Five Phases of Famine — Europe and USA
Famine is not hunger or starvation. Famine is far worse.
Five Phases of Famine — Europe and USA
28 August 2022
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mind Dump
Famine can be classified in various ways. In my wide and deep readings, I see a need for a Ph.D. field of study on Famine. Such as Dr. R. Booker, Ph.D., Faminology. And Dr. J. Snow, Ph.D. Pandemology.
Having read so many books on Pandemic and Famine — about 80 total — it’s apparent that very few doctors or scientists know much about Pandemic or Famine as discreet lines of study. Pandemic is it’s own thing. Pandemic is an emergent reaction to the causal agents.
Likewise with Famine.
Famine is not hunger or starvation. That is something separate. Workers trapped in a coal mine may starve to death, but that is not famine. That’s starvation. People on Mars likely eventually will suffer Famine and Pandemic — if we get that far.
Starvation occurs in many ways. People often have starved to death even when plenty of food is available. Example: ‘rabbit starvation,’ AKA protein starvation, when there is plenty of protein and calories, but a nutritional deficit leads to slow starvation — even while mouth and belly are full of food. Arctic explorers have had plenty of rabbits and starved to death. Scurvy emerges from Vitamin C deficiency.
Famine emerges when a population-sized nutritional deficiency leads to emergent behaviors and diseases such as “Famine Fevers”. “Famine Fevers” include typhus and relapsing fever. And other emergent killers such as cholera are often found in the waters during famine due to collapsing infrastructure and poor sanitation. And emergent behaviors such as extreme criminality, mass migration, and war.
In short, much of the population becomes so malnourished that the population, the herd, suffers from Famine-AIDS. The collective immune system is weakened. Poor sanitation. Migration. Eating things we do not normally eat and often uncooked. Energy shortages. Cold and hot without escape. Mosquitos and rats galore. Flea outbreaks, etc.
Famine is something far bigger than mere hunger or malnutrition. And to better understand Famine one must study Pandemic. They simply are inseparable.
Inseparable legs of the PanFaWar Triangle. Pandemic, Famine, War. Get one, get all.
All three legs create HOP: Human Osmotic Pressure — the push and pull Migration.
Migrationology deserves a separate Ph.D. line of study. The more countries I track migrants through, the more I realize there is a LOT to know about migration.
HOP is so entwined with PanFaWar that it deserves a tentpole in the PanFaWar triangle. Making this triangle into a 3D-pyramid.
They all are part of something bigger. PanFaWar-HOP. To intuit how these things flow together requires years of study and roaming around, walking the line, and smelling the field.
Anyway, I was going to write about the five phases of famine and got off on a tangent. Famine emergence has been broken into five phases. I’d put Europe and USA into about early Phase 3, roughly. Some other parts of the world are clearly in Phase 4, Emergency. A few in Phase 5, Catastrophic Famine. Phase 5 is people crawling on the ground with vultures knocking them over.
I want to say more but must head out for now. Many things going on. Am walking the line.
Prepare for the Pyramid. All of our families have been through this many times. We are born of survivors.
Thank you for your financial support. I decided last night to eat in restaurants far less….getting wildly expensive. Saves time to eat in restaurants, but this adds up…and is actually a symptom of the coming famines.
I need your gifts to keep on giving.
Thank you!
If you have not watched my interview with Dr. Jordan Peterson, please do: to give an idea.
"Discrete". Never trust spellcheck.