The Government of Panama, with the help of the United States Southern Command, is conducting humanitarian exercises called Mercury lV and Mercury V to bring construction materials, medical supplies, and healthcare to hard-to-reach areas in Ngäbe Buglé and Darien provinces. The exercises will take place from April 29 to May 05, 2023, and will involve two Bravo Task Force helicopters and one AW139 helicopter for the air transfer of cargo and personnel from the Rambala Air Base. Around 60,000 pounds of cargo, including construction, medicines and medical personnel, will be transferred to meet the health needs of indigenous communities.
I had no idea United States had indigenous citizens in Panama, Salvador, Mexico, Colombia, China ? Etc ...etc ...etc ... taxpayers taking care of the whole planet 🌎 🤦♀️
'Merica, aka USSA. Honestly what can you/be/me/we/us/ expect from an OPENLY Feral Coup District of Criminals Gubmint including this operation from the Southern End of the Pantygone???
I do profusely apologize, I should have "improvised" Gen Lee's orders on my Feint attack on DC in 1864. Gen Jackson certainly would have done so. We missed him sorely. The Ferals began their Empire building in earnest from April 1865 onwards.... Spanish-'Merican War, followed by ProgreSSive democRat Wilson & WW I, FDR & WW II to save Joseph Stalin, on and on.
Sort of Ironic that all those graves are on Gen Lee's former home ..... We just fought for sooo much that Wasn't, imo. All the Best to Vets like Michael Yon who can see through the Fog of War.