Hello Michael great work as always.but maybe you can answer this.i know you don't delve in to religion.But the Jews Thier just as bad as Hamas.. what will happen there Michael.and maybe they should just keep killing each to the best man standing!!! Anyway just a thought...

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If you look at Mao and his takeover of China, you will that Israel was at the lead. Israel created CCP.

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Sadly, I think that Govt is lost 😞

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Interesting piece, first time reader here. Disarmed America seems like a set-up to what's happened in Gaza and that's what the 2nd Amendment is all about folks, get ready...

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At some point I want my info guys to start talking about self defense measures and not just prepping. I get it, it’s not a popular subject but I’m seeing Americans killing anti-Americans in the near future. We have already seen trespassers and we are as remote as you can get!!

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A .338 Lapua is a good start, in a Desert Tactical SRS if you can afford it with something like a 5X20 Nightforce scope with Zero-Stop, and then take some lessons. The SRS is probably 36 inches long with a 26" barrels, and the gun can be changed to use different calibers. The combination probably cost nearly $8000.

Or, if you can get your hands on a Savage 110 FCP I think it is, in .338. I owned 2 of them and both shot less than .5 inch at 100 yards. Both cost $1200@ and with a Nightforce you add another $3,000 with rings etc. Its a long rifle and I think a little bit heavier than a Desert Tactical SRS. For a major manufacturer, Savage makes some of the most accurate off the shelf and out of the box rifles you'll find in a store.

Ammo is expensive, but I've shot animals with .338 Lapua and several other calibers, and nothing I've shot has stopped animals up to elk like a .338 Lapua. There's other equally good calibers. I just grew up on the Lapua and am sticking with it.

Best to have a bugout location outside the cities, a long way out, and the ability to feed and take care of yourself. And with a far a view as you can find, preferable not in a wood area since its easier to get close to you where an area is wooded, without being seen.

You also want some type of night vision, preferably infrared.

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Once the turn on the new tech .. I don’t think we can hide anywhere.. read Shawn Paul Melville on substack. He’s got the final tech put together

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That guy, Melville, isn't saying anything I hadn't heard before. He simply adds a lot of details. Heck, I was the first to tie graphene oxide to the human system, in my case via a crime committed in June, 2017 because that's the time they illegally introduced it into my body.

By 01/2021, and still before anybody even heard about graphene oxide, I concluded the nanotech in my body almost certainly was graphene oxide. Why? By that time I had 3 1/2 years of experience with the nanotech, identified its properties, and then went researching, and graphene oxide (GO) met all the criteria perfectly. Heck, my research results describe GO as a "Super Capacitor", and then I found out GO was being researched for its properties to use it in batteries, which made perfectly good sense to me.

I wrote about this online in '21. Then the mRNAs rolled out and scientists started finding GO inside a large percentage of vaccine lots.

I'm the one that tied GO to nanotech almost 3 years ago. Before that, I'd never heard anything about GO and vaccines.

Did you know GO is used in MRIs too?

There is a ton more to this story.

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I've known it for quite some time myself. Like the antenna at the Threat Fusion Center on North Shepherd in Houston that Richard Lighthouse states can kill a person from 100 miles away.

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It's time to stop worrying about the rest of the world and our traitorous government. Best to worry about defending yourself and your family. That's all that matters now. This world as we have known it is just about over. We will have to fight like hell just to keep our lives here soon. It's enough to no, my government wants me dead and they have let in millions of folks to try and get that done. Be prepared for when they come. Because they are coming.

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I agree completely,,never forget Israel was the first nation in the world to congratulate illegitimate joe on his rigged election victory.

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Here is another massive revelation I adopted in early 2020 when Covid was just out. I watched a video I don't have the link for any longer, unfortunately. It was a presentation by a scientist and Phd, a woman. She said she was an expert in common viral pathogens among other things. And she went thru the chronological process for most common viruses, and described when each virus, Rino, corona and flu and other cold viruses break out during the year. And she said that coronaviruses like CV19 start in the middle of December as I recall and will last until about the middle of March, that's the period when we see really large coronavirus outbreaks for maybe the last 100 years.

Any adult who is still alive since 2020 knows that billions of cases of CV19, a coronavirus, were happening between April and November of 2020 and 2021, massive numbers of cases. So I always considered that definitive proof that whatever was causing CV19-diagnosed cases had nothing to do with a coronavirus like CV19. Combined with the fact that I never heard any doctor or scientist claim they had even isolated the CV19 coronavirus, and I've heard many of them claim is never was isolated!! Accordingly, nobody could evaluate the DNA in the virus as so many scientists said they were doing. Makes little sense.

In any event, that woman was the key to unlocking the 2020 and 2021 CV19 Hoax and the mRNA vaccine Hoax, so has been my thinking for more than 3 years!

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2 Chronicles 7:14(KJV)

If my people (true believers) which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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And why aren't Christian pastors nationwide calling for this very thing!!!!!!??????

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Truth tellers are not usually too popular! I wanted to add one thing to what you wrote, which was excellent.

Israel spies on all of the US, every citizen! The best person to explain all of this is an investigative reporter: Whitney Webb at Unlimited Hangout. Unit 8200 is of note, but there are many, many others.

Our govt. has been a slave nation to Israel for a very long time. It has allowed our own people to be tracked, traced, categorized and spied on. It is treason.

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Michael, are you in contact with any members of Congress? Your Frontline Intel must be acted upon!!

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I'm with you on this. The Israeli govt is highly compromised and I'm sick of my money going to these places that could give 2 shits about me or my family. The money we send is only going to make these jerks richer while the innocent suffer.

I love your work and am so grateful for your honest reporting. I wish more people would wake up and realize this isn't a pick a side issue because both sides are being financed by the same people.

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For clarity and reality: the money "given" to Israel is a money laundering scheme for the US military industrial complex. Money goes to the Israeli government restricted for use only to buy US made military equipment and armaments. So the US government is laundering money for northrup grumman, lockheed, ratheon, etc. Really, they are giving weaponry to Israel and the money to US corporations.

Egypt gets $1.3B every year too, but I don't know if it's earmarked that way or undesignated.

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that their Ukraine Strategy

has Failed

Putin say's USA actions

are obvious –

to multiply instability

in the world,

to divide cultures, peoples,

world religions;

USD cartel is weak

and being attacked

and not afraid

to destroy the planet

~ Bilbo



Remember What

Coronel Douglas Macgregor

Explained Too,

On Recent Interview...

1 Day Ago.

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Michael, this is a very important post, thank you. But please tell us what we can all do to stop this madness? Form militias and go vigilante? Sounds like more genocide. We are so controlled, top/down, including off-planet entities ... I have been paying attention to the Big Picture for 25 years and although knowledgeable, I do not have answer to how we get out of this mess. Do you? Sharing information is one thing, but it seems to me the sleepers will never wake up to the truth, they are too programmed in their beliefs, and distracted. Our government is so corrupt at all levels, down to the lowliest school boards. All wield their power against humanity while we are punished for speaking truth. I fight with everything I've got on an energetic level, but what can we do in "the real world" to end this madness, without the rest of the population waking up? Big event to wake them up? I hope so.

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"This will be massively unpopular. Israel will go direction of Ukraine, but worse."

~ Michael Yon

--- --- --- --

"The way you defeat a [defeating] idea, IS OFFERING A BETTER ALTERNATIVE."

~ Colonel Douglas Macgregor

~ Host: Glen Diesen {Russian Foreign Policy Scholar}















"? Where is Our Leadership ?"

"A [possible] hell, of our own [leaders] making."


Dear Administration & U.S. 118th House of Representatives,

Please, Please, LISTEN To These Wise Warrior{s}.

Thank You.

A simple Citizen.


"Video: Israeli security forces routinely attack orthodox Jews living in Israel. Orthodox and Heredi groups have stated the treatment shown in the video is a very MINOR example of Israeli state violence against observant Jews living in Israel."


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Your description of Israel sounds exactly like America. Nevertheless, I EXPECT Americans to focus on saving America while Israelis focus on saving Israel. I verbally defend and support Israel because of my Biblical faith and the commands given in that blessed book. Israel is the apple of God's eye. Don't poke God in the eye. I don't expect you to go to Israel or die for Israel or give money to Israel. Just verbally defend their right to defend themselves.

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Israel cannot defend itself w/o the US

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Nov 3, 2023
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Where did I say God lies? HaHaHaHa! I’d say its a lot of Fake Jews claiming to be Jews that are lying, and that is based on genetic research into Jews done by a team of Jewish scientists at John Hopkins. Jeses called Jews of his time fake and of their father the devil. Read what I wrote. The elect seem to only be known by God and Jesus because no Jew on Planet Earth today can prove he/she is a DNA descendant of Abraham. That’s not a lie, its not anti-Semitic its just clearing the air that so many pastors have clouded up for my entire lifetime.

I mean Pastor John Hagee, who I once gave significant gifts to is a friend of Bibi Netanyahu. I went to a get-together with a bunch of Israeli Jews 15 years ago sponsored by him, and for the past 8 ½ years I’ve been stalked by a Jew living in Humble, Texas and his friends. Thanks John, but no thanks.

“Hey John, call Bibi and tell his Jewish, probably a Mossad agent, in Humble, TX to stop stalking me please and in Jesus’ name.”

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You'd have a difficult time proving that. Its pretty obvious that God's "elect" are known only to Him and Jesus, Jewish elect. There isn't a professing Jew on Planet Earth that can prove genetically that he is a descendant of Abraham. Its my understanding that Abraham is the father of all Jews, right?

And as Jesus pointed out in the New Testament there are a whole lot of fake Jews, and if there were back then, there are probably more of them now.

Observing anything about the Jews since AD 70 is a real stretch, an unfortunate one for professing Jews. Remember, Elizabeth Warren claimed to be a Native American until her DNA proved she was not.

Jewish genetic websites even state people cannot prove they are Jewish, at least the ones I've looked at.

There's simply no sample of Abraham's DNA, and no studies I've run across that suggest a single source for Jewish DNA for making the determination yet?

One of the possible errors in your statement about God blessing the world thru Israel is the fact that it was a direct reference to Jesus Christ saving the entire world, and I don't personally believe that anybody today can prove they are a real Jew and descendant of Abraham. I just think its scientifically impossible. Its as Derek Prince observed, unrevealed knowledge. We simply can't know anymore, not since about AD 70, and its my understanding that prior to AD 70, or about that time, Israeli Jews kept detailed records of the genealogy of all Jewish citizens and that those records were lost or destroyed a very long time ago.

This is a terribly interesting subject for further discussion. I'm a professing Christians, and my approach to most western Jews today is, "prove you are Jewish"! HaHaHaHaHaHaHa! They can't prove it!!!!!!! It's a real predicament for them. And my second question is to ask them if if they are Jewish, why aren't they back living in Israel yet?

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I enjoyed reading this post…thx🙏🏼

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I'm glad to hear somebody else gets it. I left out a part about God's Elect, Jewish Elect, that I believe they exist because Jesus prophesied they'd be alive and in Israel in the end times, or so I interpreted his statement. So, there's clearly DNA descendants of Abraham alive on Earth right now and today, in Israel probably, we simply can't know who they are. And there's so many Western Jews serving Satan right now in the USA and Federal government who it would seem can't be real DNA descendants of Abraham.

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