30 September 2022
Dublin, Ireland
Mind dump, sans edit
Today I likely will not publish much due to rolling around Ireland on homework.
On my Locals post, you will see a night vision video because a company asked me last night if that was mine. Yes, that is mine, and somehow has the AP watermark but I did shoot this in combat after a bomb hit my tent-mate Chazray Clark during a Taliban hunting mission in southern Afghanistan. The explosions happened up in front of me. Rest in Peace, Chazray.
The mission lasted two more days and many firefights. None of our guys were shot but a day or so after Chazay was blown up, during same mission, an ANA soldier near me was blown into many pieces and we had more firefights and so forth to the point we need more ammo by helicopter.
Such were the wars I covered for years. Obviously, there is more to come. This level of combat was normal and serious and so you can imagine how interested I am in avoiding civil wars across Asia, Europe, the United States, and the world, though at this point they appear unavoidable.
I strongly sense there will be famines across Europe and intense civil unrest and wars.
Likewise bloody civil war in United States. Chances of famines in Mexico, United States, and Canada, are higher than 50%. Considerably higher.
Prepare your networks. Comms plans. I do not plan to just survive — that would be easy for someone like me by just fading away into the grey. I will stay engaged and help my networks move through this and eventually out the other side.
I do need your support. Since 2005 I have worked mostly on gifts/donations. This is becoming far more expensive and will continue to do so. I do not like to ask but that is the reality.
Many people prefer to gift through Givesendgo, but there are cheaper ways such as by paper checks or wire transfers. Two links below. One to Givesendgo and one to all the other methods such as wire, Venmo, PayPal, mail, and more.
Thank you. This is vital.
I will be rolling around Ireland today getting a feel for this place before heading back to Texas. There is a possibility of one more stop before reaching USA but that is unknown yet. The situation is serious.
FWIW I ordered a bunch of Gadsden stickers and patches from Amazon. Idk guess I thought it might be a good idea to display if shit goes south. Might be the best way to communicate and find friends.
not seeing the link for donating outside of gsg