Erik Kurilla earned his medals, and a lot more than he wears or was awarded. Kurilla was a serious combat Soldier.
My differences with Kurilla are real but that will never change the incredible Soldiering I saw from LTC Erik Kurilla in Mosul, Iraq.
In my view, Erik Kurilla should have gotten an award(s) far higher than the understated BSM-V. I did five months in combat with Erik Kurilla. So many things I and Deuce Four Soldiers witnessed. The Deuce Four was/were incredible.
Erik Kurilla was the commander.
Why is Erik Kurilla being singled out? Massive numbers of current Generals should be retired and not replaced. Erik and the entire lot should face this for going along about Death Jabs and also keeping quiet on the border. But something seems off with going after Erik right now before elections.
World is not run by nice people.
Michael, because I don't do perpetual payment subscriptions online, is your Florida address still good to mail in a 1-year subscription? Sorry, but the choice to be payment free is by design.
Who knows where or if we will be in one year anyway.