17 November 2022
Phoenix, Arizona
From my hilltop, the rail strike appears as if it will happen. I’ve been saying this during recent times. Not based on following negotiation details. I am ignoring the details. Details in this case are weeds. Am watching the climate, the conditions. Under my working paradigm, malicious hands wish to see collapse of United States, and more.
Those hidden hands do not control all the oars, sails, anchors, and compass and wheel, but they do have sufficient influence and access to cause a shipwreck. Because we have not mutinied and tossed them into the sea.
If my paradigm is accurate, likely there will be strike. Details matter not.
I have several family members either working for BNSF or recently retired from BNSF. They are saying the strike will happen. Gird your loins. This could get ugly for all of us.