So it looks the thugs in the British- CROWN who control the D.C. US CORPORATION and our corrupt politicians have also sent riot control thugs to help the CCP PLA control the now communist occupied Hong Kong.

NATO is just one of many "NEW WORLD ORDER" fascist global organizations America, and her allies must reject, defund and exit - The oligarchs behind the UN, WHO, WEF, WTO, OEDC, G20, G7, Paris Climate Treaty, c40.org, etc are globalist thieves and murderers.

All global organizations who are against America's sovereignty; defaming America's Constitutional Republic's common laws; defaming the Holy Bible; who are against America having secure borders; against free speech, and honest elections are depopulation murdering eugenicist psychopaths. Oligarchs are creating chaos to enforce control for their fascist UN Agenda 2030 meant to destroy America and all countries with democracies. Evil is taking away our freedoms and viciously attacking the posterity of the middle class nuclear family around the world.

Pandemics released intentionally, fearmongering, poverty and famines will conquer the masses into submission if these freaks aren't stopped.

Not enough boots on the ground like Michael Yon. Prayers for your safety. And many thanks to you, and the other global journalist showing us what's in store for the last free country to be overthrown- America.

Wake up America!

May God have mercy,


Placer County, Ca

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Looks like he cursing out a British national for training and working with CCP police

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Yep, and this global chaos is funded by the BIS oligarch controlled global banksters, the hedge fund's conglomerates, and the Pfizer- pharmaceutical cartels 100's of trillions !

Buying a president or a senator for 10 million is chump change!

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I hear someone talkin dog…

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Good thing us "taxpayers" fund military to do now....paid for travel by more taxpayers. So much for the oath

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Hong Kong ?

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So... just another day then.

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How recent an event, is that, in the video?

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What's going on in that video? Was that you Michael in Hong Kong? Who are all those men with guns marching down the street? Who was the man you were talking to and said he sold out to

the CCP? GOD BLESS and keep YOU safe +

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