Atlantic Magazine: Audited my Predictions
Atlantic Magazine: Audited my Predictions
26 November 2021
Mind-dump, sans edit
This David Browne Atlantic article serves as audit for years of my war work.
Some things that changed subsequent the Atlantic publication is that I did go back to the Afghanistan war.
And 12 years later, I still expose General Stanley McChrystal and his ilk even after so many ‘expert’ milbloggers (whom I call MilKooks) got the wars entirely wrong, and bet on stolen horses — like McChrystal — that couldn’t win a race if they were wheeled in horse trailers.
Remember — I went after General McChrystal back when he was a superstar. A water-walker. Back when it cost flesh to go after him.
Same with Brigadier General Daniel Menard.
I went after both of these losers when I was IN Afghanistan surrounded by their armed troops. Both Menard and McChrystal were Commanding Generals. Possibility for ‘accidents’ was high. But I attacked from their own bases.
After this Atlantic article by David Browne, General Menard ended up in prison for gun running in Afghanistan. An Afghan prison.
That’s right.
Canada’s super-star pretty-boy General — the handsome young guy who spoke French, and was a product of Canadian affirmative action for French-Canadians — let a strategic bridge get blown up just three miles from where he was banging one of his corporals. He got fired due to his failures and my work exposing them, then ended up in prison for gun running. It was like a weird movie.
One morning, the Tarnak River Bridge was blown up by a vehicle giant bomb. A bridge I travelled over constantly to head out on missions. BOOM. Killed one of our Soldiers and more. I felt the explosion and saw the mushroom cloud.
Fast-forward to end of story — I attacked Pretty-Boy-Menard and he got reduced in rank to Colonel, tossed out of the Army, and Menard headed back to Afghanistan as a contractor. Back in Afghanistan, Menard got caught with a bunch of guns and tossed into Afghan prison. Can’t make up this stuff.
But that’s another story.
Insofar as General Petraeus, he has fallen from fashion due to reasons most of us know, but he was a war winner. Imperfect, but a winner. McChrystal was imperfect, but a loser. I pretty much separate military officers into two main categories: Winners and Losers.
McChrystal was so incompetent that he embedded with known-leftist and drug addict Michael Hastings. Hastings — the guy who accused me of covering up war crimes. I did not cover up war crimes. It was a normal firefight and a couple Taliban got shot down dead. I did not mention the firefight because I did not mention 99% of what went on over there. The 1% I published was summary.
Wars are very busy places. You do more in one month of war than most people do in a lifetime. I was doing this year after year. A couple dead Taliban are not something I rush to write about. Hastings, on the other hand, was not a serious war correspondent. A couple dead Taliban were a big item for him.
Hastings was a hack. Unfortunately he’s dead and I cannot sue him. People blamed his death on McChrystal but I am more apt to believe Hasting just ran into a tree. I did visit the tree. It’s still standing.
Hasting’s body was so burnt that there was not much left. I got the autopsy to check toxicology. Inconclusive, as I recall.
So McChrystal embedded a leftwing drug addict — Hastings — and Hastings mentions in his book that they disembedded me from Afghanistan while they were drunk in Paris. It’s right there. In the book. Look at what I put on Facebook at the time. That team McChrystal were a bunch of “crazy monkeys” for disembedding me. But they were not crazy monkeys. Turns out they were drunk monkeys.
McChrystal was in Europe to drum up support for the Afghan war — the Iceland volcano stranded them.
While they were trying to persuaded Europeans to feed more billions and young people into the grinder, I was publishing the war was being lost.
McChrystal’s team disembedded me while they were drunk. Big mistake because I stayed in Afghanistan without them, and days later barely missed a deadly suicide bombing but stayed more. And finally covered the serious fighting in Thailand and then flew straight back to Afghanistan deep into the fight. I finally left Afghanistan again in 2011. The war was lost and I was not going to die there on a losing war.
Meanwhile, McChrystal’s team was so filled with losers that they embedded in my place 21 year-old Michael Enright. Enright did a short stent in Afghanistan, saw zero combat, flew back to New York, got blind drunk and slashed the throat of a Muslim cab driver. Enright is still in prison, I believe.
So think about this:
McChrystal disembedded me — who could and did do him maximum damage in return.
Embedded Michael Hastings the progressive drug addict who was the straw that got McChrystal fired after I set conditions.
Embedded Jack-the-Ripper Michael Enright who I believe is still in prison
McChrystal got fired, came back and wrote a book on leadership
General Mark Milley and Secretary of Defense Llyod Austin are sickening losers.
Many of the best officers never make it beyond Colonel, if they get that far. But there are some serious officers who have made it to the stars. Today, the system is so broken and anti-American that it puts BLM-terrorist supporters like Austin and Milley in charge of US Defense.
I am good at predicting the course of conflict and war, and sorting winners from losers.
We are going into Civil War. I will be there telling you what I find.
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