Beyond The Pale —
Twenty years of “turning a corner” are not over. The war continues in a new phase. Our government including the military continue to milk Americans of our precious lives. Every pothole or gnarly street or blue tarp you see, orphans of war coast-to-coast and across Europe and Afghanistan, Australia, and more.
All products of greed, the racket that is most war. Most American war, anyway. This war is not over. Puppet Biden and his masters left Americans behind, and are forcing them to stay in Afghanistan, and pretending they are hostages. Have you seen any hostage demands from Taliban? Maybe demands will come, but have you seen any?
I and others know for a fact that the US Government is intentionally keeping Americans in Afghanistan.
I spent two years running around Afghanistan. One of those years was alone, without military, mostly with Afghans and one or two westerners at times. Sometimes it was just Afghans and me. Days like this were normal.
I made this image after a firefight.
Imagine being in my shoes that day. I had only one Dutch fragmentation grenade, a pistol, and an AK.
These are Taliban. This is a Taliban village. Not a soldier in sight, or within miles. The deeper story behind my photographs that day are extraordinary.
And this experience makes it easy to spot the fraudsters who know so little about that land and people. Makes it easy to spot fraudster bloggers who rarely set foot outside America, and surely never Beyond the Pale. Outside the Wire, Outside the Bubble. Alone, Beyond the Pale. A place even the most special of forces seldom go while on active duty.
American intelligence should have known the chagha (swarm) was coming. Chagha is a Pashtun way. They should have known that the moment we ran, Taliban would pursue.
My other year in Afghanistan was mostly in combat with various American and British units in districts like Sangin, the most dangerous district in all of the nearly 400 districts in Afghanistan. You’ve seen movies like Restrepo. Sangin was even more violent.
I know how Taliban fight.
I know enough about their ways that I survived this and countless other experiences on the ground, beyond the pale.
If you have not immersed yourself in this panoramic image in Chora, please do. The firefight was over when we arrived. Three Taliban were dead, as I recall.
I wanted to photograph the Taliban’s shoes and other items. Even while his friends and relatives paid homage. And I knew just enough to have gotten what I wanted and survived:
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