Gold Prediction gone asunder…
Mind-dump, 21 October 2024
Am watching precious metals and other items such as energy and food on regular basis. We are into stormy waters and those are vital signs.
Life will increase in volatility and spiciness.
To globalists in general, the value of human life continues to plummet. To some globalists, humans are unwanted livestock grazing on their land. They want to buy, steal, conquer the entire earth as if the earth is their own little Pacific island.
Many globalists want fewer humans. So they are culling the herds, which is turning out easier to do than most would believe even four years ago. Jabs. One example of many.
In service to reducing “human biomass”, they are reducing food supply while increasing reliance on fiat, banking, and digital currency fascism.
This fellow in the video used fancy words and a graph to get the gold-thing way wrong. Beware of graphs…one of the most persuasive tools. Accurate and persuasive being unrelated.
The influencer ignored salient realities. Such as in 2019 the BIS curiously lifted gold from Tier 3 asset Tier 1 asset.
Curiously, 2019, months before 2020.
BIS is the Bank of International Settlements. The King of Banks. The Central Bank of Central Banks.
BIS loves gold. The Bank of England once helped BIS steal Czechoslovakia’s gold and transfer the gold to the Nazis just as the war was cranking up. Cannot make up this stuff.
BIS is an ultimate gold-seeker.
To repeat, BIS made gold a Tier 1 asset on Pandemic Eve. Was this a coincidence for the Switzerland-based super bank?
BIS, the bank with incredible sovereignty, on level of a nation, immune from scrutiny or oversight of any kind. Swiss police, nor anyone else, is allowed into BIS offices without permission. Total sovereignty. Total secrecy. Incredible power.
The money and power of BIS and their ecosystem could use their laundry lint to buy Twitter and SpaceX and McDonald’s corporation, and have a President working the drive-thru.
Players on that level can buy exclusive MICE islands for the rich and famous. Big boy rules.
Trivial gold accounting dust.
They could have US military singing Israeli national anthem, and capture the critical mass of the entire governments and to flood their own streets with drugs, persuade girls they are boys, and open the borders while making the confused druggies to think this is “the right thing to do,” and that freedom means freedom to stay numb and dumb to the barbarians swarming through the gate.
Several generations westerners and Japanese have been brainwashed people away from gold and silver. Chinese say, “Big brother holds gold. Little brother holds cash.”
Westerners and Japanese have for decades been brainwashing people to save-save-save in fiat. Conditioned that fiat savings account is sign of wisdom and virtue.
Trained to think the real money of gold and silver is Roman relic.
Some people do not save fiat in banks. They see bank traps.
So they hide fiat-cheese. But the trap is bigger. The cheese is poison. Fiat value evaporates.
When food-famines arrive, the hungry extrude gold and silver from gardens and nooks.
Famine and economic catastrophe creates opportunity for those with food to “mine” the metals.
A starving man eats his neighbor and trades his gold teeth for potatos. And then sells the gold teeth from his own mouth for a bite of life.
Hungry mouths eat tree-bark, grass, leather, shoes, couches, saddles. Mothers eat children — read the Bible or modern books on famine.
This was a mind-storm, sans edit. Someone has flown in from Hong Kong to talk. So I must go. Let’s see what he has to say.
All I can say is I can’t convince people.They live in a world that isn’t real. Thanks Michael. I try to tell people.At my age they say I won’t be here when that happens. It’s funny people are cowards .
Throughout the scandemic, I was very fortunate to digitally come across many folks (Michael Yon among them) that deeply reshaped my family's dynamics towards resilience. Gold and silver were among the strategies we adopted. We're not wealthy, but we made a point of creating a small "fund" in precious metals (early 2022). I'm glad we did it.