06 December 2021 Washington, Corrupt, DC Mind-dump sans edit
Civil War is not yet obvious to everyone. My estimate is civil war is not obvious to most Americans yet. This crime uptick is exactly and specifically one of the symptoms I have long warned about.
In context of current global and national situation, this crime wave is a symptom of something more intense, beyond crime. The economy is collapsing. Supply chains terribly disrupted. Fuel and fertilizer prices increasing. None of these trends have reversed, or even leveled.
During all these, somewhere around 2 million 'migrants' have crossed our border. Nobody knows the true number. It's big. I have personally witnessed many.
As food prices skyrocket and shortages increase, crime will explode. Vigilantism will follow.
Another symptom will be REAL neighborhood watches, such as armed men setting up checkpoints. Rich people hiring actual militias.
Road blockages followed by mass murders and robberies targeting trapped passengers. This all is 'normal' in these situations. States with vibrant 2nd Amendment laws such as Texas and Florida likely will suffer far less outside of particularly dangerous areas. California and all the defenseless States will be perfect places for criminal migration.
Smart criminals with foresight who wish to strike their fortunes in the Great Blue Gold-Rush of 2022, will abandon testosterone States like Texas and Idaho, migrating to weaker soy States such as California, New York, and Massachusetts.
Just in from office of Congressman Tom Tiffany: There may be a large 1st Amendment rally in DC tomorrow that might stop traffic. I just heard this 1 minute ago and have zero more information.
Thank you for your financial support. I greatly need it. This hotel alone is more than $200 per night.
PLEASE support FREEDOM 7. The tyrants are well-funded. The Beast does not stop at funding peasant journalists — The Beast buys entire ecosystems wherein the likes of CNN, New York Times, and the rest of the gangsters are, on scale of things, small snakes in a massive jungle.
Remember during those times when I have competed heads up with the biggest of them — Often I was working with little more than a single camera, a laptop, and a lot of frontline experience. It’s time to up our game modestly to a mobile media system: Freedom 7.
First take care of yourself and family. If you not squared-away, you cannot fight The Beast. I fight The Beast seven days per week thanks to your support.
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