Mind Dump, Sans Edit — from Panama sector of frontline.
I fell for the virus in 2020 and finally realized this was a massive sham. Some people did not even fall for the virus at all.
They get A+.
Tim Lynch and my sister gets A+.
Tim is a retired Marine friend. We ran around Afghanistan together without any military. All over the place. Alone. Often just Tim, me, some grenades, and other tools. When the pandemic started I sought his council. Not because Tim is doctor. He is not. But Tim has a nose for bullshit. Tim would say to me common sense Marine talk like, “Think about it Michael! The homeless bums and drugees living on the streets and living in the same gutters they shit are still alive! Get back to me when the bums start dying!” When Tim said that…LIGHTBULB. I was not looking for virology expertise by calling Tim, but to ask what his bullshit sensor was reading. Just give me your BS-sensor reading that’s all I need.
I was calling people I know who have good BS meters. Numerous were Special Forces friends, Delta Force men, some Marines. They often have good BS sensors. I like the combat vets who are not excitable. Not the vets who are excitable…specifically vets who are still and calm when the world is crazy around them. That small group is very valuable for council during energetic times. Tim said it very early. My sister was similar. She never fell for it at all. She saw straight through it. I thought pandemic was legit in the beginning and noticed it long before most in about December 2019 and tried to buy a lot of masks in mid-January 2020. I was very calm and not excited but started building defenses such as buying ivermectin and HCQ in March 2020. In about February 2020, finally got a bunch that I handed out in Hong Kong and Thailand where I was operating at the time. (I got kicked out of Hong Kong but sent masks there). In 2020, I soon realized I had been tricked and quickly recovered from error. I knew the vax was sham or error long before the first shots rolled out. I never fell for the vax for even a moment.
Ukraine is massive trap. Israel even worse.
People like Chris Martenson ( @chrismartenson ) sailed through the storm with far fewer errors and quickly course-corrected. Self-audited and quickly corrected. Dr. Martenson did not fall for vax, Ukraine, or Israel.
Ann Vandersteel ( @annvandersteel )also is a top sailor through these storms.
Masako Ganaha ( @ganaha_masako ) saw right through it all. She and Ann blasted through.
Author and former SEAL Matt Bracken also has great BS sensors and moral compass. So great that he’s banned from Twitter.
Also, the mysterious JBS. “Jew Behind the Scenes”. I always call JBS. Very finely tuned bullshit sensors he has. JBS fell partially for pandemic but recovered about a month before I did. JBS spotted the Chinese information war against Japan more than a decade ago and called me. JBS also spotted the spy on Feinstein’s staff far in advance of anyone. Lots of catches for JBS. He’s Babe Ruth on BS sensors. A few strikes and foul balls, a lot of home runs. (Just crossed my mind JBS is also a combat vet).
It’s important to seek council of those who have highly calibrated moral compasses and sensitive noses. It is important to pay attention to those who did not fall for the pandemic or the vax not because they have specific knowledge in that sector, but because they have valuable BS-sensors. Not looking for perfection but I poll a group of people like that during intense times.
Like a roll call.
I do a call out like NASA landing on the moon. (I need to make a call out what they think about moon-landing. I still think it was legit but my mind is open):
I bought the 9/11 BS story for 20 years, same with JFK, but the Covid BS I never bought into. I thought of it as, well, fuck it, if my number is up, my number is up - no sense wetting my pants over it.
Michael, a big thank you for all your work and risk at informing us on the invasion and immigration - good stuff and I and many others appreciate it.
A rushed new vaccine for a unknown virus.
What moron gets in that line ?