Klompen with Jeroen and Jordan in Netherlands
Wolf-packs are forming. Real wolves of every sort.
25 September 2022
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mind dump
Yesterday spent most of the day with Jordan Peterson and/or Jeroen van Maanen, a Dutch Dairy Farmer who previously went viral on Jordan’s podcast.
Jeroen is one of the original protest leaders. I’ve talked with Jeroen for many hours on different occasions. And so Jordan Peterson and his wife Tammy met yesterday at the farm. No cameras or any of that, just a lot of very interesting conversation that I am sure will be coming out in Jordan’s vital podcasts.
Jeroen the farmer — his farm sits 4 meters below sea level. He and other farmers are concerned that as the energy runs out, this farmland will be flooded as the water pumps stop working.
Meanwhile, wolves are being released in Europe, such as in the Netherlands, and are already eating sheep, cows, and horses. Just a matter of time before the wolves are eating children and adults. Jeroen says the wolves are part of the plan to get rid of farmers. Killing wolves is a high crime. Released by the same sort of people who welcomed millions of foreign tribal members into Europe. Tribes will fight tribes. Wolf-packs are forming. Real wolves of every sort.
Jeroen showed photos of cows killed by wolves and said wolves just killed the horse of some famous German politician who was apparently pro-wolf. Turns out wolves are pro-horse. So she has something in common with wolves. They both love her horses.
We talked about the potential for famine. Jeroen and Jordan totally get it and see it. In fact, Jeoren said just recently; old people are picking across farmer fields as they did in previous generations. During harvest, a few percent of crops are left in the field. Fall off the tractor or whatever. And so, in the past, local villagers would compete with the birds for those leftovers, but in recent generations of plenty, this stopped. Jeroen said he was surprised to see this starting again.
Jeroen saw old people collecting onions like in the old days.
He also said local villagers in past generations would ‘harvest the corners” of the fields where tractors have a hard time turning and harvesting, and so poor people historically harvest the corners. This is starting again.
An American reader kindly mentioned to me that a man showed up at a church with a spoon. She had never seen this before but remembered my saying to watch for times when people start carrying spoons. This is a sign around the world of food shortages. I noticed this after reading twenty books on famine. Patterns emerge, such as the spoon-thing. Many patterns like that. Such as picking across farmer fields that Jeroen already is noticing. Clear signs.
Jeroen actually wears the wooden klompen shoes at work. He says they are very good anti-slip and are cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter and just more comfortable after you get used to them. He showed me the bottom, saying he’s got to get a new pair.
Jeroen’s dog has extremely high energy. He just runs around for hours playing with chickens, the cows, and me, lol. I’d take that dog if I could.
I got to run. Meeting with Jordan Peterson and a fertilizer expert for dinner. Very educational trip.
Wolves are pack animals. They hunt the old, weak and diseased first and foremost. (See NG on wolves of Yellowstone). Every pack has a distinct call. You want to keep wolves away from livestock, record a different pack or locate a recording of one, set up a sound system and play. The local ones will step around.
I have been with wolves of all ages for 25 years. Raised many, rescued some. What I can tell you is they have bad PR. Anyone saying all wolves are bad and they kill indiscriminately are just Ill informed.
More honest than any human.
Thank you Michael, and Jordan and of course Jeroen. My Wife has family in N Holland potato farming. Many acres up against the dykes that keep the North Sea at bay. So gratifying to see Jeroen and hear his now familiar accent. He is strong. The Dutch farmers must never give up. Friends in Saint Pancras near Alkmaar. He is a retired engineer. He and his wife are coming to visit here in TN next month. Looking forward to conversation.