Sorry but this only stops when citizens make the lives hell of the people doing this. Human nature is that they won’t do it ever again

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“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit now.” ― Henry Ford


PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . . . . Protocol No. 15 – Ruthless Suppression

❝Our absolutism will in all things be logically consecutive and therefore in each one of its decrees our supreme will be respected and unquestionably fulfilled: it will ignore all murmurs, all discontents of every kind and will destroy to the root every kind of manifestation of them in act by punishment of an exemplary character.❞


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We say NO!!!

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“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit now.” ― Henry Ford


PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞



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It is difficult when the gov't holds all the cards - can shut your bank account if they don't like your protest, can jail you for extraordinary amounts of time for 'hate' speech (topics at their discretion and always anything critical of them). But you're right, more effort needs to go into organizing.

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You clearly don't understand that the cellphone towers all around you with Beaming Forming antennas can kill anybody?

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What happened to the truth telling journalist literally makes me sick to my stomach.

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We are beyond this. Obama spent his youth being groomed. The powers that be put him in office. He spent time studying the constitution in school and how to get around it. See how well he achieved it. He has controlled the strings ever since. Forget journalists. Time too fight back. He may even run his wife so he can continue to control for 15 years until 25. Wake up. The Communists / Iranians are in Washington controlling America.

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“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit now.” ― Henry Ford



❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞


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Obama isn’t but a little puppet in this evil you need to do more research !!

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“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit now.” ― Henry Ford


PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocols of Zion: Protocol II – Economic Wars

❝The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the arts of government, and will therefore easily become pawns in our game in the hands of men of learning and genius who will be their advisers, specialists bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.❞


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Start with Vallery Jarret who has duel citizenship and Obama’s right hand that runs this country. Her father was an Ambassador for Iran here. She is a direct pipe line to the Iranian Government. Obama bought a stone house in DC anfter his 8 year term about a stones throw from the White House. She is a busy little bee.

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“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit now.” ― Henry Ford



❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Ditto, and more than that!

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❝Our agents will be taken from the higher as well as the lower ranks of society. This body, having no rights and not being empowered to take any action on their own account, and consequently a police without any power, will only witness and report: verification of their reports and arrests will depend upon a responsible group of controllers of police affairs, while the actual act of arrest will be performed by the gendarmerie and the municipal police.❞


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Wow...I live in Canada. Disgusting. That little troll has sold Canada out. Her Granddad was a full-blown nazi collaborator.....like granddad, like granddaughter. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/chrystia-freelands-granddad-was-indeed-a-nazi-collaborator-so-much-for-russian-disinformation

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“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit now.” ― Henry Ford


PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 15 – Ruthless Suppression

❝ The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. Among the members of these lodges will be almost all the agents of international and national police, since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police are in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents.❞


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With many against one. Typically. What a world we are living in. It has to change, we cannot just let ourselves be bullied and bullied. I am 67 now but i am willing to do anything God or Jesus would see fit for me to do to be able to get rid of ALL the scumbags i like to join the movement.

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MAGA. IS A START JOIN THE MOVEMENT. Vote Trump. We must do the same as the corrupt Democrats. Stay tougher and vote in mass

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Why wait? Vote now for (preventgenocide2030.org) HR6645 and S3428 - DEFUND the UN & ALL subsidiaries. Rima Laibow and James Roguski will explain why DEFUND => EXIT UN/WHO and more

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Schiffty Schitty Kike Adam Schiff’s collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed...

The Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff (who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street) is following in his great grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with Igor Pasternak (seated behind John Kerry below), funding foreign conflicts abroad . . . and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag . . .

ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF


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What movement is that?

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❝We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order. But when we are in power we shall remove every kind of disturbing subject from the course of education and shall make out of the youth obedient children of authority, loving him who rules as the support and hope of peace and quiet.❞


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My Sister it is for Men to fight the Wars not a 67 year old Woman maybe is they are fighting in your area you can cook for them !!

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JeffreyPrather.com has a "Join Team America" button on his site. The Prather Point thinks differently! If the fight comes to my area - I'm getting the hell out! They can cook for themselves.

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❝The system of bridling thought is already at work in the so-called system of teaching by OBJECT LESSONS, the purpose of which is to turn the GOYIM into unthinking submissive brutes waiting for things to be presented before their eyes in order to form an idea of them.❞


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These police are breaking the law themselves and contributing to TOTALITARIANISM in their own country.

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Also it WILL COME FOR THE POLICE AND THEIR CHILDREN AS WELL. Their desire to keep their job and a paycheck will drive them to their knees just like the people they're arresting.

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❝Our agents will be taken from the higher as well as the lower ranks of society. This body, having no rights and not being empowered to take any action on their own account, and consequently a police without any power, will only witness and report: verification of their reports and arrests will depend upon a responsible group of controllers of police affairs, while the actual act of arrest will be performed by the gendarmerie and the municipal police.❞


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Canada is toast, even further gone than we are. Trudeau is a commie tyrant, they rise up and oust him or they are doomed.

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Canadistan has turned into a shit hole country. I know, I reside here. That piece of shit, in charge The Turd and his minions are pathetic and disgusting. That first meat head cop. is always hanging around these buffoons. What a horrific display. Shame and more shame.

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David (deMenzoid) Menzies intrepid reporter for Rebel News was clearly set-up! Slow the vid down - follow it frame x frame. Don't get distracted by - thunder thighs - who can't walk normally...

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I watched it a few times, a definite setup.

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❝In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces, competitions in art, in sports of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them.❞


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I fully agree, most are very distracted, the masses spend hours and hours watching the gladiators on the tube, swilling and filling their fat faces, not to mention many other diversions, it is a sad and dangerous situation.

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Same with the United States !!

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Myself, I think that it is a toss-up as to who is toast :-| I expect that you signed the petitions to DEFUND the UN & ALL subsidiaries? At the least! substack.com/@JamesRoguski keeps asking for volunteers. The deadline for the WG-IHR is January 27, 2024, and already impossible for WG-IHR to complete. No matter - will just work up to the May 28, 2024 and then NOT hold a vote, pretending that it was passed--like was done in May 28th/2022.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 15 – Ruthless Suppression

❝ The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. Among the members of these lodges will be almost all the agents of international and national police, since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police are in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents.❞


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The UN is corrupt from inception. Was always chomping at the bit to police the world.

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preventgenocide2030.org/canada This link will take one to the petition to withdraw Canada from the UN & ALL subsidiaries. It will also provide one with the ability to write/speak/ directly to one's MPs. AND while there one can pick up a colorful STOP sign like mine to replace that circle or face. The new one has a qr code so that one can blow it up and print it out to hang up on community notice boards +/or paste it onto the window of one's car +/or place into one's wallet to hand out to people. AND a photo print-out works :-)

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This has already happened to people in the US. Douglass Mackey went to prison for a MEME about


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I'm surprised by the commentators and the author on this one clutching their pearls.

What happened to this reporter (which the Gov't of Canada does not recognize as a reporter) is already happening in the US, what do you think civil forfeiture is about? Or when SWAT no knock raids go horribly wrong? What would happen if AOC rose to the presidential seat? In 2016 the US narrowly missed becoming the next socialist state and WWIII if Killary got elected.

Socialism is here in North America to stay until we can get the bastards out.

We are all in this together.

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No! Socialism is as Churchill stated; “THE EQUAL SHARING OF MISERY AMONGST ALL!”

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Vote with our MAGA group. We split off from the old Republican Party. We are fighting for free speech, the right to bear arms against a tyrant government that is trying to hold us hostage. Gather your tea bags and dump the governments bull hocky into the Potomac River. Stick together America. We are more of us than the few that have spent years infiltrating our schools of propaganda to turn against mothers and fathers ( our family unit). Educate our children about the propaganda in schools. We shall win. Accept no garbage thrown at you. We can still think and reason. We are Americans. The world looks up to!

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❝We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the press, into liberty of the person, but principally into education and training.❞


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Better yet - take the children out of the propaganda crush of public schools.

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Yes! I agree so much with you.

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This is shameful but common in the North. The noose is tightening. We must resist this tyranny like our life depends on it because it does.

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We have been too long a free nation. We have no idea what has happened to us due to freedom other countries don’t have or never had and they want the land and middle class life we have. Our ENEMY has invaded, taken over our government and wants to reap the US wealth and land. The Communist life offered to us in return is; “You will own nothing and be happy!” All citizens no longer own private property & are forced to move into high rise buildings. The National Parks will be off limits to citizens. You will toil as cheap labor for the upper class proletariat. This is One World Government! Is this what you want? Wake up.

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Canadians voted for their own incarceration THREE times! This has always been a commie leaning country. Any nation where 1/3 of the workforce are on the Govt payroll, sucking on the taxpayers teets, is not a serious place.

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I live here and trust me, it's a serious place. Let's not forget it was Canadian truckers who started the convoy movement that has swept the world. Less than 1/3 of voters chose what ended up being the Trudeau minority government in 2019. So no, the vast majority of us did NOT vote for our own incarceration. And this is his second term in office, not third. Before that we had a Conservative government.

We all have a common enemy and it isn't Canadians. Why disparage us when we're all fighting the loss of the same freedoms?

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I agree with most of what you said. The problem is we are not ALL fighting the loss of the same freedoms. It appears to me that most Canadians (in fact the whole Western world) are ignoring, or are just fine with the loss of freedom. AB🇨🇦

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It is frustrating, I hear that! And I guess I should have been more specific: those who are awake to what's happening are all fighting the loss. It's always been that way throughout history though. Most people take the path of least resistance; go along to get along. That's human nature. Plus we've been indoctrinated, conditioned, watched others punished for disobedience etc. But that doesn't mean we're not to be taken seriously. Australia had it worse. That's not the people's fault.

We who are aware have to keep speaking out and refusing to comply and becoming self sufficient regardless of which country we're in. At least we're an example as well as a truth serum. Politics won't save us. So it's all we can do unless you're actively involved in some plan I haven't yet heard about in BC?

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royal communist muscle poilu

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Saw this last evening on T.V. when friend watched while I made dinner...IS APPALLING AND KNOW IT'S COMING TO THE U.S.

Must Protest with German and Belgium Farmers/Truckers...THE WHOLE WORLD AT THE SAME TIME...And, in the States; 'CARRY' just to be sure nobody begins to take people off to jail as in J6 Travesty to suffer Political Imprisonment without Due Process.


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Fight back dammit!

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We must move.in unison. Join we the free & the brave. We fought to keep tyrants from taking over our country. Stand up and say ; “No!” We no more accept this garbage put upon our children in schools to orientate anti America. Sit down and teach your offspring about the wonderful America that so greatly built the middle class and gave them the opportunity to achieve and make their way in life to their own success.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Isn't 'Moving in Unison' what was suggested in the first comment? "PROTESTING EVERYWHERE CONCURRENTLY" is moving in unison around the world.

Am happy to hear the German Farmers/Truckers plan to go to Davos and wish there would be people going to The City of London, the Monarch's Castles and Estates, Geneva, Bern, Basel, Cern, all European Capital Cities and the Gotthard Tunnel at the same time. We know the names of those of The Black Nobility and can go after them as they are the origin of all the subversion and psy-ops towards their World Colonization/Coup they've dreamed of since at least the beginning of Satan/Lucifer's Hell created by God for them in eternity.

Have a Farm/Home School Co-op...We teach our own children through High School and that includes Foreign Languages from Kindergarten taught by the various parents relocating here from large cities. Been quite the amazing time...And, never dreamed so much hard work would be necessary going into the Senior years.

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You are a smart intelligent person. The one world govnt. Wants our farming land. They buy up land in US. It is to restrict food to our population. What follows lack of food? Starvation. What does starvation do to a family? After two weeks a man will do anything to feed his family. WHAT THEN HAPPENS? He robs, steals then kills to keep his family alive. God bless our farmers in Europe for fighting against One World Government. Let not our countries loose our National Identities. ( The purpose of the open borders is to overcome the citizens of a National Country and dissolve its history, love of country, and family solidity which we pass on generation after ganeration.).

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Absolutely correct...Must not allow all to get to the level of starvation. Imperative to stand and fight much sooner.

Of course the Border Invasions is to threaten sovereignty and Traditional Christian Culture...As it no longer serves the purpose of the Establishment to maintain power of any kind. In the end, good does comprehend great evil; but great evil NEVER understands good thus one is capable of growth and maturity while the other is not...

AND THAT IS WHERE THE ADVANTAGE IS FOUND AND THIS IS THE PATH BY WHICH ALL GOOD MUST ACT. That means we must enact behaviors as the German Protest and follow through with the talking.

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Fight, fight Fight!!! Dump that manure in the streets! We in America back you! All of Europe…Go for it. America was asleep when Obama slipped in quietly and transformed us to the Muslim Brotherhood, gave tons of money to Iran, & divided blacks, whites and in between to put cracks in our Republic so as to divide & conquer. No more. There is an old saying; Fool me once, it’s my mistake, fool me twice, ( I hate to tell you how stupid I am). ….no comment. The One World Government wants your land too. The destruction of your fertilizer plants will cost crops and food production. (Starvation). Dont let the Dutch & your lands go. It’s a food bowl they want to destroy.

Here is to the countries who joined together to fight to keep your lands.

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Our Government funds the MSM and they comply with the woke/covid etc. narrative to advance the leftist tyrannical agenda. Same reporter was arrested some time ago by our so-called conservatives for simply asking questions about her gay agenda. They are actively censoring/arresting all independent journalists. This is Candinistan.

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This is horrifying....

Yet, I have a question...they let him speak after they hand cuff him and then seem to ignore him talking to the camera. It looks a little staged?

Am at a point where I question everything that my consciousness will register as a possible psyop.

Have never seen this man's work before...so have no reference point there.

Is it legit?

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Pretty legit guy. Was banged up before (on camera): the RCMP thugs smashed his head against a door in the past.

If you watch the video carefully, you will note that what was REALLY staged (and, I believe, rehearsed), was the direction of travel of the Evil Gnome. She seems to purposefully walk on a direction that led Menzies to a position in which the RCMP thug could just casually bump on him and throw the assault allegation. The story has a "happy" ending, though. While cuffed in the back of the van, the York Police exchanged some words (he couldn't hear what they said). They drove him to the back of a school (and he was apprehensive, of course) and stated that there was a change o plans and the RCMP thug wasn't going to press charges. They let him go.

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Thank you for your comment!..appreciate it very much ! ...am learning how to read these videos better. Plus...just to get others to think more as everything is getting 'blurred ' more as more facts come out.

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Not staged. Our gov hates Rebel News who he works for.

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Absolutely infuriating!

Folks, if you all still Support the Blue,

you’re gonna shortly find your head under their shoe 👞!

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