On this trajectory, the day draws nigh when we will be tried post-facto based on everything we've ever publicly or privately written, or said.
Words that you posted or said on video/audio twenty or more years ago will all feed into the trough. "Siri. Hang me." You get a message, report for your vaccine.
Photos of you holding guns can be tried by Computer based on laws yet unimagined. After the Machine searches through all old laws, and new, and creates its own laws.
Trial by metadata. Your phone. Went to church too much. You sat with the wrong phones in the wrong places. Messaged and connected to the wrong people. I saw metadata kill plenty of people in Iraq and Afghanistan. People would hide things in the desert, with their phone in their pocket. Or meet with the wrong people. BOOM! Hellfire missile. We were killing people often with no eyes on target. Shooting at the hot phones.
Did you notice the airstrike in August when our generals were taking war trophies and leaving Americans behind? They killed a family. Oops. Chances are, they shot a hot phone. I do not know. I know that I've seen countless ground and airstrikes due to hot phones. Nobody needs aircraft for this. Our artillery and small missiles can shoot dozens of miles and hit a car on first shot.
You ordered too many of the wrong books online, or from a library. You said the wrong thing. One word. Twenty years ago. You stayed still. The laws changed, applied retroactively. Facial recognition. You will not be able to walk the streets without being tracked, phone or not. Wear a mask. Does not matter. Technology will easily identify you no matter what you wear, and track system by system in huge matrices.
If you land now in London, you can be tracked the moment you step off the airplane throughout large swathes of UK and never leave the eye. Nobody is following you. That's old school, or local mob, or Russians, maybe.
It's all being collected now.