What happens with the jab or no Jad, through shedding it affects your immune system, everything you have had in your life will revisit you, the body has a memory and the weakness is there and without a strong immune system, bad things happen especially if your old like me.
This is the great tribulation, the Word of God talks about in several books, in addition to Revelation.
We are to prepare as the Lord God provides for each of us, but our hope is not in preps, but in Jesus Christ.
I appreciate Michael Yon's statement of facts and cold hard realities.
Many cant handle it because of the generational brainwashing that has occurred.
I suggest taking wiser approaches to reach them, like indirectness and passive conversations, that can bypass those walls of confusion and strongholds.(Remember Andy Griffith's approach?)
Once the spell is broken, they will want answers, and you will have them.(hopefully)
But prepare your souls to be right with God, because whats coming has never happened before, and never will again; it is so bad.(Daniel 12:1, Mark 13:19, Matthew 24:21 // Acts 2:21, 4:12, John 14:6, Romans 10:9-13,17)
Don't know if you read the comments - but to let you know, the book suggestions are soooo important to help those who are not savvy to internet research to get to vital information. Critical thinking needs challenges whether audio book podcast or 'old fashioned'? reading a book (can you say cuneiform tablets?). Thank you, I try to include some nugget of inspiration/direction in my monthly little newspaper in SW Colorado from you - grown to 3000 printed copies free distribution and growing like a little pinto bean - and for that, thank you for your encouragement.
You left out the only book that shows you how to get out of an eternal death sentence.
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”
But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Genesis 6
What are the odds of the ground opening up at the 'right time' when someone is walking there and only her slippers are left ?
An extensive search for an Indian woman who disappeared into a pavement sinkhole in Kuala Lumpur hit a snag on its eighth day, as authorities now say it is "too risky" to continue deploying divers.
The incident has gripped Malaysia, with some 110 rescuers working around the clock this past week in search of Vijaya Lakshmi Gali, 48.
But apart from a pair of slippers found in an initial 17-hour search, their efforts have been unsuccessful."
God is destroying the decadent perverted West and it's too late to do anything about the FED.
Like the Marxists, Democrats, Arrogant Sop, elite control freaks of the EU, US, UN, you've chose the profession of Control Freak and Gate Keeper Extraordinare, GS 11. They should give you a demotion.
Another book that I feel is critical today is, Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering, by Dean Henderson. It nails the monsters behind this whole mess, the so-called "elite" or "deep state". This book connects so many dots, answers so many of our most pressing questions. You'll be outraged when you learn how they've enslaved us all these millennia--for 8500 years. Time to take our planet back!
Remember that Martenson was heavily in favor of masking up and taking the poisonous shots. For months, he posted videos trashing anti-maskers and always included the tag line, "It didn't have to be this way." Disgusting, IMHO. Meanwhile Denis Rancourt was posting essays showing research that masks were already known to science to NOT work for anything. Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of Martenson.
Actually, I watched many of his videos, he spent a great deal of time explaining every research study and tearing it apart to point out the flaws. While he may have started out with masking, he quickly changed his mind and was truly appalled by the criminal fraud of the drug companies. When he was wrong he was very willing to say he was wrong. Only person I can name that would do that.
Not that it matters, but 1) I dispute your "he quickly changed his mind" comment. He went on and on and on about "it didn't have to be this way." After a long "non-quickly changing his mind" time waiting for him to catch up with the truth, I was so disgusted that I stopped following him. A guy with his background should have caught on to the scam much, much more quickly than he did. AND it was also disgusting how he beat up people who declined to get the poisonous shots - that behavior is NOT scientific in any way. 2) Yes, his style is to get very detailed in explanations - helpful in some cases, but totally dysfunctional in other cases (masks and shots). 3) Dr Pierre Kory publicly admitted -- in style -- that he was wrong about his previous viewpoints. I can't recall his exact words, but they were something like, "I was a pompous son-of-a-bitch before I figured it out." And I confirm that he was a pompous SOB (smiling) - I remember listening to him before he caught up with reality. Since the change, he has been on the very front line, and I very much respect him for that. Cheers
Thank you for pointing this out about Chris Martenson's take from the beginning. I follow Peak Prosperity. Chris is a very cautious researcher. I wasn't thrilled when he talked about using masks, but I was patient and closely followed his turn when he understood the "real" science.
It's not worth an argument (esp here), but no, Chris was NOT a careful researcher for masks and poisonous shots. I got so tired of his tedious tagline "It didn't have to be this way" that I stopped following him and his bogus "science" arguments for mythical virus arguments that don't exist. As Tom Cowan, Sam and Mark Bailey, and others have _clearly_ pointed out, there is no credible repeatable scientific evidence that viruses exist, have been isolated, or are available for purchase from lab supply companies. Martenson (with his academic background) should easily have been able to use common sense that masks wouldn't work for anything - videos showing air and smoke leakage were all over the internet at the time. The only thing I respect Martenson for is his crash course on prepping. Oh, and I really respect his effort in trying. Many people don't even do that.
Just for the record. I don't believe in the "virus". Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman and Bailey's gave very clear evidence of bogus virology. The "public" has been brainwashed for the last 80 years; that means those steeped in academia also. It takes a while for that kind of mind warping to unwind. The ignorant public as well as those who we think should know better. Why? They have earned many academic degrees in these lies. Natural Law is not part of any curriculum.
Hi Susan, if it helps, (Dr) Denis Rancourt (a French name pronounced Duh-nee Ran-cour) is a Canadian scientist who works for the Ontario Civil Liberty organization in Ontario. You can find him and his (impressive) work on both Twitter and YouTube. In particular, his team analyzed the all-cause mortality data for many countries around the world and clearly showed that there was no (mythical) virus that stopped at the borders between countries that did and did not lock down and jab people. He also gave an estimate of 17M killed worldwide by the cv plandemic operation as of a year or two ago. A large portion of the dead were people who lived on the edge of poor health and poverty (elderly, unemployed, those with poor health, etc.). The number is much higher now because of ongoing deaths.
Some will be daunted by the bulk of "The Creature from Jekyll Island." Some will, as I did, mistakenly anticipate dry subject matter. Once I got started, the book held my interest all the way through, with Griffin being able to explain complexities in a way the neophyte can grasp.
Still, not everyone will be ready to commit to the time and effort to read the book. In that case, I offer Griffin's prophetic lecture from 1994, a Cliff's Notes version of the book, an hour and fifteen minutes long. This is excellent, excellent, excellent. And I repeat, this is from 30 years ago.
I Read the Creature from jeckel Island 20 years ago (maybe not that long ago) I have been telling everyone to read it but people think I'm craz.. I'm through with people let the chips fall where ever. There was another book by Howard Ruff good but time was off.
I have noticed a rapid decline in many people's (and businesses') economic situations over the past several months in San Diego. Many small businesses appear unable to keep employees for more than a few weeks. I also notice that intentional demographic shift that has been engineered rapidly since 2020. It has become very dramatic this year.
Hi fellow San Diegian. Just like everywhere else on earth, people are succumbing To The lethal mRNA injections. San Diego does not get a pass I am seeing more and more of my clients coming down with bizarre sudden illnesses after taking the mRNA injections . You can thank the world economic forum 😁
Thank you, Michael. Venezuelan gang bangers have taken over 15 apartment buildings in the Denver area, but Colorado Governor Polis called that a "figment of the imagination". Nancy Pelosi called for citizenship and free housing for 20.000.000 illegal aliens. The shite is already very real.
Because they have done away with the 2nd amendment in Colorado. The illegals can own guns per the SCOTUS but States may deem you, a citizen, unable to resort to self defense with a firearm. Rationalize that!
What happens with the jab or no Jad, through shedding it affects your immune system, everything you have had in your life will revisit you, the body has a memory and the weakness is there and without a strong immune system, bad things happen especially if your old like me.
I suggest getting your houses in order folks.
This is the great tribulation, the Word of God talks about in several books, in addition to Revelation.
We are to prepare as the Lord God provides for each of us, but our hope is not in preps, but in Jesus Christ.
I appreciate Michael Yon's statement of facts and cold hard realities.
Many cant handle it because of the generational brainwashing that has occurred.
I suggest taking wiser approaches to reach them, like indirectness and passive conversations, that can bypass those walls of confusion and strongholds.(Remember Andy Griffith's approach?)
Once the spell is broken, they will want answers, and you will have them.(hopefully)
But prepare your souls to be right with God, because whats coming has never happened before, and never will again; it is so bad.(Daniel 12:1, Mark 13:19, Matthew 24:21 // Acts 2:21, 4:12, John 14:6, Romans 10:9-13,17)
Bangkok has better English-language book stores than Anchorage, AK.
Don't know if you read the comments - but to let you know, the book suggestions are soooo important to help those who are not savvy to internet research to get to vital information. Critical thinking needs challenges whether audio book podcast or 'old fashioned'? reading a book (can you say cuneiform tablets?). Thank you, I try to include some nugget of inspiration/direction in my monthly little newspaper in SW Colorado from you - grown to 3000 printed copies free distribution and growing like a little pinto bean - and for that, thank you for your encouragement.
Thank you!! Appreciate your sharing very much
Thanks Michael for this post. It's so great to know what other places in the world are thinking and doing.
You left out the only book that shows you how to get out of an eternal death sentence.
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”
But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Genesis 6
What are the odds of the ground opening up at the 'right time' when someone is walking there and only her slippers are left ?
From the BBC
An extensive search for an Indian woman who disappeared into a pavement sinkhole in Kuala Lumpur hit a snag on its eighth day, as authorities now say it is "too risky" to continue deploying divers.
The incident has gripped Malaysia, with some 110 rescuers working around the clock this past week in search of Vijaya Lakshmi Gali, 48.
But apart from a pair of slippers found in an initial 17-hour search, their efforts have been unsuccessful."
God is destroying the decadent perverted West and it's too late to do anything about the FED.
Marcel. Eternal life is not the point of this discussion. If you want to make that point do it on your own time and place.
Oh, so you're trying to deny Marcel's free speech and thoughts? Aren't you clever...not. SMH!
Like the Marxists, Democrats, Arrogant Sop, elite control freaks of the EU, US, UN, you've chose the profession of Control Freak and Gate Keeper Extraordinare, GS 11. They should give you a demotion.
Hope is also what spurs you to train and prepare. It's definitely not a solution on its own, but without it, we'd all just lie down and die.
Jon Rappoport: Hope is an Op
Just noticed (duh) Op is right in the middle of hOPe - oy vei - for eyes to see and all
Very good! That gave me a good chuckle
Another book that I feel is critical today is, Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering, by Dean Henderson. It nails the monsters behind this whole mess, the so-called "elite" or "deep state". This book connects so many dots, answers so many of our most pressing questions. You'll be outraged when you learn how they've enslaved us all these millennia--for 8500 years. Time to take our planet back!
Remember that Martenson was heavily in favor of masking up and taking the poisonous shots. For months, he posted videos trashing anti-maskers and always included the tag line, "It didn't have to be this way." Disgusting, IMHO. Meanwhile Denis Rancourt was posting essays showing research that masks were already known to science to NOT work for anything. Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of Martenson.
Actually, I watched many of his videos, he spent a great deal of time explaining every research study and tearing it apart to point out the flaws. While he may have started out with masking, he quickly changed his mind and was truly appalled by the criminal fraud of the drug companies. When he was wrong he was very willing to say he was wrong. Only person I can name that would do that.
Not that it matters, but 1) I dispute your "he quickly changed his mind" comment. He went on and on and on about "it didn't have to be this way." After a long "non-quickly changing his mind" time waiting for him to catch up with the truth, I was so disgusted that I stopped following him. A guy with his background should have caught on to the scam much, much more quickly than he did. AND it was also disgusting how he beat up people who declined to get the poisonous shots - that behavior is NOT scientific in any way. 2) Yes, his style is to get very detailed in explanations - helpful in some cases, but totally dysfunctional in other cases (masks and shots). 3) Dr Pierre Kory publicly admitted -- in style -- that he was wrong about his previous viewpoints. I can't recall his exact words, but they were something like, "I was a pompous son-of-a-bitch before I figured it out." And I confirm that he was a pompous SOB (smiling) - I remember listening to him before he caught up with reality. Since the change, he has been on the very front line, and I very much respect him for that. Cheers
I followed Martinson on finances but stopped following him when he started talking about Masks etc. Yes, it was disgusting.
Thank you for pointing this out about Chris Martenson's take from the beginning. I follow Peak Prosperity. Chris is a very cautious researcher. I wasn't thrilled when he talked about using masks, but I was patient and closely followed his turn when he understood the "real" science.
It's not worth an argument (esp here), but no, Chris was NOT a careful researcher for masks and poisonous shots. I got so tired of his tedious tagline "It didn't have to be this way" that I stopped following him and his bogus "science" arguments for mythical virus arguments that don't exist. As Tom Cowan, Sam and Mark Bailey, and others have _clearly_ pointed out, there is no credible repeatable scientific evidence that viruses exist, have been isolated, or are available for purchase from lab supply companies. Martenson (with his academic background) should easily have been able to use common sense that masks wouldn't work for anything - videos showing air and smoke leakage were all over the internet at the time. The only thing I respect Martenson for is his crash course on prepping. Oh, and I really respect his effort in trying. Many people don't even do that.
Just for the record. I don't believe in the "virus". Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman and Bailey's gave very clear evidence of bogus virology. The "public" has been brainwashed for the last 80 years; that means those steeped in academia also. It takes a while for that kind of mind warping to unwind. The ignorant public as well as those who we think should know better. Why? They have earned many academic degrees in these lies. Natural Law is not part of any curriculum.
Interesting, I didn’t know that about Martenson. I will look into this Denis Rancourt.
Hi Susan, if it helps, (Dr) Denis Rancourt (a French name pronounced Duh-nee Ran-cour) is a Canadian scientist who works for the Ontario Civil Liberty organization in Ontario. You can find him and his (impressive) work on both Twitter and YouTube. In particular, his team analyzed the all-cause mortality data for many countries around the world and clearly showed that there was no (mythical) virus that stopped at the borders between countries that did and did not lock down and jab people. He also gave an estimate of 17M killed worldwide by the cv plandemic operation as of a year or two ago. A large portion of the dead were people who lived on the edge of poor health and poverty (elderly, unemployed, those with poor health, etc.). The number is much higher now because of ongoing deaths.
Kevin is 100% correct.
Some will be daunted by the bulk of "The Creature from Jekyll Island." Some will, as I did, mistakenly anticipate dry subject matter. Once I got started, the book held my interest all the way through, with Griffin being able to explain complexities in a way the neophyte can grasp.
Still, not everyone will be ready to commit to the time and effort to read the book. In that case, I offer Griffin's prophetic lecture from 1994, a Cliff's Notes version of the book, an hour and fifteen minutes long. This is excellent, excellent, excellent. And I repeat, this is from 30 years ago.
I read it years ago and it has had a profound affect on me.
I ordered numerous copies and began handing them out to those who were interested.
Thank you for this! Didn’t even know this existed!!!
Great. Another mind to see. Fabulous book. I also recommend watching videos of G. Edward Griffin talks and interviews. Eyes to see, ears to hear.
I Read the Creature from jeckel Island 20 years ago (maybe not that long ago) I have been telling everyone to read it but people think I'm craz.. I'm through with people let the chips fall where ever. There was another book by Howard Ruff good but time was off.
I have noticed a rapid decline in many people's (and businesses') economic situations over the past several months in San Diego. Many small businesses appear unable to keep employees for more than a few weeks. I also notice that intentional demographic shift that has been engineered rapidly since 2020. It has become very dramatic this year.
Hi fellow San Diegian. Just like everywhere else on earth, people are succumbing To The lethal mRNA injections. San Diego does not get a pass I am seeing more and more of my clients coming down with bizarre sudden illnesses after taking the mRNA injections . You can thank the world economic forum 😁
Thank you, Michael. Venezuelan gang bangers have taken over 15 apartment buildings in the Denver area, but Colorado Governor Polis called that a "figment of the imagination". Nancy Pelosi called for citizenship and free housing for 20.000.000 illegal aliens. The shite is already very real.
Why weren't those armed invaders shot by residents in self defense?
Because they have done away with the 2nd amendment in Colorado. The illegals can own guns per the SCOTUS but States may deem you, a citizen, unable to resort to self defense with a firearm. Rationalize that!
And the modern paradigm adopted by the federal government, which let them all in, is that self-defense is tantamount to racism.