Photo: Reuters screenshot
18 August 2022
Mind Dump
China has a confidence problem. China is unstable.
The world has taken note of China’s threats of renewed genocide and conquest.
Surrounding and firing missiles over Taiwan into Japanese territorial air and water. Threatening the United States, Australia, Lithuania, and anyone else. Mega bully. Remember, this is the ‘enlightened’ CCP that destroyed sparrows to save a little grain. After the great Sparrow Genocide, insect populations exploded — exacerbating the famine already created by Mao.
CCP does not possess the wisdom of Confucius.
China’s economy is collapsing. After eating the Golden Goose, they are destroying any pretense of being a civilization we should be doing business with. Imagine the level of criminal thinking a massive stupidity required to threaten and work to control and destroy the very investors, countries, and customers who made China wildly rich like never before. Those days are over.
China is circling the drain. CCP actions indicate panic. CCP is clever but not wise. Like a monkey. Very primitive.
CCP is killing China.
Divorce with the west will be traumatic.
I’ve got to head to Belgium for a few days.
Thank you for your support. Because I greatly need it.
many parallels to the USA
Thank you for your amazing insight!!