Have you been interviewed by Glenn Beck yet? He's the original canary in the coal mine about the impending war against America by the globalist communist. When he had a show on Fox, he laid out the groundwork to prepare for the next phase and how to resist. I hope you have an opportunity to speak on his program.

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Even though I have been following you for a few weeks, I am grateful for your work. Would you consider that the main control of globalism is The British Pilgrim Society? Folks have found a list of their members - which includes some 700 American citizens. There is a plan of "soft warefare" called Operation CAT Pounce - sending these usually secrete documents to the Pilgrim office. From there, folks can put pressure on individual Pilgrim through simple social shaming. I hope that you will watch this video which gives more details. Thanks. https://youtu.be/gCqIH03svaQ

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The Reese Committee attempted to address these Malevolent "Non-Profit" Foundations aka Fake Charities or better yet Weaponized Charities in 1953. Carnegie, Rockefeller Foundations, et al. NGO's are an equivalent these Weaponized Charities. Public/Private Partnerships is Open Fascism.

Corporation Nation IS the issue. Corporation must ALL be disbanded asap and become Partnerships---"Why?"---INDIVIDUALS would then be held Criminally and Civily Liable for their actions. Pfizer kills people so they pay a large fine? This ends---all assets seized and Bourla and his ilk SWING following a horse whipping of 100 lashes.

At some point all of these Foundations will be shut down and their assets seized and owners "dealt with"---I'd be nervous if I were Warren Buffett or Bill Gates among many other INDIVIDUALS.

"Yeah, we'll just sue em!"----I reckon not--we're way past that point.

RIP Norman Dodd. RIP Carroll Reese.

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Operation Burning Edge Phase II is MISSION CRITICAL to stopping the invasion of America and holding the public officials (worldwide RICO syndicate of human traffickers) accountable.

This is going to come from #WeTheHumanity.

Please support this incredibly valuable effort…

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I'm sorry, I have no idea what you are raising money for or what Operation Burning Edge is. I follow you, but I feel as though I've walked into the middle of a conversation I wasn't part of.

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George Carlin - It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!


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Hello Sharing and Caring. Over the last year and a half or so I've become a Michael Yon "junkie" and listen to all of his podcasts, interviews etc...and I told this to Ann Vandersteel when she gave a presentation to a group of staunch patriots united in a group called "Chesco United" ( renamed "Keystone United" based in Chester County, PA. During the course of a number of podcasts Michael has emphasized how he continually "reexamines his paradigms" and never gets absolutely wed to an idea or position. He admitted to having been a staunch Trump supporter and a supporter of Israel. No longer the case. God Bless Michael Yon for his courage and intellectual integrity. Apologies that I can't remember the exact podcast(s). I heard him make those admissions within the last 6 months or so - great opportunity for you to revisit some of his podcasts. I guarantee you he made those admissions. Very encouraging to me. Mike emphasized how he came to recognize Trump is a promoter all about kayfabe and an uber zionist.

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Thank you, Michael, for shining a long-overdue light on these malevolent NGOs.

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I wholeheartedly agree with Michael's assessment of Trump - and appreciate Michael's intellectual honesty and his willingness to "reexamine his paradigms" leading him to reverse his position on supporting Trump and supporting Israel. I questioned Ann Vandersteel in her "chat" and inquired how she could still support Trump knowing his "Warp Speed Initiative" and his unwillingness to acknowledge the devastating effects of the bio-weapon. Trump is the opposition. Ann Vandersteel's response to my inquiry? "Trump's vaccine is vitamin "C", ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine." If Ann is blinded to Trump's alliance to the Zionist State and big pharma what does that tell you?

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Where can I find the information on Michael changing his position on Trump? Have not heard this. Thank you

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Ole Demmegard James Delingpole: Digging Deeper Into the Trump Deception


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I wish someone would ask the Father of the Vaccine what he meant by this DELETED tweet:

October 5, 2020, 3:23 PM –

"My blood IS the vaccine!!!!!” -


Twitter for Iphone

I don't think human blood contains vitc, iver and hydo. -

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He had been infected in August and had natural immunity.

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JBS= John Birch Society?

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I will continue unceasingly to pray for a hedge of protection you and the team.

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Hon you are the tip of the spear TY

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I keep hearing different numbers of illegal invaders that the evil Democrats and do nothing Republicans have brought into the US and given the royal treatment. From 8 million to 20 million.

So what's the number ?

After 4 years of this invasion it's all over except the funeral for Sodom and Gomorrah USA that expelled God.

This is what God's early stage judgments look like.

Hell is coming to America...

The wicked shall be turned to hell and all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9:17

"'He makes the nations great, then destroys them;

He enlarges the nations, then leads them away.

He deprives the leaders of the earth’s people of intelligence

And makes them wander in a pathless wasteland. (Idiots Biden & Kamala Shiva Harris.)

They grope in darkness with no light,

And He makes them stagger like a drunken person.

Job 12:23

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I'm not sure it matters too much 8 million or 20 million. Are there even 8 million fighting aged American males willing and able to cooperate to defend their homeland from enemies domestic and foreign? Probably not.

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Sadly, this "process" has been going on much longer than 4 years ago. In 2007 I was chatting with a Border Patrol agent who ESTIMATED that 2,000+ illegals were crossing the border PER DAY in his sector alone. The Plan has been in effect for quite some time and, I suspect, will be "blossoming" soon.

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The 8 million number started in 2021, more like the 20 million times 2 by now, is my guess.

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UPS & Fed-Ex was flying them in after midnight to Johnson City, TN for many years. Myself and my friends (some were Marines) witnessed this personally. Fred Smith owns/owned the company and he was Skull Bones at Yale like the Bushes and John "Kohn" Kerry.

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I listened to the devil's news station, (extreme left Marxist revolutionary Demonic. NPR) this morning and their mad, insane, evil attacks ticked up a notch.

I sense this civil war they are brewing is going to explode soon !

Thanks for that reality bite

Amazing how the worthless Republicans still dupe the niave and few are willing to admit that it's over. You can't stop God's right judgment, not even with an election.

The delusional will awaken soon to the ugly reality. America is done , put a fork in it.

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If there IS an election.......

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They will start a civil war before they let Trump back in the White House. Our enemies Russia and China have plans.

George Carlin - It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!


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They already selected him though.

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Russia is essentially not our "enemy". China IS.

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We (decadent, pervert ruled, filthy, cursed USA) declared war on the Creator and He is now "essentially our enemy.


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