Texas Governor Gregg Abbott has Opened our Border
Abbott is a Davos man every bit as much as Trudeau
Panama City, Panama
Abbott lies. On same team as Beto and Biden. They lie the Big Lie distractions such as sending invaders to DC or Martha’s Vineyard while BOTTOM LINE — BORDER IS MOSTLY UNGUARDED other than photo ops and bullshit.
For instance, Homeland Security is taking down our aerostats. Those are not just cameras on those big white balloons. We have electronic suites up there collecting SIGINT on cartels and other enemies.
Abbott is a Davos man every bit as much as Trudeau:
Here’s Abbott, lying on Tucker’s show:
You must understand — United States is steaming into massive kinetic wars internal and external. Many of these invaders will be living in American homes after they drive off or murder the owners. Mark my word. Abbott is facilitating mass murder and replacement. Not to mention 24/7 child/sex trafficking.
"Abbott lies. On same team as Beto and Biden."
So long as you're using alliteration for emphasis, you should have also noted: On same team as Beto and Biden and the Bushes.
Abbot sits squarely in the Bush Establishment GOP, which as Daddy Bush illustrated, is all-in on the Deep State and the New World Order.
D or R: A plague on BOTH their houses!
Thank you for your excellence in journalism. 🇨🇦 We lived through the elder Trudeau's years, managed to hang onto our home when mortgage interest rates skyrocketed to 20 plus percent. I remember Trudeau's arrogant, callous response when Barbara Frum asked him about Canadians who were losing their homes and jobs and living in their cars. He flippantly responded and I paraphrase; they should learn to rearrange their budgets properly or words to that effect. We were a young couple with two small children. I worked nights shifts as a nurse, and stayed up all day to look after our little ones, and my husband was back in university studying for his CA designation full-time and working as well. We cut the lumber for our first home, saved, and paid cash for everything we completed, managing to borrow only what was absolutely necessary. We lived on a shoestring budget to get through those years. As far as the younger Trudeau, I say, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Incidentally, Barbara Frum of CBC news, asked tough questions in those days before media descended into being the paid bullhorn for prime minister. We have four children and five grandchildren, and I grieve for what has been taken from their future. Why are we watching this happen? I often conflicted, powerless to stop the descent, but frustrated at the impotence of watching and allowing the madness to continue. MSM and big tech have become willing mouthpieces for the corrupt governments in power.