We Are Americans — Stay in the Military, Stay in the Agencies
Many Patriots who love and will sacrifice for our Nation are leaving the military, various intelligence, and law enforcement agencies. Frustration with the avalanche of Fascism is intense.
But now is not the time to leave. Move into position. Be a good troop. Seek promotion. Seek key positions.
It is clear. The United States is moving into Civil War. It is clear. Some Generals such as “White Rage” Milley, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, are preparing the information battlefield to attack Americans. They do not bother to hide their intent.
Move into position. Play the game. When you see an officer giving felonious orders intending to end American lives, or allowing others to commit crimes against humanity, you must follow the laws of man and God as outlined by the Constitution, emphasized by the Nuremberg code and Geneva Conventions, and correct that officer’s behavior.
Never obey an unlawful order. Never allow unlawful orders to be carried out that will end the lives of peaceful Americans. If you observe and do nothing, you bear the same guilt, and are guilty of the same crime.
An example would be MG Christopher “goose step” Donahue, who left Americans behind to die, and were only saved by former soldiers, civilians, and businesspeople who did the right thing despite it going against “orders”.
If you had to guess who would have stood up to the creeping Nazification of society in the 1930s, it’s all there in that action. Donahue is a goose-stepper.
You are an American Fighting Man, or Woman. You are nobody’s slave, no matter their rank.
You know when you are doing good. You know when you are doing dirt. Your Authority is the Law, not the Lawyers.
One day you may be forced to make a tough decision. Do nothing that will bring shame to the United States. The Generals have that part under control. It is up to we normal Americans to hold up the light they smother.
Do nothing that is illegal, immoral, or that you would not want God to see. Of course we know the realities of battlefields leave much room for interpretation.
Do the right thing. Or the thing you believe is most right when realities are muddled, as realities so often are. You know this.
Should you witness an American officer issuing illegal orders, annotate date, time, place, and all witnesses. While your memory is fresh, write it down. Everything you witnessed.
Do the thing that is most right. Summon courage.
Sometimes the right thing is action.
Sometimes the right thing is inaction.
Often the right thing is difficult to sort.
You will decide.
Pray for your family, for humanity, for your country, and for yourself.
Be all the American you can be.