29 August 2022
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Iraqis do total war. Incredibly savage to one another. They fight to exhaustion. Pretend it was a one-off, rest up. Repeat. Just as Germany occasionally commits ritual, mass genocide/suicide. Iraqis commit ritual genocide. That is their way. Their firmware.
There are cultures within the United States who have been highly weaponized against white people. When this breaks — and it will break soon — they will go for genocide aided by FBI, CIA, and the US military.
The current US military is not the one I served in or accompanied in the wars.
The current US military is led by Evil Woke such as Austin and White Rage Milley. The current US military is not trained to fight China or Russia. They are groomed to commit genocide across America. Specifically to kill as many white people as possible. White Rage Milley is too stupid, brainwashed, or compromised to see he is nothing more than a useful, disposable idiot.
White Rage Milley will stand obediently by the oven doors while young US service members are brainwashed and injected with poison jihad-jabs.
Milley and Austin are traitors.
This apparently was from Iraq today. Not confirmed. But what is confirmed is that the latest genocide has begun and the energy and other implications are massive.
World War III is on
Thank you for your support. I’ll be on the frontlines to the end:
Could you expand on this paragraph?
“There are cultures within the United States who have been highly weaponized against white people. When this breaks — and it will break soon — they will go for genocide aided by FBI, CIA, and the US military.”
"Just as Germany occasionally commits ritual, mass genocide/suicide." - as they are doing now (like the rest of Europe), just the usual woke geno-suicide by the anti-civilizational(=anti-white) Autoimmune-Left: demographical collapse plus eco-fascist de-civilization! Soon those some leftover native german minority will become the next Armeniens with the occasional genocidal attacks by the imported muselmaniax enslaving them .. and Germanistan will pervert into central-"european" Afghanistan!