Mind dump:
Dave Chapelle saying something I see a great deal with our veterans: Gaslighting.
There is an obvious, open, concerted effort to persuade our vets and service members they are crazy. That they have PTSD. And should take drugs to help. You know…like the trick with AZT for HIV, or Remdesivir for Fauci Flu. The ‘cure’ is either the actual disease, or worse than the disease, The real disease is Gaslighting.
“You are crazy. Everyone can see it!”
Gaslighting has been attempted many times on me. By clowns trying to persuade me I have PTSD. And I do not. Period. And get out of my face with those drive-by, idiotic diagnoses. I do have PTCD: Pre-Traumatic Clown Disgust. I don’t like clowns and their diagnosis. Those same clowns push death-jabs. “Vax deniers are crazy! Evil!”
And the clowns respond to denials of having PTSD with stock answers: “Denial is evidence of PTSD. People with severe PTSD typically deny they have PTSD. Your denial is symptomatic. I’ll give you a prescription.”
And then you REALLY are crazy. From the drugs. Maybe do a school shooting or two while they blame the gun. The real ‘gun’ is the drug. The drug hit the veins due to gaslighting.
I have never gone to a psychologist and never felt the urge to. Yet the drive-by gaslighting continues. And so many of my veteran friends tell me about their visits to the crazy psychologists who give them drugs. I say get the hell off those drugs. Stop drinking. Absorb the real cure for a thousand ailments —sunlight, walking, go to church or something positive.
You might not believe how many of our special operations folks start up with the PTSD thing. Most sound brainwashed. They have ‘PTSD’ because they were told they must have it, can get paid for it, and off they go to the pharma world and actually at that point do start to sound crazy. Because they are on drugs! And have been persuaded they are crazy.
They might be great warfighters but many of their minds are wet clay in the face of a trained information warrior. Another martial art.
Yesterday, a friend who is a recently retired military officer, told me about a Chinese doctor in our military medical system who was trying to both create in my friend anger against our country, and to recruit my friend. A Chinese doctor who denied my friend disability claims and then in the same room tried to transmute and recruit any resentment or anger into a weapon for treason. My friend said he reported this to FBI. Which FBI of course will do nothing useful.
I published about this gaslighting and industrial disassembly line more than ten years ago. The idea of PTSD is incentivized by actual disability payments and so forth, and weaponized. I strongly sense that many of our people who think they suffer from PTSD actually suffer from weaponized gaslighting.
The first cure for PTSD is to fire your psychologist and toss away those drugs. No alcohol. Flush that shit down the toilet. Find new friends.
Listen to Dave Chapelle — truth spoken: https://youtube.com/shorts/inKpvNzL4Ko?feature=share
Everyone should read Brain Energy - which outlines case for mental illness as a metabolic disease - which should be treated though diet and lifestyle. Chris Palmer explains why drugs don't work and why it's all about the mitochondria! Which is also the root issue behind nearly all chronic illness. Anxiety, depression, bipolar, schitzophrenia, addiction - all of it. Read the book, friends!
This post is a Christmas gift. Thank you, Michael, and may G_d bless you for all you do.
Pharma has never had a scientific basis for their claims that various psychiatric conditions are due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. That was invented by their marketing departments, not R&D. But the entire field of psychiatry and the various psychological services and people downstream of it are now entirely pharmaceuticalized. How convenient. How lucrative.
More than 20% of American high school boys are now put on prescription psychotropic drugs. Do we actually believe there is something profoundly wrong with 20% of young American manhood?! This is a classroom management tool drugging energetic boys into submissive compliance. AND it is a financial windfall for Pharma and its search for ever-expanding markets. There are no long term studies to determine what happens to the developing brains of these boys. We do know it leaves them more vulnerable to recreational drug addiction such as cocaine. Might it not also impair their ability to deal with stressors in life, or worse. . . .
If these boys live long enough they will find themselves in yet another lucrative Pharma market in eldercare homes, drugged up on anti-psychotics with Black Box Warnings against use in the vulnerable elderly -- prescribed to the elderly inmates not due to psychosis but merely to keep them submissive and compliant. Helps keep costs down and puts fewer demands on staff.
There were almost no mass killings back when my father competed on co-ed Middle School & High School rifle teams in the 1940s. Teens had gun-racks on their vehicles. Parents stored rifles over the mantle, not in locked safes, through most of American history. Dad and many of his fellow Marines likely had PTSD when he returned from the first year of the Korean War (including Chosin Reservoir Campaign & street fighting in Seoul) but they were given no psychotropic drugs and there were no mass killings or mass suicides by these veterans.
With the advent of normalized psychotropic drug prescriptions (which have KNOWN side effects of suicidal and homicidal ideation) we have seen the growth in mass killings worldwide. There is almost a perfect 1:1 correlation between the use of psychotropic drugs and mass killings. But the MSM works furiously to NOT expose this nor explore this. Just as with Covid, they are beholden to a business model built around Pharma revenues.
I have long suspected the insane rates of suicide in our modern military is directly tied to the use of psychotropic drugs. My understanding is that a significant number of these daily suicides are not even among combat veterans.
Dr. Peter Breggin has been sounding the alarm for decades regarding the dangerous conversion of psychiatry to a completely pharmaceutical model of "treatment". This is not based on real science, nor is it based on optimal patient outcomes. In a military setting it sure as hell isn't based on optimizing combat readiness. It is based on the brilliant marketing strategies of product line extensions & new populations/markets to burnish Big Pharma bottom lines while lining the pockets and enhancing the revenues of psychiatrists.
People wonder why Dr. Robert Malone -- functioning in such a target-rich environment of EVIL psychopaths pushing the global scamdemic -- has chosen to kneecap 85-year-old Dr. Breggin with a $25 Million dollar lawsuit for "defamation". Follow The Money is as good a rule of thumb as any. Having spent decades fighting the wholesale reliance upon & abuse of psychotropic drugs in psychiatric medicine, and NOW having also published a heavily-documented 1,000+ page book called "Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey", Dr. Breggin has made some serious enemies amongst the deep-pocketed Pharma corporations & their government "overseers" for whom Malone has carried water for most of his career.
I hope Dr. Breggin's next well-documented 1,000+ page book will be entitled: "Big Pharma and the Global Predators: We are the Prey". And I hope it leads off with the psychotropic prescription drug TAKEDOWN of young American manhood.
Follow the money, indeed. . . .