Sharyl Attkisson — appears to be operating under faulty paradigm
These are not mistakes. These are not surprises.
Photo from
14 November 2021
McAllen, Texas
Mind-dump, sans edit.
Sharyl Attkisson is very smart and worth reading. Serious researcher. Her article attached brings up our discussion on Paradigms.
If a paradigm is reasonably accurate, it will leave you:
Far more predictive than expected by chance
Sharyl repeatedly uses the word “mistake” as a hammer in this article. Tap, tap, tapping the nails into the coffin of trust of US government, big pharma, and ‘following the science.’
I suggest reading Sharly’s article and replacing the word ‘mistake’ with ‘surprise.’
By staining the microscope slide of Sharyl’s article with literary iodine, the word “Mistake” turns blue and becomes a blue “Surprise.”
Under my paradigm — which has been amazingly accurate during this pandemic — these were not mistakes but deliberate attacks. Remember — I flew back to the United States in September 2020 after almost 20 full years mostly in overseas wars and conflicts, but I was wearing a mask for this pandemic by about 11 January 2020, and then later realized that was likely in error and took it off.
The United States is under concerted attacks. Most of these attacks are internal, such as by progressive-radicals, the FBI, DoJ, IRS, the entire swamp of ticks, fleas, mosquitos, and bad water. Internally, we fight an aggressive cancer.
Even here in Texas, I just made a video of Texas law enforcement protecting illegal border crossers from our cameras. Specifically, that would be the Texas National Guard, Department of Public Safety, and Eagle Pass Police Department. All on my video.
Externally, we fight Big Dragon — which itself has cancer. China appears to be imploding. HOWEVER…they may be doing a sort of ‘chemotherapy’ on themselves to thin their own population, and ours. This is only a paradigm I am experimenting with to test if it leads to accurate predictions. (A paradigm could lead to accurate predictions and still be wrong…such as Newton’s math on gravity.)
In addition to the Psychopath-Dragon, we also fight a Drunken Bear, a small Dragon, innumerable death cults, many of whom shout Allah-u-Akbar before exploding, and the normal pack of hyenas which under normal circumstances can be kept at bay without much difficulty.
These are not mistakes. And they are not surprises for those of us who have accepted the reality that we are under severe and existential attack.
Back in JANUARY 2020, I started loudly warning about a potential pandemic and was one of the first guests on Steve Bannon’s War Room. On my many livestreams from the fighting in Hong Kong in 2019, I talked often about pandemics emerging from China, and thus was tracking this CCP virus by at least December 2019. I was unsure if it was just more background noise or something serious.
And then I got kicked out of Hong Kong and landed in Thailand.
Those of us who used the world Pandemic back then were labeled radicals, science deniers, etc. You know the enemy tactics. While tons of ‘experts’ were saying there is no pandemic, I was warning everyone of potential PanFaWar.
Think about this for a moment: Why would someone deny an obviously-growing-pandemic while allowing it to spread and take root, and steal march after march on our defenses? CCP denied pandemic while buying up PPE (Personal Protective Equipment like masks) all over the world. China clearly was attacking us, and clearly still is.
Cutting off our PPE was easy because these days ‘everything’ is made in China. Except for China itself, which was made in Hell. Have you been to China? I been there plenty. Not a nice place.
I bought ivermectin in MARCH 2020. Yet now, at the end of 2021, many people still never heard of ivermectin. Or they call it horse medicine. I have found as a matter of practical experience that anyone who labels ivermectin as horse medicine — is not worth listening to on anything concerning life and death.
I was recently in Lithuania — you’d have to work overtime to find someone in Lithuania who even heard of HCQ or Ivermectin. Do these substances work? I don’t know. But I know these substances are very cheap and very safe, and when I got sick I was cleared of symptoms on the 4th morning like I was brand new.
Of course, I had been taking D3, Zinc, etc. according to FLCCC protocol, and I counterattacked the virus at the very first sign of symptoms. I did not even wait one hour. If you wait until the kitchen is gone and there is a hole burned through the roof before calling the fire department…water ain’t much help. (But with faulty tests, maybe I did not even have CCP virus.)
Yes, so it was January 2020 when I started warning, now almost 2 years ago, to start stocking up food and preparing your family for PanFaWar from the CCP virus. Which virus most people — taking a knee to CCP — call “COVID” or “COVID-19.”
PanFaWar: Pandemic, Famine, War. Horsemen of a feather. And having read almost 60 books on pandemics, this is one of the lamest pandemics ever, other than for the stampeded reactions.
No telling what the jabs will do in the next year, next five, and generation. Jabbed people appear to be dropping like Passenger Pigeons. Probably just another wild coincidence, right? Eventually, they cannot hide it. Now the ‘follow the science’ crowd does not even follow their own VAERS database because they say it’s worthless…which calls into question ALL VACCINES. (Not that these rushed chemicals are ‘vaccines.’)
Massive global famines are unfolding. You will see.
Please read Sharyl’s article with a bottle of iodine. Stain it, and replace ‘mistake’ with Blue Surprise.