their evil bullshit "worked."
Thank you, Michael, for this excellent write up. These people are not human...spawns of satan is the only description that fits what we are up against. This level of darkness is beyond human comprehension. We are in dark times.
The Moon..........What a carbon neutral planet actually looks like, for all those WEFFERS spewing nonsense. We hear you YON God Speed
Like a moth to a flame...or is it MothMann to a flame....I digress. A great big southern humorist is needed for such a post. Schwab's Father was a Nazi:Full Stop: that makes the rest of your post waisted time. YON nails it every time.
The same WHO treaty is being considered by every nation today, I reject the WHO and it's treaty's.
Born in 1940 in US with German grandparents i heard many stories (rumors)As an adult i've read many books on horrors. Your article reveals sides i knew little about, Michael. Thank you - again, grateful i found you:-)
We have advertisers on radio promoting end of life care in Brisbane, Australia.
They use ‘oxygen’ in terminal care. It’s known toxicity debilitates and increases pain till the victim looks forward to their death.
We breathe air not oxygen is the title of my article
I present a new take on lung physiology that dismisses the idea of oxygen and carbon dioxide gaseous exchange.
The lungs are rehydrating RBCs just like the ubiquitous saline drip.
Be curious for a few minutes and suspend the schooled daze ‘facts.’ Surely by now you have seen THEY can and do lie about anything to retard science and medicine to our detriment.
If every a person finds themselves with nothing left to lose, as described in this article, I would hope they would make their passing "fruitful."
You are right on the spot. Anyone doubt that the rise of the 4th Reich may well be in the offering.
The 4th Reich started after WW2, we are in it now.
I have studied the Holocaust both here and Europe for 60 years and worked as a docent for the Simon Wisenthal Center in Los Angeles. I have also watched this country
regress. It has brought me no end of sorrow
It’s already happening...I got a call from TRI COUNTY REGIONAL. Lucky me, they would give my son the jab. I said he has a 99.997 chance of recovering if he got Covid so what’s the point? The call ended with the planner telling me my son would be put on a list. A F-n LIST!!! That’s how it started with the NAZIS!!! THESE BUREAUCRATS ARE EUGENICISTS!!! TECHNO NAZIS!!!
Put them on a list, if you can.
Thank God the American people armed. Hope it’s enough. Ask God for help as well.
Sobering. circa 2024......
I watched a movie last night on ROKU called "The Deal". The premise is the deal is you will live in prosperity for 20 years and then "for the greater good" you die. If you don't take the deal you live in abject poverty. Too close to the coming reality.
There never were any lethal Zyklon B gas chambers, that is a fact, see 'Holocaust Deprogramming Course'.
There never were any missing 6 million Jews either, fact. Several censuses prove this, even Jewish census figures prove this. Jews have alleged life-threatening genocidal persecutions of 6 million Jews before, like in Russia in 1911 for instance, when in reality, heavily armed gangs of Jews were killing large numbers of unarmed Christians in cities like Odessa in 1911.
But over 260 Jewish Rothschild/Warburg banker-led New York Jews together with Trotsky and Lenin implemented the Russian Bolshevik terrorist takeover in 1917 that ended up killing 66 million white Christians by 1953, as Stalin carried on murdering Christians right through WWII in Russia right up to when he died in 1953, and American Jews instigated and even took part in the Maoist Chinese communist administration that killed 100 million Chinese, and Jews started WWI and WWII that murdered scores of millions of healthy people quite needlessly, and now they are trying to ignite WWIII.
Both Putin and Zelensky are Chabad Lubavitcher Jewish devotees, both are WEF alumni. The Chabad Lubavitchers who want to murder 7.5 billion control the US and UN, both the US and UN have officially accepted for the Noahide Lws to be physically put into force when NWO one world government run from Jerusalem in Israel comes into being as they intend to happen.
One of the Noahide Laws says all people practicing any religion other than the Jewish religion are all to be killed when one world Jewish government comes into force, that is the real face of the Jewish-controlled WEF, as Klaus Schwab is a Jew.
That would mean 6 billion people being killed just for contravening that one law against idolatry alone. Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated in video speeches how armies of NATO nations controlled by Israel will do the killings, and other Noahide Laws carry death penalties, but never if Jews disobey those laws, the death penalty is only to be carried out against Gentiles under NWO government. That is the real nature of the 'revolution', the Jews are simply intending to take the entire planet amd exterminate all others, exactly as the Zohar states all Gentiles in the entire world will be exterminated.
The Jewish scriptures reinforce the racist belief in the Jews constantly that Jews themselves alone are god walking upon this Earth, and that Jews alone are actually god and eternally superior to all others.
Jewish scriptures say all Gentiles are intended to be exterminated, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel says NATO armies will be doing the killing from city to city around the world. In the 1960's, Sephardic PhD Professor Jose Delgado, who specialized in electronic mind control at Yale University, said that mankind does not have the right to think for themselves, that one day, all armies will be controlled from a central computer by electronic means.
Noah Harari says armies of the future must be devoid of all compassion, devoid of all spirituality, such is Jewish thought, but of course the Jewish scriptures state more than once that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally enslaved, then totally exterminated, and ultimately sent to hell, presumably when they are no longer required, and surely, with DARPA humanoid robots now on the verge of being released, what Jew will need faulty goy fleshbots any longer? Such is their Jewish mentality. Perhaps you might do a piece or two on that sometime.
Rattle Rattle Rambling reminiscences, I have invariably fallen asleep. Are you suggesting the failed Genocide was false?
Mel Brooks?
From JBS:
"You peddled those same FED lies on Twitter and got slapped down. Don't you have a "Patriot Front" cosplay event to fake now? Maybe if you hurry you can make it in time for the next Biden "White Supremacy" speech?
WEF pushed the clot shot on Israel big time, and is arming Iran with Nukes. There may not be an Israel in 5 years thanks to the WEF and their ally the CCP. Klaus Schwab is the son of a major Nazi figure. Definitely NOT a Jew.
Again, nice try, but now it is time for you to go back to your FED bunker in Georgetown or Virginia and come up with better government contractor trolling material. Sorry, no screen shot for you to use in your PowerPoint presentation about how Michaels fans are "white supremacists" and "anti Semetic" this time.
How will you face your puppet boy Biden with this failure?"
Why don't you ban this jerk or at least remove his posts?
JBS "Letting him talk is the best rebuttal. Besides, we are collecting FED dis-information posts so his adds to our collection. There are 50 contracted companies hired by the government to search for "anti-Semetism" which means they spread it trying to get a magic screen shot to "prove" white supremacy is rampant and neo-Nazis are everywhere except where they really are: In the White House."
JBS the Brazilian food manufacturing company?
Klaus Schwab the son of a major Nazi figure??? Schwab's mother was a Jewess, his father was definitely not a 'Nazi'. Nazi is a ridiculous pejorative term used by Jewish Hollywood and also by Israeli government operatives heavily infiltrated in most governments worldwide that has absolutely no genuine relation to the real NSDAP and what they really did and did not do.
The propaganda that still persists even today is being constantly rammed down people's throats purely because real National Socialism understood the actual lethal stranglehold that world Jewry and their usurious banking system maintains over humanity, and they do not want people ever to be able to see National Socialism or any similar system that might be proposed in any good light at all or to ever again be considered by any Gentile people, as that would be the end of their money power over all Gentiles in the world who they say were created by god, god who they literally regard as themselves, only to be the slaves of Jews, and hence the end of their political influence, by which they constantly drive Gentile peoples to kill each other as in arranged wars like in Ukraine today, as in Isaiah 19:2 as it was the stated wish of the late head Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson that this war be made to occur so millions of Jews can then move into that land once the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs there have killed each other.
How can Klaus Schwab be anything to do with National Socialism? He has been photographed attending a holocaust memorial service, obviously as part of the mass-organized program of deception to make people believe that such a holocaust really occurred. How can Klaus Schwab be anything to do with real National Socialism or even the fictional version called Nazism with his gay toy boy inbred pin head midget heavily retarded principal advisor 'intellectual' Jewish professor Noah Harari???
The WEF arming Iran with nukes??? Yeh, go shout it from the rooftops, I am sure that a lot of small-hatters will upvote you for that, they desperately need to preserve the illusion that the WEF is not an Israeli NWO world government initiative so as to prevent Jews getting lynched worldwide for being behind the lethally-intended clot shots.
See the videos below and then tell me again that Israel got the shots pushed on them by some external agency. The plain truth is that Israel faked their COVID epidemic, they faked their vaccination program, they faked their injuries, you can see them faking it in an Israeli film studio, from which some of the unedited footage got leaked that is highly revealing.
A 'former' Israeli Mossad killer in the videos below brags about how Jewish (Israeli and Israeli dual nationality) scientists alone invented the COVID clot shots, so tell me again how that works, that Israel got the clot shots pushed on them by some exterior agency.
A rabbi leaing his congregation in one video below dances and sings while clapping his hands above his head while he is actually celebrating the successful deployment of their Israeli government military bioweapon against the entire Gentile world, chanting "Corona! Corona!", they are not crying or mourning any tragedy that has actually affected Israel, and other rabbis in the video happily say openly to their congregation that the Corona is just for the goyim, for the Gentiles, not for the Jews, work it out.
All the infiltrated, hijacked and controlled governments and their 'health service' (Bolshevik liquidation squad) operatives complicit in the planned mass murder of 7.5 billion (Gentiles) really ought to have been arrested by anti-terrorist squads worldwide by now and locked away in loony bins and lobotomized for starters, but of course, the Israeli-controlled WEF/UN now entirely run the anti-terrorist squads and call everyone else terrorists, haha.
They all work according to the following Jewish creed; "Even the best of Gentiles should all be killed". Of that there cannot be the slightest doubt.
Where are all the James Bond 007's now when we need them to save us? They are all working for the Jews and turning a blind eye while the Gentiles get their genomes irreparably damaged so the Gentiles get sterilized or die or get cancer or whatever. It was the Rothschilds after all who had the MI5 and MI6 agencies created for their own benefit in the first place.
Biden the pedo fake Irishman who works to bring in the Israeli/Chinese NWO, nope, I don't rate him or Trump or any of the other sellouts and crypto-Jews who will say anything at all just to get power for the sake of power alone, like life is supposed to be some devil's disc game.
Dark humour of psychopaths indeed. I read about you killing people in India, easy pickings, you could have gone after the high profile adrenochrome-drinking Jews in Hollywood and Washington instead that torture little kids to death to get their adrenochrome drug.
You really believe that the WEF pushed the clot shot on Israel big time? See these rabbis dancing and celebrating and bragging about the Corona, they are not crying floods of tears, they are celebrating about their military victory over the enslaved and dumbed-down goyim, the Jews are not the victims, they have infilcted a major military attack agianst the entire world.
But the world has been made to forever let the Jews do anything they want because of their faked holocaust. Of course the WEF is an Israeli government NWO front, one that is made out to be so powerful that it now seemingly has legitimate authority over all governments.
Even Putin, Zelensky, King Charles and blackface UK PM 'Hindu' and maybe crypto-Jew himself Rishi Sunak are all WEF Alumni.
Rishi Sunak has no doubt been put in place unelected to do some even dirtier work than his predecessors and to take the blame after 4 successive Jewish previous UK PM's, as the Jews do not want what is happening in the UK to appear to have been a Jewish-controlled thing in retrospect to any potential survivors.
See also
ps Israel should be nuked off the face of the Earth immediately and all their Dolphin second strike capacity subs sunk immediately because of this COVID bioweapon attack that has no doubt whatsoever been ordered purely and simply by the Israeli government against the entire Gentile world.
It is fortunate for the Jews that most Gentile people are now so mentally retarded by fluoride and programming now by Jewish arrangement that most Gentiles do not even recognize that their nations are now entirely controlled by Israeli hostile foreign power military occupation governments that are just suiciding the Gentiles who the Jews now have by the throat in many nations while the Jews are setting them up to get wiped out in a nuclear exchange with Russia/China that is intended to wipe out most of the last remaining 800 million white people on this planet at one fell swoop.
You have stated elsewhere that the world is under attack, but you have not correctly identified those behind this attack, you have failed to identify the Jews as being those responsible.
If you get the time, read this book by a British MP who was imprisoned for several years during WWII after he criticized the self-stated Jewish intention to take over the world and the Jews having created communism. The Jewish-controlled British establishment promptly lied about him at that time and fitted him up as a communist himself and then locked him up for nothing to keep him from speaking out.
by Captain Archibald. H. Maule Ramsay
Like a moth to a flame...or is it MothMann777 to a flame....I digress. A great big southern humorist is needed for such a post. Schwab's Father was a Nazi:Full Stop: that makes the rest of your post waisted time. YON nails it every time. MothManCCP
Show me the proof you think you have that Sxhwab's dad was a 'Nazi' haha.
From JBS:
"None of what you have said above is accurate. You lie like the CCP and make up stories out of thin air like Biden. Your Rape of the Mind Technique is weak.
Seriously, have Langley or Quantico give you better Trolling talking points for your screenshot attempt to show others as Anti Semetic under Bidens Neo Nazi like "Anti Hate" act.
Then go back and cry to your Democrat/Uniparty friends about why you feel so useless as a FED Troll."
All you need now is a few more of you and you can do a good little act, haha.
A lot of these crackpot ideas are also sold as making things more efficient. ‘Hey, if we get rid of the mentally challenged or cancerous we’ll be able better take care of people who truly have a shot at a better life’.
Hitler had his Fuhrerbefehl. We have illegal and overreaching executive orders and government mandates.
Interestingly 'he her bluffer' is an anagram of Fuhrerbefehl. The executive orders and mandates are in essence a bluff. if people ignored them them they would have no power.
In the UK it was always guidance anyway.
God, please save us from the do-gooders.