22 January 2023
Darien Gap, Panama
Mind burst, from a remote village.
Look at Dr. Shapira’s fantastic creds.
If Dr. Shapira had read RAPE OF THE MIND, maybe he would not have helped Israel jab millions, potentially doing more to Jews than Nazis or anyone else ever managed.
Elon Musk recently admitted getting jab-raped. We may literally lose one of the most incredible humans on earth because he got tricked by tricks that for millions of us were as obvious as the salty seas.
The tricks were so obvious to us Pure Bloods that it was almost embarrassing to have to point out. And drove wedges into some families that can never heal — in part because so many already have died. It felt as if we have eyes that others do not have.
And yet these millions of PhDs and MDs lined up for death jabs — poisons already changing life on earth in ways we do not yet understand. Many of us already have lost friends and loved ones who are died suddenly. Seems every day another celebrity trips into an open grave. A grave that some of us could see. Obviously see. A big hole in the ground was hard to miss for some of us.
But jabbers argued with us and demanded we follow into the grave. We said no. No. NO. NO! “Please do not take the jab,” we said. We begged. Hours and hours of calls, messages, visits.
We said do not jab. Or we may be forced to leave from you. I love you, but this means goodbye. They slipped away.
Entire nations literally may have just killed themselves with jabs, weaponized migration, and famines on scale the earth never has seen.
All this facilitated by mind rapes. A curious thing about mind rape victims. They are apt to fall for the next rape just as easily. This hyper-educated doctor, or the incredible Elon Musk, are just as likely to fall for the next call.
Elon likely to fall for the next rape. His mind is very strong but his mind-rape immunity is weak.
This is your real vaccine:
If you got jabbed, stop what you are doing and read RAPE OF THE MIND.
We cannot afford to lose so many good people because they have low mind-rape immunity. This is devastating for survivors.
What is the title?
Read it
As an ICU/ED nurse of 25 years that walked away from the madness I can’t tell you how much this hits home... it’s as if 10’s of 1000’s of healthcare professionals simply forgot everything they learned 💔💔💔
So good to hear from you here, brother. Was getting a bit concerned not hearing from you in awhile...