From US Border Patrol Source: "The reports you you seeing about the change in questions of Chinese are 100% correct. But it is not just Chinese. There was a time when the Border Patrol would try to get to the truth of illegal aliens background, that is no longer the case. The priority is in processing fir release as fast as possible. Agents will get questioned as to why they did not get more files done if they do not do as many as management wants done in a shift. Example: I have done one file in a shift and my management all the way to the top in the station was extremely unhappy. They were asking questions as to why I only did one and if I needed additional training! The only focus of Border Patrol management is to process illegal aliens for release as fast as possible."
For more updates on the border see my recent interview here with Tommy:
a lot of complicity among duly sworn federal officers.
It's so obviously replacement of Americans, tearing down the US and preparing for war against the American citizens especially conserving ones.
Thank you for all your work Michael. May God bless and keep you safe.