I liked that, thank you. I would say we can all be stupid sometimes, but doing it all the time takes some doing! Regarding death-jab dramas and the COVID 19 nonsense I wrote this if you or anyone is interested.
This is why Leftism is singularly so consummately rife with transparently self destructive convictions and actions driven by equally transparent stupidity. Since self loathing is the preeminent form of stupidity and by definition Leftism exists only as a contravention of the genuine human nature in its victims that it despises, Ranks rife with stupid people would be the norm rather than the exception. This is why I concluded long ago that Leftism is diabolical because genuine self loathing which is the entitled license of self emulation rather than self pity is the preeminent ideological lie from which one is unlikely to recover and yet is driven by a universally predatory and malicious intellect far superior and persuasive to those conditioned by self indulgence to that of any human intellect I have yet encountered. These people need not be the hands on doers of evil but are always drivers of the most consummately destructive of evils which exist only as a consequence of denial of genuine human nature.
Texas One Eyed McCain Crenshaw working with AOC and WEF to legalize mushrooms for Active Duty Soldiers. Traitors all around us. Just what my Congressman should be concerned about.
I see, every day, how Blacks are overwhelmingly stupid. And the Yellows are bandits. They only care about self-gain. When it comes to the White race, we aren't perfect. But we overwhelmingly have the potential for positive gain. We have an inner strength that generally leads us in a positive direction. But even Whites can do stupid or selfish things. The miscegenated peoples of The Earth have differing measures of stupid and bandit in them. But both are bad. And according to our Edomite Judean usurpers, since I love my White race, I'm a "racist."
I would enjoy reading an essay, Persister, about the "Edomite Judean usurpers". While I have read THE BELL CURVE and my life seems to have been an on-going battle against black criminals, why do you think Asians are bandits? It cannot be argued that there are not racial traits. Consider the Mona Lisa, Monet's paintings, our system of government, and Jeffrey Dahmer.
I've been researching our usurpers for more than forty years. And this research has taken me to both secular and Scriptural sources.
I have two groups, both on MeWe and on Gab. The names of those groups are:
"Reality Vs. Fabrication" and "The Adam and The Israelites." This first covers world events, and the latter is where I have posted my studies.
My views are based on research and not ignorant opinion. And my views stand in direct opposition to what people have been fed from our CORPORATE system. And who is behind "The Matrix?" It is The Edomite Judeans. They control the Roman church, Judaism and Islam. The Roman church is the most prominent part of what has been called "Judeo"-Christianity since the Internationalist Edomite Judean victory over Nationalist Germany in WW2.
Go to my groups and see what I have been presenting. You might enjoy some well-researched information on the false paradigm that we are all being forced to live in. You can start with this study of mine. It is a very popular download.
As for the Black race, they are a naturally violent and low I.Q. species of mankind. They are easily manipulated by our Edomite Judean usurpers. There are many videos that show the very base natures of Blacks.
The Yellow race is intelligent, but they have no creativity. They are copiers. Having known many Chinese, and having also traveled, several times, to China, I know that they are extremely self-centered and uncaring. There are many videos that show Chinese passing by injured people on the streets. They will not stop and give assistance. They only care about personal gain.
The miscegenated peoples of The Earth are combinations of the traits found in the three races, or species of mankind. Some can be better and some can be worse.
Of course, ignorant non-Whites will call me a "racist," an Edomite Judean-created word, for acknowledging that the White race is the most imaginative, creative and caring race, or species of mankind. We are not perfect, but we have the ability to create advanced, and lawful, civilization. Have we made mistakes? We most certainly have. But we stand head and shoulders, generally speaking, above Blacks and Yellows.
Well, you've done it! I had to ask Bing's AI what an Edomite is and, using references to three dictionaries, it gave me this:
"An Edomite is a member of an ancient Semitic people who lived south of the Dead Sea in biblical times. They were descendants of Esau, the elder brother of Jacob, and were often in conflict with the Israelites.
"According to the Bible, the Edomites were conquered by the Babylonians and later by the Hasmoneans, who forced them to convert to Judaism. Some of them became part of the Jewish nation under the name of Idumeans."
Admittedly, I have never signed on to the two websites you refer to, so I cannot comment on your identification of modern-day Israel (and its residents) as a long-lost and defeated ancient tribe.
Ishmael v Isaac / Esau v Jacob - the bible is filled with stories of Jews who lied their way to power.
I question your view of the Chinese (especially if that extends to the Japanese). Theirs is an ancient culture that has learned to accept the vagaries of life. The West does not factor in Luck when considering success.
You are welcome to join my groups on MeWe or Gab. Just use the same name and I'll recognize it. Then, I'll approve you as a contact.
As for The Chinese, my research, and years of personal contact with them, I will just say that I will stay with my view on them. Of course, they are one culture of several different Yellow cultures. So, I can't tell you about The Japanese. I just know that they are all of the same race/species of mankind.
OK! Take care of yourself. I'm old too. I have to work out regularly or I will stiffen up and feel worse. We can never feel thirty again, but we must work to stay as healthy and fit as we can.
Run by bandits with the assistance of the helpless and the willful blindness of the stupid and the censorship of the intelligent is where we find ourselves in history...
A lot of highly educated liberals fall into this stupid category in my book!!! Now that we have them running most of our government, media, films, music, art and educational institutions you see how shitty and ridiculous everything being produced by those institutions is!!!
I worked in academia and I have to agree. Many seem to be so sure of their intellectual superiority that they don't go looking for information or listen to the experienced. They also think they are immune to propaganda. An ordinary guy may think, "I may not be too bright, but I know how to find out." Another factor I think is this: Does your brain tend to keep turning over and pondering when you have finished your homework, or not? I think for many people, including intellectuals, it does not. It explains how the intelligent can be so stupid. The non-stupid have minds that keep turning over all of the time, and not just about pizza and beer, irrespective of their intelligence. That's just my take on the above video. Relevant to the subject, I wrote a short Substack essay on higher education.
Nice article. Universities are doing a great job demonstrating the poor value they provide. Students know less about the world, are inculcated with ideas that are designed to subvert rather than inform and value the country they live in. How do we decouple pay and advancement from an empty certificate that does not reliably signify merit, dedication, or ability?
Hello from the UK
I liked that, thank you. I would say we can all be stupid sometimes, but doing it all the time takes some doing! Regarding death-jab dramas and the COVID 19 nonsense I wrote this if you or anyone is interested.
It contains this sublink to the various strains of stupid 20 experienced or likely to be experienced.
This is why Leftism is singularly so consummately rife with transparently self destructive convictions and actions driven by equally transparent stupidity. Since self loathing is the preeminent form of stupidity and by definition Leftism exists only as a contravention of the genuine human nature in its victims that it despises, Ranks rife with stupid people would be the norm rather than the exception. This is why I concluded long ago that Leftism is diabolical because genuine self loathing which is the entitled license of self emulation rather than self pity is the preeminent ideological lie from which one is unlikely to recover and yet is driven by a universally predatory and malicious intellect far superior and persuasive to those conditioned by self indulgence to that of any human intellect I have yet encountered. These people need not be the hands on doers of evil but are always drivers of the most consummately destructive of evils which exist only as a consequence of denial of genuine human nature.
Texas One Eyed McCain Crenshaw working with AOC and WEF to legalize mushrooms for Active Duty Soldiers. Traitors all around us. Just what my Congressman should be concerned about.
"Stupid" = Collaborators. They are the menace. Without the collaborators, the predators cannot succeed.
The operative word to describe these people instead of “stupid” in my opinion is “evil”.
Michael, God bless and protect you! I noted that Bonhoeffer wrote very similar thoughts about stupidity shortly before he was captured.
Brilliant! Explains a lot!
The difference between stupid and ignorant is that ignorance can be fixed. Stupidity, not so much.
Very interesting, I’m glad my gut shows me stupid people! hey Michael if you see this, good morning dear! You are quite some thing!
I see, every day, how Blacks are overwhelmingly stupid. And the Yellows are bandits. They only care about self-gain. When it comes to the White race, we aren't perfect. But we overwhelmingly have the potential for positive gain. We have an inner strength that generally leads us in a positive direction. But even Whites can do stupid or selfish things. The miscegenated peoples of The Earth have differing measures of stupid and bandit in them. But both are bad. And according to our Edomite Judean usurpers, since I love my White race, I'm a "racist."
I would enjoy reading an essay, Persister, about the "Edomite Judean usurpers". While I have read THE BELL CURVE and my life seems to have been an on-going battle against black criminals, why do you think Asians are bandits? It cannot be argued that there are not racial traits. Consider the Mona Lisa, Monet's paintings, our system of government, and Jeffrey Dahmer.
Hi Charles.
I've been researching our usurpers for more than forty years. And this research has taken me to both secular and Scriptural sources.
I have two groups, both on MeWe and on Gab. The names of those groups are:
"Reality Vs. Fabrication" and "The Adam and The Israelites." This first covers world events, and the latter is where I have posted my studies.
My views are based on research and not ignorant opinion. And my views stand in direct opposition to what people have been fed from our CORPORATE system. And who is behind "The Matrix?" It is The Edomite Judeans. They control the Roman church, Judaism and Islam. The Roman church is the most prominent part of what has been called "Judeo"-Christianity since the Internationalist Edomite Judean victory over Nationalist Germany in WW2.
Go to my groups and see what I have been presenting. You might enjoy some well-researched information on the false paradigm that we are all being forced to live in. You can start with this study of mine. It is a very popular download.
"Who Are The Jews?"
As for the Black race, they are a naturally violent and low I.Q. species of mankind. They are easily manipulated by our Edomite Judean usurpers. There are many videos that show the very base natures of Blacks.
The Yellow race is intelligent, but they have no creativity. They are copiers. Having known many Chinese, and having also traveled, several times, to China, I know that they are extremely self-centered and uncaring. There are many videos that show Chinese passing by injured people on the streets. They will not stop and give assistance. They only care about personal gain.
The miscegenated peoples of The Earth are combinations of the traits found in the three races, or species of mankind. Some can be better and some can be worse.
Of course, ignorant non-Whites will call me a "racist," an Edomite Judean-created word, for acknowledging that the White race is the most imaginative, creative and caring race, or species of mankind. We are not perfect, but we have the ability to create advanced, and lawful, civilization. Have we made mistakes? We most certainly have. But we stand head and shoulders, generally speaking, above Blacks and Yellows.
Well, you've done it! I had to ask Bing's AI what an Edomite is and, using references to three dictionaries, it gave me this:
"An Edomite is a member of an ancient Semitic people who lived south of the Dead Sea in biblical times. They were descendants of Esau, the elder brother of Jacob, and were often in conflict with the Israelites.
"According to the Bible, the Edomites were conquered by the Babylonians and later by the Hasmoneans, who forced them to convert to Judaism. Some of them became part of the Jewish nation under the name of Idumeans."
Admittedly, I have never signed on to the two websites you refer to, so I cannot comment on your identification of modern-day Israel (and its residents) as a long-lost and defeated ancient tribe.
Ishmael v Isaac / Esau v Jacob - the bible is filled with stories of Jews who lied their way to power.
I question your view of the Chinese (especially if that extends to the Japanese). Theirs is an ancient culture that has learned to accept the vagaries of life. The West does not factor in Luck when considering success.
You are welcome to join my groups on MeWe or Gab. Just use the same name and I'll recognize it. Then, I'll approve you as a contact.
As for The Chinese, my research, and years of personal contact with them, I will just say that I will stay with my view on them. Of course, they are one culture of several different Yellow cultures. So, I can't tell you about The Japanese. I just know that they are all of the same race/species of mankind.
Thanks for the invitations, but my legs are getting weak from sitting too much.
OK! Take care of yourself. I'm old too. I have to work out regularly or I will stiffen up and feel worse. We can never feel thirty again, but we must work to stay as healthy and fit as we can.
Run by bandits with the assistance of the helpless and the willful blindness of the stupid and the censorship of the intelligent is where we find ourselves in history...
A lot of highly educated liberals fall into this stupid category in my book!!! Now that we have them running most of our government, media, films, music, art and educational institutions you see how shitty and ridiculous everything being produced by those institutions is!!!
I worked in academia and I have to agree. Many seem to be so sure of their intellectual superiority that they don't go looking for information or listen to the experienced. They also think they are immune to propaganda. An ordinary guy may think, "I may not be too bright, but I know how to find out." Another factor I think is this: Does your brain tend to keep turning over and pondering when you have finished your homework, or not? I think for many people, including intellectuals, it does not. It explains how the intelligent can be so stupid. The non-stupid have minds that keep turning over all of the time, and not just about pizza and beer, irrespective of their intelligence. That's just my take on the above video. Relevant to the subject, I wrote a short Substack essay on higher education.
Nice article. Universities are doing a great job demonstrating the poor value they provide. Students know less about the world, are inculcated with ideas that are designed to subvert rather than inform and value the country they live in. How do we decouple pay and advancement from an empty certificate that does not reliably signify merit, dedication, or ability?